Saturday, September 12, 2009

Game 143 Thread: Sept. 12 @ Frisco, 6p

Vicente Padilla (10-6, 4.63) vs. Jonathan Sanchez (6-11, 4.03).

COMMENTS: If you're still trying to process how Hiroki Kuroda could have mastered Matt Cain, and the Dodger bats could have broken out for 10 runs, in yesterday's series opener--you're not alone. 5-for-12 with RISP sounds positively nuts. So today's game tests whether this offense is truly back (along with Casey Blake, a welcome return to the lineup), or whether it was just an aberration.

Can James Loney (RBIs in each of the last four games) continue working his OPS back to levels not seen since early August? Can Russell Martin notch up his second extra-base hit of the month (adding to his double from last night)? Can we achieve double-digit run levels again, or at least get a win (which would ensure we'd leave SF in sole possession of first place)?

Padilla, 2-0 with a 2.76 ERA with the Dodgers, looks to keep the ball rolling; Sanchez has been solid in his last five starts (2.03 ERA) and won't be a pushover. But only one team has a starter with a reputation for throwing at batters with reckless abandon. And only one team has a player who has to remind himself each at bat that it's a baseball being hurled at him, and not a cha siu baau. Or powdered sugar donut, for that matter.


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Kyle Baker said...

Matt Cain, can we play you every week?

"Cain is 0-6 with a 3.97 ERA in 12 career starts against Los Angeles. He received a no-decision in his only outing against the Dodgers this year, surrendering two runs and seven hits over six innings in a 5-4 Los Angeles win on April 15. []"

Meanwhile, Hiro is 5-1 lifetime v Jints.

And can I get an amen for the NL West, the alleged doormat of the Major League? Breaks down like this:

Dodgers: tied for best record in NL; tied for best record with Cardinals; would be third best record in AL behind Yanke-mes and LA Pretenders.

Rox: better than your world champion Phiwwies; only two behind NL league leaders; would be 1st place in NL East.

Jints: their 76 wins puts them in 2nd in either the NL Central or NL East. And they would even he leading the AL East by half a game!

Plus, the two leading NL Wild Card contenders are both out of the NL West.

Not too fucking shabby! Put that in your pipe and smoke it ESPN.

In other news, Smoltz will miss at least start with a sore shoulder. Usual caveat about not wishing harm on anyone, but hopefully this will help cool Cards down as we compete for NL best record.

In still other news, it just didn't fit for Michigan to be piping in "Don't Stop Believin'" between plays during today's game.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Wow, you were on edge, Dusty. I like it!

PenosCabell said...

Something's working for Michigan.

90 minutes from USC tearing OSU a new one.

Kyle Baker said...

"On edge" is a very apt description. I'm liable to blow at any time!

Off to get pre-game burrito and ale.

Kyle Baker said...

re: USC v Ohio St

So much to watch tonight. Is there such thing as picture in picture in picture in picture?...guess that would be like holding up a mirror to a mirror.

koufax said...

UCLA 19 - Tennessee 15

Orel said...

@DB "Is there such thing as picture in picture in picture in picture?"

Before soon you'll be staring directly into your soul.

Steve Sax said...

@Dusty: re: picture in picture in picture: I think Escher did one of those once.

rbnlaw said...

U claps C claps ELLLLLL A

3 Buds in and ready to rock.

DB, bring the hate brutha. It's go time!

rbnlaw said...

I just watched them dot the "i" in Ohio.

I don't get it.

rbnlaw said...

Oh, and I now hat Man City wit a passion that burns like a hemorrhoid after a jalapeƱo eating contest.
Adebayor: dead man!

PenosCabell said...

Looked like a TD to me.

Anyone know tonight's Dodger line-up?

Kyle Baker said...

That was a real shame about Mets over Phiwwy, wasn't it?

Kyle Baker said...

Ask and ye shall receive:

Furcal, SS

Pierre, CF

Manny, LF

Kemp, RF

Blake, 3B

Loney, 1B

Martin, C

Hudson, 2B

Padilla, P

PenosCabell said...

Thank you Dusty

PenosCabell said...

Andre with the night off

Kyle Baker said...

@ Orel-

I'm staring directly into my soul now, and after all that it just turns out to be a bunch of rubber bands, erasers, bent paper clips, and lint.

Oh wait, I was staring in the wrong direction.

PenosCabell said...

Dan Herron?

Kyle Baker said...

I just want you all to know I've just tapped into the taste of Tapatio.

The dog is lookin' at me funny so we'll see what happens.

I've also tapped into several Paulaner Oktoberfests, with more on the horizon.

