Cliff Lee (2-0, 1.13) vs. Andy Pettitte (1-0, 2.57).
COMMENTS: Petit is the postseason veteran, while Cliffly is the relative newcomer. Yanks have home field today, but Rangers have the ace-ier ace. The new Yankee Stadium was the second hitter-friendliest park in the majors this season, behind only Coors Field. I want a clean fight, boys. Nothing below the belt. May the best man win. Ding ding!
1 – 200 of 243 Newer› Newest»I so don't get that image for this GT.
Don't fight, boys.
I'd like to see Cliff Lee kick some ass tonight.
that image for the GT, reminded me of this tumblr:
Epale everyone!
Baseball, football, GT...shaping up to be a great night.
Frankie has the same toy as the dog pictured in the October 15 entry on that tumblr website. It's a little hedgehog. Actually he has two: one at our place and one over at MDIL's.
It's not obvious, Sax?
MSNBC headline:
"Starbucks unchained?
Starbucks is looking to overhaul its image and could soon be luring you to its stores with wine, beer and cheese."
Um, okay, I'm there. I'll have some JD in my espresso, please! Wait, they just mentioned wine and beer.
Speaking of boxers, I was at the Treasure Island Music Festival yesterday. Aside from seeing Zooey Deschanel, I got to see The National, performing many songs from their (IMHO) best album, Boxer.
Is Zooey a good singer?
She sang very well in the movie ELF.
Juliette Lewis Rocks!
*drives off a cliff*
She knows what she's doing with the singing. She writes nice songs, too. They're not ambitious, but they're pleasant, sunny, 70's AM-style pop. In a sea of overproduced, autotuned pop music, it's very refreshing.
Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?
I think her band performed in "Yes Man."
Those songs are both "She & Him" songs, which is her duo with M. Ward. They were the ones at Treasure Island. Good stuff.
Thanks for the intel and links, Mr F!
*sends Brett Favre pic of Spanks hairy ass via fax*
Venti Merlotochino please....
Hey that looks my dog brewski!!
The GT pic not spank's hairy ass.
I don't have fax. Can you scan it and send it to me as a PDF?
I'm in town to play the Dolphins, you dumbass.
also sprach Brett Favre
*chases Ines Saenz around EverBank Field while sporting no shirt,assless chaps and flip-flops*
Uh oh. Spanky thinks he's Rex Ryan.
Assless chaps, eh? Now who's supporting the Giants?
*gets chased by Josh wanting his chaps back*
Josh is wearing his new culottes, not assless chaps.
Bleacher Creatures were a little late in calling roll today.
Epale Y'all
Meanie in da house
FUCK OFF PETTTITTTTE you ugly bastard!
Love it! Rangers up 2-0
Hooray Josh Hamilton!!
Epale Everyone!
What's Meanie,Karen, my nemesis Dusty
Hey Karen, Spanks, DB et al. Hope everyone is doing well today.
I'm a little under the weather today, but surly as usual. About to receive a beat-down from Spanky in fantasy football, but as long as the Yankpees lose, I'll be fine.
(Just so you know I haven't completely lost my damn mind.)
Siddown, Jints fans!
DB - hope you're feeling better soon.
Thanks; I think I'm fighting the flu. Not totally sick but really, really tired as if my body as telling me to siddown already and chill out so it can fight the evil invaders.
Think I'll make some tea with bourbon to kill anything that moves.
I need Tennessee to Titan that D on Lewis
I still see a Gnat when I look at this mutt
Bye,Bye A-Roid
THAT was a stiff-arm. Dayum!
Push coming to shove with Cliff Lee Roth
Field goal range
Picture of Orel the pitching Einstein on TV.
DB - drink Drambuie. That will kill anything. Dad used to give it to us when we were kids and feeling sick. To this day I still drink it when feeling puny, especially with a sore throat.
Drambuie? sounds carazay
Drambuie is a scotch liquer.
Figures, Meanie.
Someone say "Scotch?"
