The time has come, I’m sad to say,
For me to pack my things away;
My heart and soul from four great years,
Into a chest they disappear.
First I box up two icons,
For whom we all were merely pawns,
In proper sequence off they go:
Deltalina after Flo.
The next four items to be packed,
Are fit into a corner stack;
Tic-Tac-Toe, C4, Yahtzee,
And my perfecto (0-for-3).
Everything from PCS
Is next to go into the chest,
Sailors, chess, the Cub’s used tent,
Venn diagrams and “answer sent.”
And any space left in the bin,
I fill with random odds and ends,
Abes and Babes, Jimbo and Vma
And Broheims mackin' on Neeebs' mom.
To Pedro, Lasorda, AC, D-line:
We bros sure had an awesome time,
Which never would have come to pass
Without the tireless Orel and Sax.
And for you all in cyberspace,
A great big bro-hug from EK;
My deepest thanks I do express,
For loving the ridiculous.
So as I leave I sadly toast,
All at the bar (each one a ghost?),
We may be trained to kill Kill KILL,
But miss you all I will will will.
Yes folks, I'm very sad to say I will be going on hiatus (though I will surely still hang out as a reader/commenter). Thank you everyone, Readers and Brothers alike, for a fantastic ride. I will indeed miss everyone and everything very much. But fear not, I assure you, you are left in very good hands (stay tuned)...
Please tell me this is because EK has a huge reserve of cash and is planning a bid on the Dodgers!
All the best, EK!
Best of luck, EK! The amount of time that you and the other Sons have spent cultivating this blog hasn't gone unnoticed and we greatly appreciate all of your effort. We'll sure miss you around here.
Thank you sincerely for all the time and effort you have put into the enjoyment of others. Your posts will be sorely missed and I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors.
No way! EK, thank YOU for all the insanity. It was fun being part of your social experiments.
Team Flo 4Eva.
Answer sent!!!
I told myself I wasn't going to cry.
Thanks for all your hard work around here, EK! Your constant presence will be missed, but random, strategic visits will be expected - nay, demanded. Which is a lot more than we can say about Lasorda.
(watches cartoon bears hump, thinks of EK)
"And Broheims mackin' Neeebs' mom."
That made my day.
ps- I feel a disturbance in the Force.
^just bitter
Thanks for all the fun times EK! Good luck in the future.
*pours out a little scotch for the departing Son*
Someone stop the bleeding! "Son of Steve Garvey" just doesn't have the same ring to it.
Heaven forbid we get to "None of Steve Garvey."
(laps up the Scotch that 7777 poured out)
And we're right here on the brink of Dad buying the team. This should be our time!
EK, you know how to make a girl cry. I'm so sorry to hear of your departure. I'm especially going to miss your leading the way in Assassin's Circle. Thanks for all of your contributions and work you put into this blog. I wish you well in your ventures.
(raises glass in a toast then reaches over to pick Karina up off the floor)
I just want to cryCryCRY!!!
But that's probably the result of all the social experimentation that EK has done on me over the years.
I blame McCourt!
Dude you are a heck of a dude. Thanks for the fun frivolities and the random schenanigans (sp.)
As a regular reader/comment guy, I assure you that your absence will be sorely missed. The end of an era.
(What's that mom...)
Oh, and Mom says thanks and good luck.
I feel so cold. Maybe i should put a shirt on.
Today is not April 1st is it?
What happens with AC, or SoSG March Madness, or the puzzles?
Wait, forget the last one. Let the puzzles burn in hell.
Thanks everyone for your well-wishes and for being part of what SoSG has become (whatever that is).
AC, puzzles, etc are still available to be run by the remaining Sons...although I figuratively have packed them away they are still available for use.
And you'll still see me here and there in the comments, so you aren't getting rid of me altogether. Until then, wish me luck on my ownership bid...
Runs out into the street, carrying a fish and for a black thong (because we're all in mourning after all).
Thank you, EK, for all your contributions to this, the greatest website on these here interwebs. We look forward to having you join the civilian ranks. And good luck in the ownership bid.
Thanks EK for helping make this place a cyber home for me. Hope to still see you in a GT or the circle of death.
EK, good luck with whatever is taking you away from regular posting. I scored maybe 30 total points from your puzzles in the last 3 years. I am never any good at them but I always appreciate that they are there.
Everybody get hammered tonight in EK's honour.
Cause, you know, otherwise we'd all be sober.
Dead in here.
Thanks for pissing in our cornflakes, guys. You made Karina cry. Are you happy? Are you?
Best of luck, fair winds, may the road rise to meet you, don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
In all seriousness, I'm stunned. Hope all goes well with whatever endeavor you are undertaking that would take you away from all this.
EK, are we allowed to guess what your hiatus is about? I say they finally recognized the beauty of your luscious mane and have hired you as a hair model
Hmmm I see FB has access to insider information.
Specifically my gig is ear-hair modeling, but in the industry that rolls up into the same hair modeling family.
EK has a Brazilian on his ear hair.
E-Kay, thanks for the memories. Ear hair models are definitely under appreciated. Best of luck with that. Don't sell out and go ass hair modeling, there's no honor in that.
Is this all some elaborate ruse so, in his dramatic return to the blog, EK can unleash the PCS 2012 championship puzzle based on clues embedded here?
Jason, I'd like to think that...
EK, you know that I adore you? I'll have to go and look for graphs that make as happy as your graphs do or did
*cries*loss at words*
R.E.M. break up and now EK leaves...
world is not the same...
It's the end of the world as we know it.
*pours one out*
my dad told me that Rochester bazillionaire Tom Golisano requested an application to submit a bid for the Dodgers. Apparently he's got $1.4 billion-with-a-b to his name so it seems like he has actual means to make a run at it. He owned the Sabres a few years back.
I respect the fact that no posts have been made since this sad announcement. We need time to grieve.
ps- Fuck off, Lasorda!
By responding to this post I think we are all part so some social experiment by EK. I am not paranoid.......Quick hide the beer!
I'm so bored I'm watching hockey now.
I am so bored I am reading Dusty's post about watching Hockey.
WTF is going on here. I haven't been around in a while and I come back to this.
I think EK was the defensive coordinator for a college in Pennsylvania.
I was going to make a Penn St situation reference earlier, then decided it was too soon and too crass. Then FV drops by to go ahead and put that Sandusky shizz out there. I like it when I'm not the most inappropriate person in tha house. Though it rarely happens, to be clear.
Who's that guy?...
Old fucking news
For clarification and to make sure my notes are correct, do you mean fuck the baseball team from San Francisco or the football team from New York? Or very tall people?
Most eloquent rhyme I've read since that man from Natucket.
Your BRILLIANT charts and graphs will be missed.
Though I always thought EK would go down in a hail of bullets, this is a far more elegant send off.
@Fernie V - somewhere, Gilbert Gottfried is very proud of your timing.
Maybe Stevie sax is gotten help from his therapist and realized that there wasn't playing two guys at first and second base. In fact he was covering the right side of the infield with one guy and two voices. I just hope you didn't have to shoot yourself in the face to get rid of your Tyler side.
Disregard last message, damn kids were acting up and I messed up the message.
@Fernie V (10:13) Brilliant
@DB (10:03) Easy there big guy. You are jeopardizing Neeebs' Night at Staples.
I said that to lure you out of hiding. I actually watched and enjoyed the whole game, even that weird 3rd goal from Predators at the end.
@EK, so long dude, and may the force be with you, always. If you are the defensive coach named above, you should be happy where you are going. If not hope whatever your doing is just as fun.
Life is bigger; bigger than you
And you are not me.
Damn I'm still sad.
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