Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Yahtzee R12, Initial Roll

Readers: There is no category selection poll today. I have you down for the small straight.

Pick Your 5 (multiple selections allowed):
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Nine rolls. Let's go Sixes or Yahtzee...

Rules here


Steve Sax said...

Roll, Tootsie!

Steve Dittmore said...

I'm baack... no whammies!

Josh S. said...


Nostradamus said...

Rollie Fingers.

Nostradamus said...


Nostradamus said...


1 or 5 would be perfect right now.

QuadSevens said...

Roll bitches! (crosses fingers)

MR.F said...

Sugjan Stevens last night was amazing. ROLL.

rbnlaw said...

Roll up in this bish!

Nostradamus said...

We have a small straight already set, but one more six will get our upper bonus on.

Nostradamus said...

I've got 63242356, with one roll remaining.

Eric Karros said...



Eric Karros said...

4 3

Eric Karros said...

4 3 5 not looking good...

Fred's Brim said...

I saw Sufjan for the Illinoise tour - that was pretty amazing

Nostradamus said...


Small straight it is. Take the first instance of each number?

MR.F said...

Wow. Nice one, FB. I wish I saw him during that tour. This one is very much a different side of Sufjan. But it was amazing. The greatest concert I've ever seen. Granted I haven't seen many. But wow.

Eric Karros said...

4 3 5 6

another extra large straight on the way...

Eric Karros said...

1 4 3 5 6

I totally effin' suck at this.

Eric Karros said...

...but I keep on rollin'...

1 4 3 5 6 5

Eric Karros said...

1 4 3 5 6 5 5

Eric Karros said...

1 4 3 5 6 5 5 1

nothing worthwhile can come of this

Eric Karros said...

1 4 3 5 6 5 5 1 4

Taking the 6 in the sixes.

I'm going for broke in the last round. Even a Yahtzee won't make a difference but I want final the score to look respectable.

Eric Karros said...

Well let me think about this:

-->if I bet on a Yahtzee next round and get it, it'd be 50 next round plus the 6 I'd bank this round, so +56
-->if I bet on 4 sixes next round and get it, it'd be 0 this round but at least 26+35 next round, so +61.

I'm guessing the probability of a Yahtzee is > probability of 4 sixes. But Yahtzee is all or nothing. With 4 sixes, a fail could still yield lesser points.

So conclusion: I'm not sure what to do. Any suggestions?

Jason said...

@EK - You have to take the 0 on the Yahtzee now and hope to get 5 sixes next round while the readers roll none. In that scenario you win by 4, 245 - 241. There is no other scenario that I can see where the Sons can win this thing (except for the readers royally screwing up the vote on the small straight this round).

Steve Sax said...


Eric Karros said...


(Sax and I are practicing for final, pivotal round)

Eric Karros said...

good call Jason -

Eric Karros said...


Steve Sax said...

roll (how am i doing, EK?)

rbnlaw said...

We're a lock for the small straight.

Eric Karros said...

You have good form, Sax.


Eric Karros said...

No poll today folks, I have you down for the small straight.

Fred's Brim said...

@MR F the bandmembers and singers dressed in cheerleader outfits like this.

erm... it was better than that sounds :)