Everybody has problems. And we, your loyal SoSG writers, want to help.
Maybe you're facing a tricky work situation. Maybe you don't know how to approach that young lovely you've had your eye on. Or maybe you're thinking frosted tips but aren't sure you can pull them off. Whatever the nature of your problem, our panel of thoughtful, intelligent, and unlicensed experts (us) are itching to lend a hand.
Here are a few guidelines:
- Please submit only real problems. It can be a trivial or a serious problem, and can of course be tinged with humor, but we want to hear about real situations (this isn't a contest to see who can invent the most outlandish predicament).
- Although there's a good chance we'll lace our response with some humor, the crux of the advice we give will be real. For while we can't guarantee that we'll always be right, we do promise to always have your best interest in mind.
- Any submission is made with the understanding that it may be published here, along with SoSG's response (although not every submission will necessarily be published). And you can request that your identity/username be kept anonymous, which we will of course respect. You don't even have to tell us who you are.
- We cannot pre-determine exactly which Son will reply to your letter. In some cases it may be more than one Son. And in some rare cases, it may even be a non-Son.
- Please include in the subject line of your submission "SoSG Advice Column."
So write us with your problem, we are waiting to hear from you. Because we care more than you think*.
*Granted, some of you may not think very much.
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