Heller RB - Scotch anytime eh?
Hey boys and girls!
2-0 good guys is acceptable.
Good suggestion, MB. I used to drink Night Train in college when I felt myself getting ill, and I literally never had as much as a cold or flu in those years. Also drank it in between those times, for preventative reasons. That's why I have such a fine career in public health today!
How many broken bats can there be in one game? What did they do, soak the bats in olive oil before the game?
Evening Mr. C - Texas is off to a good start indeed!
DB - Never heard of Night Train and had to google it. I don't think I've ever seen it sold anywhere. Sounds like it's right up there with Colt 45 :~)
Exactly, MB! Gotta alternate between Colt 45 and Night Train. That's what kept me healthy all those years.
Gardner, you actually have to touch the base to be safe, man.
Cliff Lee good at baseball. Bill Simmons not good at baseball.
Kerry Collins should not be tied with Dan Fouts for ANYTHING. Weird.
What the hell is going on with this football game?
Thunderbird are the Gnats and Night Train are the Dodgers
Bill Simmons said Yankees in "a romp."
Something's getting romped, alright.
What happened to V Young?
Just need 43 yards from MJD for the win. C'mon, Jags.
Thunderbird is the word, and you're light as a feather.
Young fumbled a snap and got dogpiled on
Detox in the flophouse, no booze allowed
Remember the good old days with the rockabilly crowd
BTW, Paul: Nice boutique!
cc: FB
Fuck Mercedes
29 more yards!
Bye,Bye Jetah
I sure didn't see offensive pass interference on that.
Oooops...just realized this wasn't a mega or ultra or super duper thread, so maybe I shouldn't be talking NFL in this space.
The bat went Swish-er
Even the crowd went ohh on that breaking ball by Lee
Swisher is a swisher.
Give me a field goal titans
Is there really any point to restricting thread use to the game at hand? I mean, even when the Dodgers are good, it's still tangent central in here.
Yeah, that was what was kind of purposefully ignorant in my above comment, Mr C. Just seeing if Orel was paying attention.
I think the bats are made of plywood
I think they're made of Chinese sheetrock. WTF? At this point, the broken bats are affecting gameplay. Fix this shit, MLB.
Field goal range Dusty
Stoopid David Garrard.
The bats are not made of chinese bamboo that's fo' sho'
God damn I hate fantasy sports.
FUCK service unavailable error 503! I want to go back to conflicting edits errors.
One more goaline fail please
Again: WHEW!
Shaft Liquors lead now at five.
How many more bats can break? This is friggin ridiculous.
come on rangers
MeanieBreanie and Saxy in da Hizzouse
I want points for the kick offs tambien
I thought he broke his bat on that strike out
OMG the Jags suck so much.
You'll get your points Dude
@Mr LASF "Stoopid David Garrard."
I feel pity for the person who owns him in fantasy.
@Karina - You should know better than to have someone from the Jags on your team.
Field goal range Dusty
Paul and Mr LASF have quite the match going on!
I didn't know D-Will was with Tennessee.
@Mr LASF I feel totally your pain.
There's something bothering me: the week I dropped Vince Young, it's the week when he starts performimg.
ah, the joys and wonders of fantasy football
This one's in the bag for you, Spanky.
David is slaying Goliath.
Alright, alright, enough. This loss is tough.
Six bobbleheads next season, per VSIMH.
Link to promotional sched
@Dusty how many bobbleheads in August and September?
will it be a Esta es mi ciudad Venezuela?
Garrard is out of the game
No more Garrard.
why is he out, gentlemen?
His clock was rung Karina
He took a pretty bad hit and was shaken up.
Epale, mofos! Dusty, please cut the football chatter.
Just Dusty. Everyone else can talk football.
Bad as in hard, not dirty.
Damn you, Trent Edwards, give MJD some touches.
1 in August but none in Sept I believe.
Cheers Orel!
I do have a question, why not "Viva Los Doyers"?
Lee dodged a bullet. Come on Rangers, we need some hits/runs!