Kyle Baker said...

That was a real shame about Braves over Cards, wasn't it?

I feel like a broken record.

Orel said...

DB, there must be a party going on in your stomach!

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

"The two leading contenders for the National League Cy Young Award, Chris Carpenter of the Cardinals and Tim Lincecum, have made 17 and 18 starts, respectively, in which they have given up two or fewer earned runs. Wolf, a journeyman left-hander, has made 19 such starts..."

This is from Gordon Edes's article on Yahoo Sports.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Here's the link for all you lazy bones.

Kyle Baker said...

You had me @ lazy, MLASF.

Kyle Baker said...

That was a real shame about Os over Yank-mes, wasn't it?

Kyle Baker said...

Hey there's a lot of shit-talking still to come, but just wanted to take a break for a second and highlight our class organization and what it did today to honor two LA-area firefighters who died combating the recent wildfires above LA.

"LOS ANGELES -- Bagpipers played somber tones on the field at Dodger Stadium Saturday morning to celebrate the lives of two Los Angeles firefighters, Captain Tedmund "Ted" Hall and Firefighter Specialist Arnaldo "Arnie" Quinones, at a memorial service.

The two were killed Aug. 30., when their truck plunged off a mountain road in the Angeles National Forest as they searched for an escape route for a group of inmate-firefighters who became trapped by the flames while battling the Southern California Station fire that is still burning and has destroyed 160,000 acres of land."

I'll bet it was an amazing ceremony in the "church" we know as Dodger Stadium at Chavez Ravine.

Hat tip: McCourts

"When approached about doing the service at the stadium, the McCourt family handed over the facility for no cost."

Full story here:

Dodgers are the heart of LA. Peace out to the firefighters who lost their lives, and to their families.

Now let's get some runs!

Orel said...

SF crowd seems pretty peppy tonight.

koufax said...

vin is on mlb network broadcast

Josh S. said...

OK, this ump's gestures are just ridiculous.

Kyle Baker said...

Dodgers go down 1-2-3. That's okay, we're showing them a little light before we slam the door in their face.

karina said...

@Steve Sax @Dusty: re: picture in picture in picture: I think Escher did one of those once.

I thought and planned to comment about MC Escher. You beat me to it!

Kyle Baker said...

Nice avatar photo, Josh S! Is he ready for Mickey Owen Baseball School yet?

Kyle Baker said...

@ Sax and Karina:

Torre filling out his lineup card, Escher style:

Josh S. said...

Dusty, I'd love for him to go to Ron Cey Baseball Camp like his old man, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist anymore.

karina said...

Don't you love the Bison?

karina said...

@Josh your baby is soooooo beautiful...and a fashion icon ;)

Orel said...


Orel said...

Dodger fans right behind home plate!

Kyle Baker said...

Josh, then he'd just grow up walking around like a penguin.

Kyle Baker said...

Come on, O! Act like you did the first half of the season, not the second.

PenosCabell said...

Damn. WTF?

Kyle Baker said...

1 the hard way.

Orel said...

Whoops! V-Pad should have had two RBIs there, will have to settle for one.

PenosCabell said...

That was highly disgusting.

I'll take the run.

Josh S. said...

Bowa upset the Beard!

Oh well, we got one. (And saw some FIRE!)

Kyle Baker said...

It looked like Bowa told Beard to hold up, incorrectly, and Beard was teaching him about how to properly run bases.

Kyle Baker said...

Furcal, you have made so many nice plays lately. I'm going to scooch your bobblehead a little nearer to the rest of the pack in recognition of your defensive contributions.

Kyle Baker said...

Padilla...rolling. Jints....weak. need of a jump start.

Anonymous said...

when are we pulling out the "Doyers" jersey's?

Kyle Baker said...

*scooches Furcal back from whence he came after a weak at bat*

Anonymous said...

this ump is calling the high strike tonight

really high

Kyle Baker said...

When Manny is patient, with an easy swing, he's right on the money. When he swings for the fences, he's out of control.

I feel good that Vinny made that point as I typed this.

Kyle Baker said...

Sanchez on 53 pitches after 3. Let's break him down and run him out!

koufax said...

i do not like randy winn

koufax said...

i much prefer steve wynn

Anonymous said...

lol ump

nice pitch VP

koufax said...

come on are you kidding me

Anonymous said...


PenosCabell said...

Oh Lord.

Orel said...

It's like Padilla is doing all the scoring himself — for both teams.

Kyle Baker said...

Front row tickets: $140 dollars.

