Sorry ladies (and gents), 'Smonkdate' isn't a reference to one-on-one time with the Smonkster. It's just 'Smonkstakes update' for short. Of course, he or she that wins Smonk can have as many dates with him as desired.
Here's the updated comments per week, through 20 weeks:
Perhaps more interesting is the one-on-one battle between the Misters F and LASF. For those keeping score, overall it's Mr F: 1015, Mr LASF: 917, Field: 614:
But of course, cumulative comments is not the measuring stick here. It's persistence and desire. And don't look now, but who's that nudging ahead of both Mr F and Mr LASF the past few weeks? Is that Greg? Is he outsmarting them all by saving his energy through the first 4 months, drafting behind the leaders, then sprinting towards the finish line? Only time will tell, as nobody knows where the finish line is...
Gotta love the excuse to whip out the excel spreadsheet graphs!
Incidentally, does anybody know if there's a comment limit to blogger?
Poor Smonk. With no end to this contest in sight, he is going to lead a very lonely life.
Excuse me while I whip this...spreadsheet...out.
is there a Smonk curse?
the day after the sweepstakes was announced, we ended the longest win streak we had all season. A little after that, we were on our 3-month downhill slide. I think Smonk needs to find a home before next season begins
I actually hand-drew those graphs.
Ultimately, it's not how many times you comment, but how timely your comment is. Thus rendering the graph fairly pointless. But I love the pointless, so good graph!
My take-away from the graph is that as comment frequency decreases, the end is getting closer.
Of course, 'closer' might mean 36 years away vs 36.2 years, but closer nonetheless.
Data seem to point to that, yes. Of course, by posting this, you may have created an artificial bump in attention to the thread and the contest, thus prolonging it.
*torture post*
Anytime I see an Eric Karros graph, I feel like I'm gonna die from love, that's too much to take at once.
Wait, was that another Blazing Saddles reference???
One false move and the n. . .
Do what he say,Do what he say
EK - why draw by hand? I'm sure there's a handy way to import the data/stats into excel from blogger....
Well, I don't keep the data in excel, I insead jot the Smonkstakes comments down in a little notebook. But after the first thousand comments or so I realized it wasn't necessary to write down the entire hand started to hurt. So now I just note the commenter, date, time, and then I just paraphrase the comment itself.
Plus I enjoyed hand-drawing the graphs. Sketching and coloring in Mr F and MLASF's avatars was especially rewarding.
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