Joe Blanton vs. Madison Bumgarner.
COMMENTS: Everybody, sing along!
Hey, hey hey
It gives me pause
Your fans throw snowballs at Santa Claus
And the last two years you beat us
Kept us out of the elitist games of all
I feel no mirth
Watching home runs mashed by Jayson Werth
And not to be dogmatic
But I can't stomach that Phanatic
Standing tall
Hey there Phillies
Yeah, it's kinda silly
That I'm standing here, and say sincere
That you're the team that I've got to cheer
(But) I'd be bumming
If the next round coming
Was a World Series starring...
The Giants
I'm a scratch for this game again. Heading out for my Gramps 85th. This time I am leaving my Holy Grail of Haterade with Meanxie,karen and karina. Bring the HATE,Ladies. I'll do some shots from my gramps Brandy bottle for everyone.
Do something Ryan Howard or I'll shove sandbags up your nostrils, you adonis you.
Fucking Sadison Asscollection.
Well, I used to be a Huey Lewis fan, but after his gnat ass kissing he can go to hell with the rest of the orange and black wearing, rag waving bastards.
C'mom Phillies. Channel your 2008 and 2009 mojo
I can't believe Chase Utley (and his .091 average) is still batting second.
Bumgarner: 15 pitches, 9 balls (currently pitching to Howard)
I can't stand to see gnat fans happy.
Doesn't Freddie Sanchez know he's supposed to be in a wheelchair?
I hate balk rules, but I suppose I should dig them up to see if Rollins is right.
MrLASG--When you read the balk rules, let me know whether JRoll was right or not
MLB Rule 8.05(a) - It is a balk when:
The pitcher, while touching his plate, makes any motion naturally associated with his pitch and fails to make such delivery
It's definitely gray, but I think it could be a balk since Asscollection when through his motions and then threw to first.
Blanton is pitching like my mother
Good call MrLASG!!
I've read more of the rule book than Don Mattingly!
Good play by JRoll
We're just going to have to accept that it will be a Rangers/Giants World Series.
I'm ok with the Rangers being there, I'm just concerned about them beating the gnats.
Exactly, Karen.
And it will all be Josh's fault. *reaches for pitchfork and torch, joins angry mob*
If the evil ones have to win, I hope it's on the road. I would rather deny the gnat fans a celebration in their own yard.
I haven't given up hope. The Phillies can still pull this out.
MrLASG--I, too want to believe that the Phillies can pull this out. I think they are the better team, they just need to get their heads out of their asses.
if utley can get a hit off you, it's time to have a coaching visit ot the mound
Who the hell is MLASG? What happened to the "F"?
When did the Phillies become the Dodgers on the basepaths? And the plate?
Epale, all!
Phillies lead! Never mind~
@DB: How is it my fault? All I did was refuse to root for the Phillies. Have you seen me in here cheering for the Giants?
Viva Plonko!
Phillies take lead! Phillies take lead!
Let's feast on the soft underbelly of the Giants' bullpen.
You rooting for Gnats over Phiwws is what has caused the Gnats to succeed thus far; there is clear causality. Thus, any Gnats success rests undeniably on your shoulders. The science is sound.
Jimmy Foulins
WP! 4-2 PHI
Hey kids! Looks like we'll have at least one competitive game today.
Is it just me or does Bochy bear a similar resemblance to Mitch Pileggi?
Giants kind of lucky Phillies only got four in that inning. Still, something to build on.
4-2 Phils
The Smoking Head?
I can't believe there have been no comments on the GT song. I mean, I'm no Troy from West Virginia, but come on dudes.
@Sax - You do fine work for a lad.
Wow! I step out for a few minutes to pick my daughter up at work and come back to a 4-2 score! Viva los Phiwwies!
@DB I think we need Mythbusters.
I'd keep arguing, but the score makes it moot.
AD Skinner?
Leadoff walk. Way to keep 'em down, Blanton.
shit. the giants are tying the score this inning, i got a feeling (no "whoo, hoo")
When did Mr. LA Sports Fan become Mr. LA Sports Guy? And why?
Keeping with the alphabet theme, your next one has to be Mr. LA Sports Herr.
Polanco taketh, Polanco giveth.
Mr. F couldn't stand that MLASF had "SF" in it and thus modified it to Mr. LA Sports Guy.
I don't practice Renteria
I ain't got no crystal ball
If I had a million dollars, well I'd...
...I'd be batting better than .091
What Orel said.
Blanton, you suck.
I hateHateHATE the gnats and I think I HATE they're freaky, evil fans more.