Getting kicked out in only the 3rd inning because you interfere with play and have a shitty 80s haircut: Priceless

koufax said...

when did our pitchers forget how to throw to first base?

Kyle Baker said...

Switching between USC game in HD and back to Dodgers on blur-o-vision is really killing me. Times is hard.

koufax said...

the game is on in hd on the MLB network and vinny is announcing

Kyle Baker said...

Sweet jesus! I think I just lost a little Tapatio on that comebacker to VP.

Kyle Baker said...


Not in LA-area. It's blacked out.

koufax said...

DB - bummer

Orel said...

Two on, no out!

koufax said...

loney is putting together a pretty nice string of at bats

Kyle Baker said...

Maybe it's too foggy for Dirty Sanchez to see where the plate is.

Orel said...


koufax said...

that was big

Kyle Baker said...

Could Martin have gotten ANY more of that ball?

koufax said...

when he swings like that its hard to believe he has only 5 dingers. however, he rarely swings like that.

karina said...

Martin's HR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My son is coming back.

Orel said...

He swung like that a lot in the first half. He just didn't make contact like that.

Kyle Baker said...

He had almost the exact cut and hit last night, but it went slightly foul. Now I (and he must) feel requited.

Josh S. said...

Martin staring at it until he knew it was fair was hilarious.

That HR total of 5 still looks really sad on September 12, though.

karina said...

If the King James, Martin and Manny bats wake up, with the pitching they've got, we could daydream of mid-late October baseball...

Anonymous said...

Vin talking about the Giants season.

This was almost the perfect storm for them this year.
No one thought the Cubs and Mets would be this bad, and Colorado being this good

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Who knows more about power than the Amish?

Kyle Baker said...

I'm spitting relatively expensive beer through my nose now, thanks to you, MLASF.

Kyle Baker said...

Pods up 2-0 early.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

That was from the Simpsons, Dusty. You can thank them.

Orel said...

Bison RBI double!

Kyle Baker said...

I thank the Simpsons every day.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Matt Kemp, you beautiful son of a buffalo!

koufax said...

kemp DESTROYED that ball

Orel said...

Pads just waiting until the 9th to lose it.

Kyle Baker said...

Jesus, JuanLove...I'm JUST now catching your Doyers remark. Man, it took me awhile. It's like working on a crossword, getting stuck, putting it down, and then coming back to see the obvious answer.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

It took me a while to notice "Gigantes"

koufax said...


As much as i would love to see the pads win, these past two games (one and a half) have reminded me of last year when we went into arizona and took 2 from haren and webb. lets hope the closeness of the penant race will prove to be good for the team.

Kyle Baker said...

I love Vin rubbing it on that there is no offense left in the SF franchise.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

One is better than none.

Yes, I came up with that one all by myself.

Kyle Baker said...

Exactly, MLASF. I guess I was jsut trying not to look at any Gigantes.

koufax said...

i wonder if bill plaschke thinks it is a problem that the phillies dont have anyone who can close a game this year. Madsen gave up a bomb to david wright to lose the game today.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

On games like this, I always look back at that article saying Bochy deserves NL manager of the year. The stupidity of the Bay Area knows no bounds, and it makes me laugh.

Kyle Baker said...

At some point I MIIIIIIIGHT start feeling sorry for Rowand.


Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I remember when the Dodgers were players for Rowand.

rbnlaw said...

Just wanted to correct you from earlier:
Chavez Ravine is the Cathedral. Not a church.

Kyle Baker said...

@ RB

I stand corrected. Not being a religious man, other than baseball, the difference has thus far eluded me.

rbnlaw said...

I just remember the reference from Bull Durham.

Is SC still losing?

Kyle Baker said...

That is just a wicked curve.

rbnlaw said...

I almost broke out the "Beat LA" cups I got from Big Phone in August.

One with Rowand on the cup.

rbnlaw said...

I hate the Gi-ants
clapclap clap clap

koufax said...

thank you, edgar diarrhea

Kyle Baker said...

I heard the Gi-ants have the
clap clap clap clap

Kyle Baker said...

Heh, Koufax, I thought I had set the bar low with my comment. Glad you are on the same wavelength.

rbnlaw said...

OSU 15
Troglodytes 10
4th quarter

koufax said...


all bets are off when we play this team. although, i try to keep it much more classy than their fans do.

rbnlaw said...

Kung Pao Panda gives you Edgar Diarrhea.

Terrel Pryor is killing the Trogs.

koufax said...

i was somewhat worried how that comment would go over, im glad to see we have similar minds.

rbnlaw said...

Close. Ball 4.

rbnlaw said...

The H&R keeps us out of the GIDP.

