Friday, September 18, 2009

Game 148 Thread: Sept 18 vs. Frisco, 7p

Vicente Padilla (11-6, 4.42) vs. Jonathan Sanchez (6-12, 4.16).

COMMENTS: The Dodgers awaken from a relaxing off-day hibernation period, nested smack dab in the middle of their six-game homestand, to find a desperate Giants team clinging to Wild Card hopes, 3.5 games back of Colorado with 16 games to play, and a bunch of sharp-nosed fish (winners of seven straight) breathing down their necks (through gills, of course). The Dodgers are fresh off a sweep of the Pirates, and now face Sanchez, 0-4 lifetime against the Dodgers with a 5.68 ERA, and a 9.00 ERA in the Stadium.

Meanwhile, the Dodgers start Padilla, 3-0 with 1 ND since joining the Dodgers, who has seen his ERA drop a half-run over his four Dodger starts, while wielding a penchant for throwing at batters he doesn't like. You don't want to get Padilla angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.

Honestly, I can't recall a recent Dodgers-Giants series about which I've approached with such a cavalier attitude; I don't know if it's because I think we're safely in the postseason, or because I know the Giants are awful, or both. Nonetheless, it is Dodgers-Giants, the rivalry--and so I'll be at the Stadium tonight (field level third base side; comment if you'll be there and want to grab a beer), and I'm sure I'll get more fired up when I see the Halloweenies out there on the field. We're going to win. And, I'm looking forward to the post-game fireworks, as well as the potential for during-game fireworks from Padilla.

yawning bear photo from o0Tiger--Lilly0o's photobucket album; Hulk photo courtesy of whomever that very angry green dude wants


Steve Sax said...

Rockies have about a half-hour headstart on our game tonight.

Kyle Baker said...

Headed to the Yard with Mrs. Dusty and sis-in-law tonight. I was thinking about what my season's magic number is. I'm 13-7 so far, and I believe I have three games left in me this regular season. So I guess I'm already guaranteed a winning season, and with some hard work and focus, may be able to end with only a single-digit loss column. I'm on a 4-game win streak now [self-edited phrase about riding a hot bat so MLASF couldn't hit me back with a comment].

Greg Zakwin said...

4+1 anniversary today.

Never Forget.

Erin said...

I'm in the press box tonight. Or I will be, but I'm running late. I will probably get in the gates at about the same time they open for everyone else. Annoying, but true. See ya soon, Sax!

NicJ said...

Lineup for SOLD OUT Dodgers game:  

Furcal SS 
Martin C 
Ethier RF 
Ramirez LF 
Kemp CF
Blake 3B 
Loney 1B 
Hudson 2B 
Padilla RHP

Steve Sax said...

@Erin, we're going to stop calling you "Scoop".

@Dusty, you down on field level? Want to say hi?

Alex Cora said...

Have fun everyone - Boo the Panda!

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Damn you, economy. I could only go to four games this year, and I never got to see anybody from SoSG. Either I need a raise or you guys need to start getting cheap-seats next year.

Greg Bishop said...

Will be there in reserve 24, row G. I'm still waiting for at least a beer for using my comment on the front page! ;)

Kyle Baker said...

@ Sax

Honestly I don't know where I'm at. I have some comped tix through an organization hosting an event tonight (Strike Out AIDS) so I will only know when I get there.

As always hit me up at

Steve Sax said...

@Greg Bishop: isn't the fame of the SoSG front page enough? Perhaps it is I who needs said beer.

Let me know if you make it down to field level; I probably won't be able to make it up...

NicJ said...

Giants fans at mccovey seems pretty confident that the giants can hit the pitchers we got from a "2003 yard sale"

I'm sure they found most of their hitters from said yard sale.

Roberto Baly said...

Star Wars update:

Erin said...

Sax, I sent you an email to the Sons address.

Erin said...

And if I'm not mistaken, Nancy Bea is currently playing "I Enjoy Being A Girl" on the organ. I'm sure it's a coincidence that it's when the Giants are taking BP.

NicJ said...

Anyone spot Steve Perry decked out in giants gear yet?

Erin said...

I don't see him on the field, Nic. I'll keep my eyes peeled.

Kyle Baker said...

Note to self: (3rd notice) left field pavilion beer lines are cash only.

Kyle Baker said...

Erin- im probably sitting about as far as I can b from you. I'm in LFP, section 307, row 7. Z as in last letter of the alphabet, and thus, the last row.

Erin said...

Yep, DB, we're about as far apart as is possible. If you wave, I'd probably see you. 307 is right under Tommy Lasorda's retired number, and I have a nice view of it.

Erin said...

I may or may not see Steve Perry right now. Someone is in an ugly Giants hat, a flannel shirt, and shorts. Blake was just talking to him, and now he's shaking hands with a bunch of girls behind home plate. The girls are all wearing the same shirt. I have no idea if it's him, but it could be, and it would make MSTI correct in assuming Perry's friend on the Dodgers is Casey Blake.

Kyle Baker said...

Just waved. I'm the only lone dude on this row right now, right on the aisle

On the bright side they now have sam adams on tap over here. Evens out.

Wave to my boss who is about to be recognized on the field (Mario Perez).