Siddown OP
@Orel, if that's true that's pretty funny. I've always thought of his abbreviation as being interesting in that it's LA followed by SF.
But I like Mr LA SG better
0 0 0 0 4
1 0 1 0 1
At the Giants' binary rate, the Phils will need to score at least two more runs in the next four frames to win it
blanton and bumgarner, both 4.2 IP, both 5.79 ERA
Maybe we need a poll to determine which name people prefer.
Epale Y'all
Whoo hoo Phiwy lead. Let's hope they hold it.
*still in disbelief that I'm saying that
You'll always be MRLASG to me.
Would someone just bean the lil' fucker already?
Why do they keep throwing inside fastballs to Cody Ross
Mr. LA Sports Guy sounds like a Bill Simmons knockoff.
What about Mr. LA Sports Chap? Then you get LA and SC in there.
Fuck. The Phillies suck so much.
I originally thought of Mr. LA Sports Dude.
But MRLASD has similar problems to MRLASF.
So what is it then? Fan? Guy? Chap? Brother? Meister? King? Purveyor? Observer? Idjit? Baron? Earl? Commander? Chum? Compatriot?
I hate that MOFO KFP
KFP and Joe Buck can go to hell.
Still no out too.
Fucking pandouche.
Epale Meanie--I'm glad you're here. We have instructions from Spanky to carry on with the HATE. I'm HATING the best I can, but the Phiwwies aren't cooperating
Hi Karen, not to worry. I'm surly today so rest assured there is more than enough hate for the both of us.
Why must the Phillies be so awful?
Because we need them to be good.
And that's the bottom line, isn't it, MB?
MrLASG--I know I'm a little late here but I like "Sports Dude" but can see the whole SD problem. Therefore, I vote for "Sports Guy"
So if the opposite of what I want comes true...
IMHO you should be LASC
LA Sports Czar or "The Commissioner" since that's a role you play so well.
What happened to the 08 & 09 Phillies we had to face??
I could get behind MRLASC.
Utley continues to suck.
I am the Czar!
Mr. LA Sports Czar
That GBA sounded like a cat fight
Karen, I have cats too. I assure you that when they screech they sound better than that.
Because Zooey didn't sing it.
Dear Phillies,
Please stop sucking.
Meanie--I guess I was maybe insulting my cats. How many do you have?
Mr. F has totally got it for Zooey.
Mr. F has good taste.
Buster Posey can kiss my skinny white ass.
Karen, let's not go there and say we did. I have a couple of my own but I also have some ferals I feed that I trapped, spayed/neutered. They must confer among each other and say "If you're down on your luck show up at her house. She'll take care of you". I'm a sucker for animals.
dammit, SF is going to win this game
Ok, educate me. How did Posey get the name Oyster Pubes? I missed that somewhere along the way.
criminy, Phillies, YOU SUCK
It's an anagram of his name.
Meanie Breanie: Buster Posey anagrams to Oyster Pubes
Dear Ryan Madson: The plate is over there
Meanie--OMG!! We truly are 2 of a kind. I've done the same exact thing with the ferals and strays around my house. I rescued a mama and her litter of 3 kittens last summer and they live in the house. The others are all fixed and hang around to eat. I'm so grateful I was able to get them fixed so they didn't keep multiplying.
Saxy - it makes perfect sense. Thx!
I'm partly joking about all the Zooey talk, but she definitely has a good vibe to her.
Oh gawd, this is fugly, Rancho Ardiendo of the very worst kind.
Fun fact, Pablo Sandoval anagrams to:
So oval (bad plan)
Kings score!
God, I can't watch.
DP for KFP =)
how ironic, KFP bails out "J-Roll"
@Karen - hats off sistah! We are obviously both passionate about animals.
Joining the party late.
Just voted for 3s for our Yahtzee roll and the results indicate chance is winning.
We got three 3s... gotta put it there.
*confesses to care more about Yahtzee than NLCS*
The way this game is going, I'm ready to switch to watching Yahtzee instead, Steve.
RyHo double!
Who the hell is RyHo?
Oh, Howard.
Whoo hoo, Phiwy showing signs of life.
Cody freaking Ross isn't the only ex-Dodger who can deliver!!
Score tied
Nice catch, cake gif!
Tie game bitches!
Come on Ruiz! Torment somebody else!
I guess Chooch is saving his hits for when he plays the Dodgers.
Ugh. Well, it's tied.
Have the Phillies gotten a 1-2-3 inning tonight?
Must be nice to have a catcher who can throw.
Martin did well when it came to gunning down runners. It was the non-Canadian catchers who fell short in that area.
Jon Heyman gets off on pissing me off.
