5770 was off to such a lovely start. Then USC reminded us all why they don't have five national titles this decade WITH A PUTRID PERFORMANCE THAT TURNED ME INTO...
Hopefully tomorrow's Dodgers game will bring some much-needed Mazol and happiness to the Delino, who will be downing every last light beer in the Loge Level to forget the USC debacle.
And so it's not all bitterness, L'Shana Tovah to all you who may actually know what that term means.
I've got enough of an idea.
I'll just say same to you.
Good Yom Tov, Delino.
I thought USC's traditional loss to a subpar PAC-10 team would at least carry us until the basketball preseason started. Another year missed out on playing for the BCS national title.
Maybe it's my fault for TIVO'ing the game on a holy day.
Happy New Year.
Speaking of New Years, looks like the Trojans are probably gonna play the Rose Bowl on January 1st instead of January 7th(assuming they win the PAC10).Corp sucks. He should be lynched on campus today. Once again, the defense was solid.
USC had better be fired up for Cal...
Sax - The way Cal has looked so far this year, I think USC will have a real tough time. That Jahvid Best is a beast.
Did you go to USC Delino?
Hey Double D: Why the long face? UCLA won and USC lost. That makes it one big Neeebsfest for the Rosh Hashana weekend.
Somewhere Terry Donahue is smiling.
Neeebsfest 2009!
Aaron Corp should never ever ever take another snap at QB for USC. Unless they are up 20+. Maybe.
Now you know why Pete was so pissed when Sanchez left.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! SC has three QB's that could start anywhere else in the Pac-10, hell, the country, and the faithful want to hang the freshman.
Want to explain what the defense was doing yesterday?
Meanwhile, UCLA goes 3-0. Granted it's not the best schedule, but winning in front of 102,000 is nothing to sneeze at.
Kevin Craft is available for transfer.
Oh, and L'chaim, DD.
Jonathan Franklin, however, is not available for transfer. Go Bruins.
Delino, your bathroom tile floor is positively retro.
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