Drink of choice tonight, MB? TJ's Syrah here.
Whitehaven Sauvignon Blanc here.
I hate the Jags.
Hey Rangers, I'm under the impression no safe is lead with the Yankees
Only 2 runs off petite.
The steroid connection. Petite and A-Roid
By the way, that's a sweet hedgehog Frankie owns, Coper actually owns a couple of Tweetys and he loves THEM.
Some dark corner of my soul wants there to be a "Steroid Connection" sung to the tune of "Rainbow Connection".
is it me or people were booing to The Boss granddaughter?
It was me booing from 3,000 miles away
My dogs don't need any toys. They have live vermin to catch...(cries)
In fairness, she WAS awful.
Possum is good eats.
Thems some good vittles, I tell you what.
She doesn't eat them, she just kills them. Then I have to "bag them" and call the city for pick up. The guy from Animal Control knows my house all too well. He loves my dog.
Cliff Lee is good.
Lee is great! Too bad he doesn't play for the Dodgers.
I was talking about my good eats
And I was talking about Spanky's good eats.
cliff lee is an ace's ace. there's no one ace-ier.
Who's a good quarterback entering the draft after this year? Terrell Prior? Well Terrell, have fun with the Jags next season.
@Meaniebreanie doesn't she like to play with toys?
LASF and Spanks
And so it is, possum stew for the two of you served in an armadillo shell. Them there's some vittles.
3 more points
Chalk another one up for Bironas.
Joe Posnanski is the bestest writer ever.
I likes my possum in a bread bowl with a glass of cabernet sauvignon 5% merlot
They only like the stuffed ones and literally tear those apart within 5 minutes. Everything else is totally ignored.
They love rawhide, dental chews, and any treats you throw their way.
They are going to be passing the rest of the night MLASF. Best say a prayer
No Pettitte Syrah jokes yet?
Meanies dogs are too big for stuffed toys. They need an arm to chew on
Come on MJD
Come on over and you can lend them yours.
My 117 lb big boy is a sweetheart and the 50 lb is my little terror.
I still have battle scars from my cockapoo I trained to killKillKILL. Don't temp me with pain.
how come pain is your temptation, Spanky?
Cliff Lee is so good he needs a wine named after him.
Let's get that Jacksonville defense going.
But what's the caption?
Because it feels good Karina. It is the best feeling in the world. It is better than sex. You're not believing what I am telling you,are you?. It is called talking shit.
well played, Brett!
and epale, yall!
I am here to jinx this game
Hi FB - No worries, we won't let you jinx it.
Pinot Cliff Lee-gio?
Who crushes Lees' grapes for the wine? Snooki?
Orel, good attempt but it doesn't sound very appealing. You score major points for the effort. That is a whole heck of a lot better than anything I could ever think of.
@Orel if Posnansky is the bestest writer ever, Tony Pena is the bestest man ever and his story is the amazingest ever, too.
Thank you very much, it's already bookmarked.
@Spanky I was joking :(
TX runners at 1st and 3rd. Let's make something of it!
I have a 12 point lead
The General likes that hit
Rangers insurance! 3-0 TEX
And TX scores ;~)
Nothing rhymes with Cliff!
The cameras tonight have captured more spitting, nail picking, nail biting, and crotch scratching than I have seen in eons. Playoff baseball at its finest.
If I don't see MJD running that ball, I will be under Jack Del Rio's bed tomorrow night.
gotta think Lee doesn't come back out after this run delay
Stiff rhymes with Cliff. Sorry, that's just how my mind rolls.
Pour it on Tejas
4-0 TEX!
Plenty of seats on the 4 train, folks. Step right up!
Fucking Rangers!
"The cameras tonight have captured more spitting, nail picking, nail biting, and crotch scratching than I have seen in eons"
And that's just in the stands!
Oh MB you naughty girl!
It was the Yankees bullpen who were the stiffs tonight
6-0 TEX! Never knew there were so many Dodger fans in New York City!
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