Brian Wilson Meltdown Experience?
JPo says Oswalt warming up.
Just came from our favorite Mexican restaurant where there were at least 3 people cheering on the Gnats.
My world has gone upside down.
Bad day for Schadenfreude.
Have to say, great play by Uribe there.
There's still hope for Schadenfreude.
Utley K's here. Guaranteed.
Same result, anyway.
Well then;
I still can't understand why the Barenaked Ladies wrote a song about this Giants pitcher.
Oh, wait. Never mind.
You suck, Utley!
Epale everyone!
I must say I can't carry the torch of hate. From yesterday on, I'm all about the blue :(
@Meaniebreanie @karen we're definitely sisters from a lost mother. I once rescued FIVE stray puppies from campus. I had classes all day long so I came home around 4 with a box with the puppies.I carried the puppies to all my classes, I even got them into the computer lab, I had classes, how could I leave them outside?. My mom wouldn't let to keep ANY of them but I got them five nice homes.
Another time, I was jogging at the park and there was a little kitty, so I went to the bakery to buy him milk and bread. Next day I looked for him to feed him. On the third day, I fed him and then started to jog. Kitty was walking right after me, so I took him home and hid him in the garage for 3 days, with my dad's approval, thinking maybe my mom wouldn't realize. We got so much trouble!
I rescued a couple of cats after that, but these stories are too long and uninteresting.
Isn't Oswalt supposed to start Game 6?
Time to find how just how charmed the Giants are.
Epale Karina, welcome to the fray.
I'm taking a 30 minute break. I need to find some walls to punch.
The world is conspiring to break my heart :(
Posey a few feet away from making the Giants a team of destiny.
Raise your hand if you stopped breathing
Why not pinch run for Huff?
Epale Karina!
Aw, crap.
*both hands raised*
Thanks for the pre-emptive optimism, Karina.
In Doc I trust
Well that didn't work...
boys and girls, miracles happen, baseball taught me that.
Today was a bad day for baseball :(
Tomorrow has got to be better.
Go Rangers! Beat the Giants!
Mr. C - I just noticed you responded to my question about Posey. I missed your answer and don't want you to think I was ignoring you.
Almost forgot:
I'm ok with that. Someone's got to concentrate on keeping HATE alive.
Actually, I'm just pleased to have swooped sax on the correct answer.
I asked that question and was ignored. That right saucy minx MB asks it and gets two answers. I see where I stand around here.
That is why you fail.
Dusty, you just can't beat unique charm. You have your own going on, but if there's a definition of my sistah Meanie's charm as a work of art, hers is the Mademoiselles 'd Avignon.
Which painting would Spanky be?
ps- There are a lot of boobs in that painting.
@Karina,LASC, DB
Blushes and says "Thank you very much".
@DB - Start showing those fabulous gams and maybe people will start paying attention.
"ps- There are a lot of boobs in that painting."
that's not easy, boobs have been drawn, painted and sculpted since the caverns.
Why was I not invited to when there was art geek talk in progress? There should be a Mr. C version of the bat signal for such things.
Gams is a slang word for upper thigh.
I just noticed that this GT comes up as "test gt goobly" in the sidebar, which is what I had temporarily named it in order to make that mp3 upload work (blogger is not very helpful with that; I needed to do a workaround).
Let's face it, the Giants are going to the World Series.
Mr. LA SG: I leave 200 to you
Nope. 200
Kings win!
Your mind works in mysterious ways, Sax.
no No NO Kiddies. You got off fucking easy here. Tomorrow is another FUCKING DAY and I won't even read this motherfucker. Dodger Blue to the Motherfucking Core Assholes. Better fucking ban me from this bitch cause I'm coming on strong with all my motherfucking HATE. Who's Fucking with me Y'all!
Once again My post got Deleted. What To Many Bad Words? FUCK THIS SHIT!
Is there really such a thing as too many bad words?
i have to censor my comments on this site now children, but I assure you no one can censor me!
@Spanky: I can't speak for all the Sons (especially the dead ones), but I didn't delete your comments. I dont mind foul language if used appropriately.
You do have sum crazy Grammar and Capitalization rules, tho.
I read your comment and would like you to know that my final sentence of my blog post(if you read it) was not part of the deleted comment. Just mentioning.
Can I delete this season?
just read your blogpost spanky.
believe me, I wouldn't have deleted that.
now, i'm going back to singing with my ukelele.
Great song. Good to know I am not alone with this awful feeling in my stomach. Hope you don't mind I copied the Train album cover for my FB pic!!!
Since my posting of a song about venereal disease wasn't squelched, I don't know what it would take...
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