I love talking in code.

koufax said...

serena is trying to explain to the match referree that she did not tell her "that i would kill you" interesting drama at the US Open

koufax said...

serena just quit tha match

Kyle Baker said...

All bets are off indeed. I don't think my mom is reading this.

Karina is, but that's never stopped us before.

rbnlaw said...

"Florent Malouda struck deep in stoppage time as Chelsea claimed a last-gasp victory over Stoke and maintained their 100% start to the season."
Last gasp? Stoke City?

Kyle Baker said...

WHAT? What is the US Open situ?

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

You guys had me at diarrhea

rbnlaw said...


Orel said...

Raffy RBI! 6-1 Dodgers!

rbnlaw said...

Forkal with the RBI double!!

Kyle Baker said...

Stoke has started on fire, RB. They currently sit 7th in the table (just above Gunners). This is early season kind of stuff that happens to the best and worst of sides.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

The Giants have been Furcal'd.

koufax said...


chelsea was threatening to score for 25 straight minutes and just couldnt get a goal. it was a last gasp, but they dominated the whole match.

Orel said...

This is the most scatological Game Thread ever.

rbnlaw said...

Let's go JP!

Dusto_Magnifico said...

Good to see the boys in blue steam rollin the pumpkin patch kids.

Kyle Baker said...

@ Orel

No shit.

Orel said...

COL 0, SD 0, bot 3

Orel said...

That's a real a-hole thing to say, DB. (Get it?)

koufax said...

padres have 2 runs

Kyle Baker said...

Well said, Koufax. It was all Blue.

Since it was brought up, I'd like to give a shout out to my man Roger Spacey. Today's Chelsea win was for you, brother. Chelsea through and through. RIP.

karina said...

Lovely, Furcal "pwns" the Giants.

Kyle Baker said...

What happened, Orel? Did SD run backaward? They were up 2-0.

It COULD happen with that bunch.

rbnlaw said...

@DB and koufax:
It's the frustrating part of the EPL season. The Gunners will start strong, get on a run in the Champions, then lose to teams they shouldn't.

Stoke City was our bane last year, hence my comment. Cheeky, somewhat.

Another beer anyone?

koufax said...

very sad DB

karina said...

@Dusty Baker: "Karina is, but that's never stopped us before."

Because you consider me as one of the guys. Sigh. History of my life.

Steve Sax said...

I can't believe USC is on the verge of losing this game.

koufax said...

i have arsenal out of the top 4 this season - rbn.

rbnlaw said...

Noice FB, Panda!

Kyle Baker said...

@ RB

Please, a beer. Here's to ManU not being on top.

rbnlaw said...

Bite your tongue, koufax.

So do I, unfortunately. The UFEA cup is beneath us.

Orel said...

I must have been looking at a non-updated scoreboard. Or the Padres found a way to score negative runs.

Kyle Baker said...


Do you have Man City taking the 4 spot, then?

Kyle Baker said...

@ Orel

"Or the Padres found a way to score negative runs."

Ecxactly! Happened last night, I think!

rbnlaw said...

Wait a tic, the Gunners will finish above Spurs.
I also think Man City will fail.

And DB, I will drink to that.

Kyle Baker said...

@ Karina

No, more than anything you are just far more couth than the rest of us. ;-)

karina said...

@Dusty Baker: as entertaining English soccer is, i'm more of a italian soccer (or calcio, if you'd prefer that term) kind of girl (or tomboy)

rbnlaw said...

7:15 to go in the 4th.
Trogs still losing.

rbnlaw said...

The bastard son of Fred Gwynn and Al Lewis is batting!!

Kyle Baker said...


3 matches, 4 points for AC now...are they in rebuilding mode?

[Not giving you grief, just wondering]

karina said...

@Dusty Baker: at least i don't curse and when i do, it's within an extreme situation.

koufax said...

420ft triple

Josh S. said...

Manny going for the cycle!

rbnlaw said...

Trogs driving; clock running down.

Serena foot-faults, and then protests her way out of the US Open.

Kyle Baker said...

Manny with a triple! You chardonnay sipping portabello mushroom sandwich eating no WS trophy having hypocritical a-holes, take that!

koufax said...

DB dont forget garlic fry breath stinking also

rbnlaw said...

WP: run scores.

Josh S. said...

Man, if only the Rockies played this crappy.

Kyle Baker said...

That's gotta hurt, Jints. Manny legging out a 3-bagger on ya, then scoring on WP. Run for the lattes and biscotti, Jints fans!

Orel said...

DB, you are in fine fettle tonight.

Josh S. said...

