Thought I'd check in with a take on last night's game. [This is not an official PGT; I would have had to remember critical details of the game itself that seemed to take 17 trillion hours to play.] The game was my third game this week, and I admit I actually almost didn't go. But what the heck, it was Sandy Koufax pin night, so I just made a right on Sunset instead of heading home from work. Game on!

The clouds were already looming ominously as I made my way up to the gates. And of course I hadn't grabbed the right waterproof jacket on my way out, so I was set up to fail. The good news is that I ran into SoSG AC, and we made sweet, sweet love right there at the top of the steps of Section 21 on the Field Level. I'm sure there are videos of it on YouTube by now. Our attorneys will be issuing a cease and desist soon. It was good to catch up with my beloved brotha from the same dad, though unbeknownst to us, the curse of multiple Sons attending games and meeting each other at the stadium was already threatening the unprecedented Sons season unbeaten streak.
Some stuff happened in the game (beat that for expert in-game reporting!) and we were pretty decent but I was mainly running into other buddies, walking around, standing in beer lines, etc. as a light rain fell. I realized that the rain was going increase so I dug in: full 24oz beer and my own table top and stool along the right field line on the Field Level. I was mostly set but others were escaping the rain and standing in front of me, so I assume some other stuff happened in the game at that point. I decided to put my head down and play some Marvel Puzzle Quest. From my vantage point, I could see lightning in the west and knew that officials would end things soon if lightning were thought to be a threat, so I headed to the area on Loge where my actual seats are that provides the quickest exit toward where my car was parked, in case the game was called. And I snagged a Dos XX along the way in case it wasn't.
Not long after I settled in to a spot on Loge overlooking the field, the heavy stuff really started coming down. Not just wussy LA rain; the real heavy stuff. On came the tarp.
The tarp! WTF? We actually have a tarp? And the grounds crew actually knows how to use it? Who knew? The tarp actually looked more like a space blanket (credit to @themunson for that phrasing). Where's my Tang?
Aaaaand....then we had to endure what seemed like hours of low-quality in-game entertainment (which I think was largely SportsNetLA re-runs) and multiple god damned playings of CCR's "Who'll Stop the Rain." It wasn't genius the first time nor was it genius what seemed like the 54th time they played it.
Luckily I had laid into a nice smoked porter and met up with aforementioned @themunson so we had a good time snarking and catching up. Quite frankly, I would have left earlier after a long work week and being cold and under the assumption the game would be called. Except that I was too much of of a cupcake to walk a half mile to my car in the pouring rain.
And then, amazingly, the rain slackened then stopped and they announced the game would resume. Ok, I thought, I'll stick this one out. It's not all that often that Dodger Stadium has to deal with rain so it's quite the novelty. It was actually fun and interesting to watch the fan reaction to the rain since it is so rare. A lot of people actually stuck it out. You couldn't see from the video (especially if you can't watch the games!) but there were a lot of fans still in the stadium; they were just up under the overhangs and on the mezzanines.
And then I couldn't hang any more. Had to go. Found the car, stayed fairly dry, and listened to the game on the way home. And the damn game was still going when I got home. Someone kill that thing! Eventually, Karina's boyfriend Cargo did kill the game with a HR blast. I feel like I put so much into this game that I deserved the win. Even worse, the Sons attendance meter was hit with its first loss.
Dry your feet and your tears, though. Tonight's another game. Unless it rains again...