Sunday, September 27, 2009

Post-Game 156 Thread: Not So Fast


"Time to ice up the bubbly!"

—Charley Steiner, after the Dodgers took the lead in the eighth inning

If it's any consolation, today's ninth-inning loss was a team effort: Clayton Kershaw allowed two runs in four innings of work, Andre Ethier was thrown out at third and Matt Kemp was picked off first in the fourth, the Dodgers loaded the bases with one out but scored only once in the seventh, and Jonathan Broxton melted down in the ninth, aided by errors by Rafael Furcal and Ethier.

Magic number remains at one; Colorado currently leads the Cardinals 4-3 in the bottom of the fifth. Early start (9:30 a.m.) tomorrow — hang in there, Dodger fans!


Anonymous said...

for those who dont know, the rox/cards game is currently on TBS

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Steiner: Well, here comes McKinley to shake hands. It's the end of the convention, and I think it's safe to say the president will walk out of here alive and well and - Oh my goodness, McKinley's been shot!

Kyle Baker said...

You pukes! It means we all have to watch and (possibly) "celebrate" from our offices. What a lame-ass letdown, Dodgertown. I hope you understand what you've done to yourselves. Now go to your room!

Kyle Baker said...


Dewey Defeats Truman!

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I'm out all day tomorrow. I really wanted to clinch today. This has been a revolting turn of events.

rbnlaw said...

Sorry, I was busy. What'd I miss?

Never mind, I heard the worst in the car on the way home.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

We should just do a thread of Steiner's Steiner-isms.

Anonymous said...

we clinched last year after a loss too

maybe we can do it again

id rather just do it tomorrow after we win though

Josh S. said...

I turned off the radio in the top of the ninth to go into Target. I just found out the result. Needless to say I'm WTFing all over the lpace.

Kyle Baker said...

The schedulers were cruel to us this year. Can you imagine - we have to close the season with Nats, Pirates, and Padres. Jeesh, that's murder!

Josh S. said...


Kyle Baker said...

"WTFing all over the place."

Nice phrase. WTFing left and right, as it were.

NicJ said...

My own two word review of the game.

Shit Sandwich.

Anonymous said...

the rockies are gonna win

cards dnot gain ground and we can clinch tomorrow

Kyle Baker said...


Emphasis on the first word.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

A lot of thoughts on DodgerTalk about what went wrong. One guy said Broxton should have thrown at Milledge's head. Another guy said Steiner's a jinx (the only one sane caller) and then a guy complaining Broxton did not throw a slider.

Kyle Baker said...

Too pissed off and still too sober to listen to post-game talk so thx for the intel, MLASF.

I think Broxton's problem was that, other than throwing the ball forward (not backward), he had no concept whatsoever what to do with the ball or where it should land at the end of its flight, with respect to the start of its forward trajectory.

Kyle Baker said...

My reply Tweet to MLB Twitter feed:

"Send 37 more Tweets about Yankees winning, pls!"

Kyle Baker said...

Right up to your face and dissed you, MLB!

NicJ said...

The call about broxton headhunting was crazy. Towards the end of the call he made it seem like broxton did it because he was a racist.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I couldn't understand what the hell that caller was saying. I thought he wanted Broxton to go for the head, but now that Nic clears it for me, his talk about holding an ivestigation kinda makes more sense now.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

To make things worse, my fantasy football team is stinking it up.

Kyle Baker said...

phiws win.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Rox still up by one.

NicJ said...

I don't know about you guys but I'm still pretty clenched about the loss today.

Kyle Baker said...

Roxup 403. Top 9th. 1 out. 2 Cards singing. Is Jim tracy nervous? Yes.

Kyle Baker said...

^ Jesus, I typed that like a 9 year old girl.

"Rox up 4-3. Top 9th. 1 out. 2 Cards singing. Is Jim Tracy nervous? Yes."

Anonymous said...

men on the corners

ludwick up
still rox by 1, 1 out

Anonymous said...

lol what horse shit

Kyle Baker said...

Rox got their sox off and win 4-3.

NicJ said...

At least I got to see some
good defense today.

Kyle Baker said...

I'm glad Rox won for two reasons. 1) Hold Cards back from best record race and 2) Reminds our lads how they f'd up today. Put the Cold Duck on ice, Mitch Pool.

Anonymous said...

that was an awesome play

Kyle Baker said...

Any Belly#2 injury news? I'm too lazy/pissed off to research it.

Steve Sax said...

Charley Steiner also jinxed Chad's no-no earlier this week. Between this, and never telling the score, he must be stopped.

Steve Sax said...

Mr LA SF 2:12p: LOL. I think this is the only Dodger blog with a McKinley reference, at least this month. Nothing like a turn-of-the-century political reference to drown our sorrows!

NicJ said...

I believe belli 2.0 had a minor groin strain, he didn't think it was too serious though.

Kyle Baker said...

@ NicJ

At least Belli 2.0 didn't strain his major groin.

Kyle Baker said...

Mrs. Dusty, whom I love dearly, and her sister-in-law, both of whom you all know by now are hardcore Dodgers fans, but who still manage to have normal lives (unlike me), and both of whom play starring roles in my running commentary/masterful insight/insipid snark on this site, just walked in from seeing a movie and told me that today's loss was ENTIRELY my fault since, during the game, I donned a cap I hadn't worn in weeks ("LA Opening Series 2009," with bunting graphic), and therefore broke the karmic spell woven throughout the game, and at the same time conspired to write, perhaps, the longest run-on sentence in SoSG history, or at least the sentence that contains the most commas, I would guess.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

@Sax - Are you saying McKinley isn't a popular president? Because I would beg to differ.

Nostradamus said...


Well, he's no James Garfield, but he'll do.

NicJ said...

Why is Keith Olbermann wearing grandma glasses?

Fred's Brim said...

Making the long ride home after that embarrasment. Not even getting my picture taken with Sauerkraut Saul the racing pierogi can soothe my angred soul after this debacle. I really hope this is the last of the garbage play we see this season

rbnlaw said...

What'd I say the other night? There's only so much beer I can drink? Something stoopid like that?

Well, after today's game. I'm testing that statement.

I was in the car coming back from Disneyland (dropping off rbn daughter #2 after getting her signed in by a friend) and trying to listen to the game in one ear and my friend in the other.

He wondered why I had to ask him to keep repeating himself. He's a hockey fan. Anybody know about that sport? I used to watch it when Dionne, Simmer, and Taylor were manning the Triple Crown Line.

Kyle Baker said...


I'm anxious to hear your results.

karina said...

We had a blackout for a half an hour last Saturday and the Internet didn't work 'till late last night. I'm glad i wasn't there to witness this team effort to lose, but you know, it could be worse:
we could be Pirates fans, glad to beat one of the best teams in baseball, though mediocre was a collective first name yesterday.

Rob said...

The Giants had champagne iced up during Game 6 of the 2002 World Series, too.