Pseudo-comments from EK:
- DB, I see your point about not having an Assassins' Pub-type post to make side-comments. Will think if it's something that should be addressed in future rounds (I have the luxury of making these pseudo-comments)
- I'm leaving the last Sons' roll to one of the other Sons for at least another hour.
- The split vote unintended but welcome potential strategical hiccup!
I'm re-using this post as the voting post. Readers - pick your 5 rolls!
FYI the Sons will continue with the rest of their rolls in this same thread.
Sons' Rolls so far: 4-3-4-1-4-6-6
Review the rules of regular Yahtzee and SoSG's modifications. Now, roll them dice!

Pointless distraction from the developing horror that has been the baseball post-season?
Don't say I never contributed anything!
Bet I'll six
*winds up and throws*
So, six-six-three...
Another 6 and...
...I'm spent.
6-6-3-6-5 so far.
Played Yahtzee with my 5 year old ('lil P Ditty) yesterday to practice, so... roll one.
Sort of confused... I guess I rolled a 4 first time.
6-6-3-6-5-4-1 now. Waiting for 1 more roll.
If the last digit is over 6, it's thrown out, per the SoSG modified rules. The next digit to the left is then taken.
If that digit it higher than 6, the 3rd from the end is taken, &c.
Damn, you woulda rolled a six, too.
[Ah, got it. Puts head firmly back in own arse]
Sixes, Three-of-a-kind, or Full House on the table.
I vote we sink their aircraft carrier.
DB - You're not alone. I thought I could participate due to the lack of use of brain cells. I can't even do this right. When I scroll over the time stamp I don't see what you all see. The only numbers I get are in the URL listing the blogID and PostID. What am I doing wrong?
P Ditty: Congrats on a hard fought win.
I vote we buy life insurance.
Strategy-wise, I'd say go with three-of-a-kind, keeping 6-6-6-5-4. Those numbers are a bit high to waste on a set value.
@Josh S. +1
I'm on board with 3-of-a kind.
Keep the 6's and take this roll.
Up in this bish!
Would that have been a 1?
When do we declare our intent?
Why am I asking so many questions?
Where am I anyway?
I have no idea how to play Yahtzee. I just want to "roll."
@Meanie - I feel lucky since my TE died early on and got a zero.
@Mr F
I think you mean "I just wanna roll Roll ROLL!!!!"
P Ditty
Anything can happen on any given day. I feel lucky I scored as much as I did since Mark Clayton got a big 0 as well. Poor guy was carted off the field very early in the game.
Can any of you techies out there answer my question? Why am I not getting the numbers everyone is talking about when scrolling over the time stamp? I only show the numbers that are actually contained in the URL.
Stop bringing up Clayton already. He's gone for the season. Did I not roll a four?
I think we need a ruling... I think we should count DB's "Don't count this" comment as a 4th 6 and go with the 4 of a kind!
I don't think you can see the permalink for the comment on the "Post a Comment" screen. Click through on the title of the post. All the comments will be displayed below the post with an HTML link on the Time/Date stamp.
3 it is.
And Spank rolls a 7.
Mr. C - Thank you for setting me straight.
Spank - no more mention. Didn't know he was gone for the season. (cries for him as well as for me)
Let me read through the comments/rolls. In the meantime, here's the Sons' roll #1...
Readers roll 6-6-3-6-5-4-1-4. I will assume you will pick the 'ones' category. It's such an obvious choice (it gives you a point!) I'm not sure I want to insult anyone's intelligence and put it up for a vote.
So far Sons have rolled a 4...
Roll #3
Sons rolling with a 4-3-4. Ok after this roll I'll give the other Sons a chance to roll...
Ok, I'm a little confused (I guess I have to keep rolling to make this comment).
I see DB requested his own roll at 8:42am not count. But even so, isn't the Readers' rolls 6 6 3 6 5 4 1 1? Because isn't DB's next comment at 8:47am the last '1'?
Mr C or anyone else, please confirm or deny.
And to ease admin burden, after today one can't request that their roll not count. I'm counting them all (except the max 3 rule still holds).
So far Sons 4-3-4-1, plus this one...
Expecting Lasorda to jump in and roll any minute now.
Sorry - didn't mean to screw things up. In fact I was specifically trying to guard against it. There just wasn't another space to seek clarification, unless I was supposed to trudge back to the Assassin's Circle bar and see if they were open yet and if so, if anyone knew the answer.
Or re-read the rules.
I assumed since Dusty's second comment was also bracketed, it was also meant to be included with the non-roll post above. 4-1-1 or 4-4-1 does not materially change our position, so I'm cool with however the commissioner rules.
Sons sitting 4-3-4-1-4
Ok, I'm just gonna stick with 6-6-3-6-5-4-1-4 as it's the same ultimate result either way based on your strategy. Poll will be re-activated.
EK: Yahtzee Nazi
Uh, how are we voting?
Or is that Nahzee?
I'm endorsing 6-6-6-5-(first)4 for three of a kind. See strategy talk above.
I really should not be as in to this as I am.
Shit, which 4 were we supposed to vote for?
Timing is everything in comedy.
You sunk my battleship!
Sons >> 4-3-4-1-4-6-6
Ultra-Yahtzee Thread in full effect,Yo!
Those are some awfully dainty hands in the SoSG Yahtzee logo. I can only assume they belong(ed) to Pedro.
Also, I concur with the 3 of a kind category to max out the possible score there.
BTW - I couldn't post yesterday, but when I saw the Sunday LDS thread, I just assumed it was going to be about Mormonism. It appears I would have been wrong.
If you read yesterday's thread through spectacles made from seer stones, it was, in fact, about Mormonism.
^being topical, not derogatory. The House of Customer welcomes all faiths.
I voted for what Mr. C said.
Ok, here goes Sons' last roll...
4-3-4-1-4-6-6-4, for the Sons, then.
When does voting close, then? 24 hours?
Too late?
Sorry Orel, I took the last roll. A good practice roll though, you have nice form.
Mr C, no hard rules on when voting ends, it'll depends mainly on when I can get to a computer or have time to update. I'm guessing it'll usually be less than 24 hrs, though I'll be sure keep the polls open for a min of like 5ish hrs.
So Sons, any thoughts on how to play this? 4's, full house, 4 of a kind?
Nicely played on the "DAMMIT," Orel.
*tosses 10 large on the table*
Come on give me a six. Grandma needs some new teeth.
*throws dice*
*craps out*
*craps out*
*drops another 10 grand*
Sixes Baby! Give me a Six!
Sorry, EK, I don't even know how to play Yahtzee. But I was born to roll!
Is that how you roll, Orel?
I can't wait to see how EK converts Operation to a SoSG contest.
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