An actual e-mail from the SoSG mailbag. Perhaps an SoSG Advice Column submission?
Hello Gentleman,
You assume a lot.
My name is Helen [fake last name redacted], I am 25 years old girl in search of a man who understands love as trust and faith rather seeing it as a way of fun always but a matured man with sense of humor.
It sounds so simple when you put it like that. I mean, isn't that what every woman wants?
so you should also consider trying a new thing by making a open avenue to meet and know new people as this may bring us a happy dream together.
I've always had a thing for English majors.
I am interested in having a relationship with you,
You going to buy me a drink first, sailor?
I will also like to Know you the more, you can send an email to my email address ([phishing e-mail redacted]) so that I can send you more details about my self Including my picture.
Woo hoo!
I believe we can move from here. But bear in mind that Love has no colors barrier, no educational back ground barrier, no socio-economic Barrier, religious, language, nationality or distance barrier,
I just hope you're not a Giants fan.
the only important Thing there is love. I am waiting for your mail and a brief information about you.
See my Blogger profile. I don't have all day!
I believe we can start from here. awaiting to hear from you soon so I can send pics for more introductions.
I'll need your salary information too!
Hey, where's that drink?
Earlier at SoSG: A Broken Heart in My Junk E-mail Box
So how do you guys decide who gets her? is that what this whole assassins thing was about?
We can try to pick up on her in the Assassin's Bar. That is, if she opens her mind up enough to see and believe in ghosts.
I think you should send her about you information. She sounds like the lovely girl who spend lot of time crafting an email from heart. Once you Meet her you should post her picture on internet. Your a lucky guy.
Ah, ha! It was Loney Fan all along. I can tell by my forensic study of the diction used in both posts.
Very tricky LF.
In other news, Billingsley's future health should be great, given the results of this study:
I'm just so lonely. Neeebs, if you send me you're email and info I send you pic of me.
Love isn'T the only one withOUT an EducaTionAL BackGround BaRrIeR.
Was her fake last name, Ahandbasket?
I love the obvious errors. I'l send here a information.
Me love you long time.
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