Where's Waldis?

rbnlaw said...

Don't forget the lousy weather.

Kyle Baker said...

We have garlic fries at the Ravine, too, actually.

Those are some sta-HA-ank when the gob in front of you sits down with a big old basket of 'em.

Kyle Baker said...

I hit the weather part in my 7:03 PM comment.

rbnlaw said...

Less than 2:00 left; Trogs in the red zone.
Bucks trying to hold.
Bruin fans finding religion.

Orel said...

Hey Josh, how's Lucas?

karina said...

@Dusty Baker I'd like to believe they're rebuilding, but they are not. That's a team suited to win, no matter what. They tied to 0 today with Livorno, they were smashed by the Inter (it was very painful to watch) and then, i remember about the disastrous preseason they had (they lost every match in two continents), I'm really worried about the state of the team, specially because i want Leonardo to be the coach for a long long time. It's not easy to replace Maldini's skills as player and leader.

rbnlaw said...

I'm 5 beers in. I'm not searching the thread.

But thanks for the info.

koufax said...

giants are falling apart

Kyle Baker said...

@ RB

I am enough beers in to actually search the thread in the first place! I'm lame, you are steady.

Josh S. said...

@Orel: He's two weeks old and growing like a weed. My avatar pic was taken when he was 1 day old and now he looks almost completely different.

Thanks for asking!

koufax said...

SC scores 1 minute left

rbnlaw said...

Trogs take the lead over the Buckeyes.
one minute left.

Josh S. said...

Did Panda Bowl think it was 3 outs?

rbnlaw said...

Thanks DB, I like to think I am.

SC goes up by a FG. Fuckers.

Sorry, karina.

Kyle Baker said...

@ Karina

I hear you. Mainly I just think AC are a bit long in the tooth. If you have a lot of youth mixed in, then it's called veteran leadership. If not, it's called being old.

Whatever you do, please try your best to beat up on Inter next time, even if that means some questionable tackles.

rbnlaw said...

Hong Like a Chi Kuo!!

Kyle Baker said...

"Strong earthquake rocks Venezuela" ???

rbnlaw said...

Time for beer #??? oh, it's time for another.

Kyle Baker said...

SAMMY OCTOBER! Time to go US on my liver after all that GER stuff.

Kyle Baker said...

USC wins

Matt Barkley praises god for the win. That makes the win even less palatable.

rbnlaw said...

I do like the SA Oktoberfest.

How close to Marcaibo is Caracas?

Caracas always reminds me of Gregory's Girl.

Josh S. said...

Giants were hong out to dry.

karina said...

@Dusty Baker: i'm crossing fingers they'll improve, i think there are problems with the young and the experienced, Gattuso and Pirlo are in a rough patch and they are fundamental for the team's performance.

They'll have to improve, because they won't be forgiven if they can't pass for the next round at the Champions League.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

@Dusty - What'd Barkley say?

Orel said...

Good stuff, Josh.

Karina, has your world been rocked?

rbnlaw said...

Freakin Barkley. He goes to mater Dei and thinks God favors him.
Stupid jerk.

Kyle Baker said...

He just praised his god about 13 times in a 20-second interview.

Then I saw OSU fellas on the field praying afterward. Were they saying god, why do you like their QB better than ours?

karina said...

@Dusty Baker:around 700 Km. It was a 6.2 Richter grade earthquake but very fortunately (thanks the Lord) there are minor damages and no deaths. There are some people injured, but their injuries are minor too.

Everyone seemed to feel it but me, but again i'm still feelin dizzy and i live in a house. Someone called me and i was worried because my parents were on the road, very near of the earthquake's epicenter.

rbnlaw said...

DB, that is funny.

OSU: Why has god forsaken us?
USC: God loves us more!!
God: You are all morons!

Kyle Baker said...

@ Karina

I've always liked Gattuso. Mainly I just like saying his name in an exaggerated manner: Gat-TOO-SOOO!

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

As much as I love sports, the endless tributes to God make it so much harder to tolerate, especially when it's the team I hate losing. It's like Brad Lidge is mocking me, saying God likes him more than me.

rbnlaw said...

2-1 Pods.
They still suck.

karina said...

My parents are safe at home, they decided to come back a day early :).

My brother and i were freaking out because cell phone communication was poor for half an hour or so and talking over cell phones on roads here is not very reliable either.

Kyle Baker said...

Exactly, RB

"Now I have to go appear in a tortilla in Mexico..."

Kyle Baker said...

Glad to hear you and yours are ok, Karina.

rbnlaw said...

Panda thought it was dim sum.

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