Jonathan Sanchez (0-0, 1.23) vs. Roy Oswalt (0-0, 5.40).
COMMENTS: Are you kidding me? Former Dodger Cody Ross takes Mr. No-No deep not once, but twice? Former Dodger Jayson Werth's two-run homer isn't enough to beat the (formerly) punchless Giants? Blackbeard gets a four-out save? It's only one game, but the Giants killed the Dodger-killers yesterday.
Dodger fans, already reeling from the team's first losing season in five years — as well as the McCourt divorce tango — are now dealing with the prospect of the arch-rival Giants doing what the Dodgers couldn't do the past two years: beat the Phillies in the NLCS.
BUT like I said, it's only one game. The Phillies can restore sanity tonight. The alternative is too gruesome to contemplate.
1 – 200 of 272 Newer› Newest»"Just For Men" keeps Brian Wilson's edge.
The beard is weird.
The beard is made of 100% genuine oyster pubes.
Don't miss my last comment on the Ted Thread earlier, Josh.
[Not to be confused with the TED Spread. #MonetaryComment]
I did see your comment. I opted for culottes instead.
Did COwboys really just run two plays up the middle on long yardage from their own 2?
we're doomed. fuckin' frillies are acting like they believe their own hype. better pull their heads out of their asses soon. hate to say they're reminding me of the '88 mets.
Hate hate HATE!!!
I mean, HATE!
I want to slap that fucking shit-eating grin off McCarver's face.
this article wraps up very neatly why i would never life in s.f. it's this twat's attitude that makes it unbearable.
And I would like to slap Joe Buck! Epale Y'all
Hello Everyone!!
Epale MB!
I used to be a Joe Buck fan until the Dodger/Yankee game he and McCarver called this season. I not only want to slap him, I want to kick his girly ass.
Karen's got the Hate flowing early on.
If the Hate is against SF, do we have to spell it "Haight"?
Hi Karen!
The first time I saw Joe Buck I thought he was easy on the eyes and then he opened his mouth. All illusions were instantly shattered.
DB - Hate is flowing. WTF is with the commercials hyping the fact that Phiwy needs to come back with the strains of Dream On in the background?
I've been drinking Spanky's Haterade and with the Cowboys shitty play my hate and surliness is at an all time high.
*pulls out paper bag from past seasons
I hope we don't have to listen to Buck and McCarver slobber all over Buster Posey again. Were they ass kissing the gnats in general yesterday or was it just my Hate biased ears?
Cowboys game was a mother f'er. If I wanted to watch that many penalties I'd watch the Raiders.
I didn't see the game but I don't have to. Joe Buck is indeed an ass kisser.
Beer status:
2009 Anchor Xmas that I found in the back of MDIL's fridge.
^I didn't need to (grammar correction)
The Cowboys lost? The HATE overwhelmed me yesterday and it somehow blocked those assholes out.
^ dat ass (slang correction)
Is Hamels pitching tonight?
That fucking fat fucking fuck Uribe is out Out OUT with a bruised hand. He must have spent all night alone with it.
Oswalt no?
It's all about the hair
Buck is a nonfactor to me since the Yankees aren't playing. It's McCarver who really ticks me off.
joe buck is a nipple. mccarver needs to be punched in the face.
Beer and Loathing in Los Angeles
(By way of Venezuela, Texas, etc.)
MB--I think it's Oswalt
Epale Josh
Congrats on Luke walking. Your life will never be the same :~)
Damn, I hope Uribe heals up, since he's our 2nd baseman next year.
Ahhhh, the jingoism. Start the friggin game!
Epale, MB!
Thanks. I consider it an excuse to finally get in shape.
MSTI has done lost his damn mind. i'll stick with MST3K.
Say it all all together now: SAN-chez not San-CHEZ!!!
I like a lot of what MSTI said, but not the Uribe part. I don't care if he can hit for power, I want a bench SS who can field and be a competent late inning replacement.
Bye Bye Sucker
Rosenthal is a gremlin
That was an acey inning from Roy Oswalt. Really top notch stuff.
Hell yeah Chase fuckin Utley! Dodger fan for life. Pasadena, represent!!!!
Does Tim McCarver know what a "pretty good throw" is? Because that throw sailed a few feet away from its intended target.
Give McCarver a break. He has alzheimers and shit.
I don't know about the Alzheimer's, but he certainly has shit.
Where's your voodoo magic now, Huff? Where is it now!?!?!
He looked like an Aubrey trying to field that throw.
Epale everyone!
Hello girls!
Hey Karina, whassup?
Hey they can't wave those towels. That's cheating.
Rancho Ardiendo of the good kind.
Rancho Hateradeindo
Epale Karina!!
Come over to the dark side with us and Hate up on these dumb ass gnats!!
carrera de caballito!
I mean yay!
I never thought I would say it but here goes "Whoo hoo Philly score".
the frillies score with werth and victorino striking out! the best of both worlds!!!
Games over. You don't squander an opportunity like that in the playoffs and expect to win
unless you're playing an offensive juggernaut like the jints.
Sanchez still hasn't allowed a hit.
Tell that to Hallamutt EM
What a catch!
This hurts, but: HELL YEAH, VICTORINO!
burn in hell victorino!!
This wind is a pox on the game, just like shadows.
Too bad he did not break his collarbone
what a shame, Ross almost got hit by pitch.
I liked that high and tight pitch on freaking Cody Ross!
Gints have some friggin ugly MOFO's on their team.
That ball was low, but I'll take it being called a strike.
I'm loving you so far tonite Fontenot!!
NO APOSTROPHE! Are you trying to kill me?? ;-)
Yes Dusty, it's a personal mission. Death by apostrophe's...hehe!
