Vin Scully, from yesterday's telecast:
Maybe it's a turnabout, I mean I can remember a long time ago, when the number-one Giant pitcher, his name was Sal Maglie, and he had the nickname of "The Barber."The reason they called him "The Barber" — not because he cut hair, but to use the old slang, he would give the hitters a shave. It'd be a fastball under the chin, and then a slider down and away.
And for Maglie, he was really hated in the borough of Brooklyn.
And then one day, a trade, and Maglie wound up with the Dodgers, rooming with a fella for whom he had all kinds of battles, Carl Furillo.
And then the cap? He pitched a no-hitter, did Maglie, against the Phillies, and a star was born and forgiven at the same time.
Brad Penny, now in a Giant uniform, makes his first pitch down and away....
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