The Giants pitchers' are really having a tough time dealing with the ump's strike zones the last two nights.
Nice to know I'm not the only one who incurs Dusty's apostrophe wrath.
Evenin', all!
Howdy Mr. C
fuck the colts and their shitty run defense.
*hangs self*
One-nil "good" guys. I'd like a few more for safety's sake
Too easy for Torain
Evenin' Mr.C
alright well i just lost.
I think im just going to abandon my fantasy team
Did you say "hang's self"?
I'm creeping up on you!
Epale, y'all! Decent start so far, although leaving the sacks juiced has gotta sting.
Nic, you haven't lost yet but it's close.
LOL at FOX showing Timmeh striking out GAARP to demonstrate how impressive the Jints pitching has been.
If I wanted to see this many commercials between plays, I'd watch NFL.
Epale Orel!!
It's 69-69 between Spanky and me. In fantasy football.
Cheers Orel! What's the beverage of choice tonight?
Shaft Liquor
Fat Tire with leftover Chinese for dinner. Life is good.
Oklahoma got the number 1 ranking in the BCS?!? Lame, who have they beaten?
I am going to lose. Manning is throwing to everyone else but my guyz
UJTD Fantasy Football styles
Ground rule double.
Apostrophe s.
Manning just threw a TD to one of your guys.
what the hell is wrong with you assholes! fuckin' hit!
Lick it Sanchez.
@ DB
I know. I had just posted that comment when it happened
howard! lame delay on gameday. i hate delay's.
Yesterday's pitching duel is materializing tonight.
Nic and I are tied.
fuckin' werth. lick my balls you hairy piece of shit.
God damn, score some runs!
That is like a half inning delay
gameday is really slow for some reason, but i can't stand to watch these titty beasts on tv.
I took the fucking lead
how does it feel?
suck it gints!
Yes siree, I'm loving Fontenot tonite
Giant Idiots
dodgers get a shout out!
Kung Fat Panda could have done that!
The ladies are kicking the guys bootays in fantasy football
Ain't that the way…
I need some crackers for my beer. Shit is hot like caldo (soup).
you have to be fucking kidding me
Is Ross a free agent? Ned is licking his chops.
Time to crack open a Spanish Albarino.
i think he has one more Arb year.
Baseball Reference says he's a free agent after the 2011 season.
I hate everything.
^Except beer
I hate both of these fucking teams. I hate them so much. I hate every single player on on both benches, in both lineups, in both rotations, in both bullpens, I hate them all.
My sentiments exactly MLASF
I'm beginning to wonder if we brought left over bad luck from the Dodgers season with us into the post season.
Fontenot is having a banner evening.
Now i can focus on the baseball game . for now
almost time for the laker game.
Phillies with some Ecksteinesque gritty play. 2-1 PHI
Ross is totally Ruizing the Phils right now.
Phiwy getting some mojo.
Stat Lickers vs. Shaft Liquors is the fucking game of the century.
But he did not get Ross out. ASSHOLE
An extreme closeup of Timmeh's nails. EPIC TELEVISION.
@Josh 5:05 PM loved that comment!
@el montanero read the article, I got so angry and in spite I haven't seen the Walt Disney Concert Hall, you don't mess with Frank Gehry*, specially if you have trouble building sand castles (as I suspect it's the case of this person). Also, I didn't get the mockery with the library, libraries also own newspapers,magazines, records, catalogues...etc.
I want to dress up so much and going for afternoon tea at Biltmore Hotel.
*cc Mr C
This is my third baseball game of the day, do I have a problem?
Yes, you do have a problem. The problem is there is no fourth game to watch.
Frank Gehry? Like curvy linear forms much?
I like when Karina types in abstract
If you have Renteria, try Immodium!
Swing the fucking bats you bunch of fucking dickwads
@Dusty Baker haha, that's right
@Mr LASF I'm a sucker for those "curvy linear forms", ie Calatrava
@Spanky abstract like a Kandisky's painting? ;)
Manning fumble
Pat Burrell = Gaston from "Beauty & the Beast"?
Cody Ross can bite me!
Fonte-not looks like a crack head
My dog Nikita howls better than that!
@Orel Beast=Sandoval?
What's sad is that my record is better than that of the Cowboys :(
at least most everyone in the west lost.
im still alive!!
go spank go!!
I have the same record as your Cowboys MB.
There is the possibility that it can change for you tonight ;~)
Dusty and I still have one more player left each to play tomorrow. That is why it's the game of the century.
Oswalt scores while wearing a jacket.
how does it feel!?!?!
@Karina "Beast=Sandoval?"
Very nice!
3-1 PHI!
Oswalt score - suck it Gints!
*Can't believe I'm saying this. Will catch holy hell from a guy I know in Philly.
I agreed with McCarver about Victorino not bunting, but it's hard to disagree with the result.
Thank goodness for that fumble. I did not want to see Addai again.
C'mon, 'Skins, use up that clock. Make Manning throw the ball.
"@Alyssa_Milano I <3 Oswalt. #Phillies #BitterDodgerFanTweet"
How come none of the ladies say great things about Ryan Howards looks?
@Orel loved your comment, from now on I'm going to see Burrel and think "Gaston" and Sandoval looks more than the Beast than Kung Fu Panda :)
My mom says Ryan Howard is handsome.
Has Ryan Howard done anything in the playoffs yet?
Besides look handsome.
Nothing against Ryan Howard. He's just not my type.
IBB gives PHI RA!
@Orel - He's batted.
Panda sighting!
Exactly, MLASF.
Hot smash to third. Hot smash to third.
Addai just scored another TD
they only love him for his money
panda in for defense...the jints are giving up?
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