Erin said...

I definitely see you, DB. I missed the wave, but I can see the lone guy in row Z.

Erin said...

Ben Maller of Fox Sports just confirmed that it is Steve Perry. He has binoculars, so I believe him.

Kyle Baker said...

Cool! Let me know if there is anything important I should focus on during the game. I can look it up on my BBerry. *sigh*

Steve Sax said...

Sax is here!

NicJ said...

can the dodgers arrange for the guy who plays air guitar to "dont stop believing" to sit next to steve perry just to piss him off?

Erin said...

Colorado has the bases loaded with two outs in the top of the first. Not a good start for the Diamondbacks.

Erin said...

Sax, I think I'll come see you shortly.

NicJ said...

im fully expecting the rox to sweep this weekend. doesn't matter though because all we have to do is win and who cares what the rox do.

Steve Sax said...

Erin, hit you back five Mins ago

db, letme know if you're here, and send an email to

ok, I'm excited now! Beat the Giants! Curse the panda!

Erin said...

Got the email, Sax. Christine has found herself a seat she likes by the bullpen, so she's unwilling to leave it until asked to by security. So we'll have to wait a bit, I think.

Erin said...

That is not a good start. I weigh more than Velez. He should not be hitting them out of here.

Josh S. said...

Well THAT wasn't good.

World's skinniest home run?

NicJ said...

im sure you would of hit that thing out if you got a meatball over the plate like that one erin.

Man, O Dog's range to his right is not good.

NicJ said...

oh come on.

Erin said...


Erin said...

Chrisine is sitting in the front row right where Manny caught that ball. Bet y'all saw her on TV.

NicJ said...

woo, dp.
now lets get some runs.

NicJ said...

that was nice, lets not waste it.

Erin said...

All right, Sax. Change of plans. I think I might come down sometime after the seventh. You guys aren't planning on leaving early, are you?

Erin said...

That's Martin, up to his old tricks.

NicJ said...

seriously why doesnt martin understand the concept of situational hitting? if there is a man on first, try to go the other way.

NicJ said...


NicJ said...

make him pay manny.

Erin said...

Man alive, this place is LOUD tonight.

NicJ said...


Orel said...

Ethier HBP intentional?

Erin said...

Hard to say, Orel. But I'm sure Padilla will let us know what he thinks soon enough.

NicJ said...

lucky sanchez.

NicJ said...

nah, it was a curve that didnt curve.

Erin said...

There's a few guys beneath me with a chant going. One guy yells "Boo!" and the others yell "-ríbe!"

Erin said...

Just saw Steve Lyons in the dining room. He did not wink at me, even though I smiled at him. Apparently, I turned 29 and lost all my mojo.

Jimbo said...

Steve Lyons only acknowledges Juan Pierre.

NicJ said...

Padilla is not long for this game, 45 pitches already

NicJ said...

again with the DP's

Erin said...

They're playing "Mound Ball" on DodgerVision live tonight. Normally it's a video package later in the game, but tonight they're showing it after every half inning.

NicJ said...

what the hell is going on?!?

karina said...

I'm worried.

Erin said...

That was embarrassing to watch. Velez probably could have scored there. Saves Kemp an error.

Orel said...

Thanks, Erin. Give Steve some time, he'll come around.

Erin said...

Pretty much the worst case scenario there.

NicJ said...

god damn it, i think thats the game.

karina said...

You suck, Panda.

Orel said...


NicJ said...

well, who is behind padilla in the pen?

NicJ said...

this was supposed to be the easy game too.

Erin said...

Pardon my French, everyone. I can't say it in the press box, so I have to vent my frustrations here.

karina said...

@Erin he just wants to be "interesting"

When is this inning gonna end?

NicJ said...

hopefully padilla beans someone at least before he exits.

karina said...

@Nic j exactly my thoughts

Let's lift our spirits, game is too young.

Erin said...

Great inning, guys. Just great.

Erin said...

I already see brake lights in the parking lot.

karina said...

Gotta run! i know they'll win, comment profusely, please?

NicJ said...

well at least there was no DP in that inning.

NicJ said...

i think the dodgers thought the giants were just going to roll over tonight.

Erin said...

Meanwhile, AZ is putting up a fight. They were down 4-1, and now it's all tied, 4-4.

NicJ said...

manny is chasing bad pitches, he should have walked by now.

Erin said...

HELL YEAH. Awesome.

NicJ said...


ten pitch at bat HR!!!!!!!!

Steve Sax said...

Boooooooom goes Manny!

Steve Sax said...

And the rox are tied, right?

NicJ said...

Bison speed!

Erin said...

Yep, still tied 4-4.

Anonymous said...

ultimate tease by blake

Erin said...

God, it came so close. Painful.

NicJ said...

base hit ties it up, maybe road loney will make an appearance.

NicJ said...

come on base hit o dog!

NicJ said...

i could go for one of those non curving curveballs right now.

Erin said...

Shit. Okay, but it's only the fourth. We're right back in this thing.

NicJ said...

wtf o dog?

NicJ said...

i hope sanchez stays in for another inning.

NicJ said...

hahaha, that was like the same exact DP as before.

Erin said...

It's so funny watching Hudson just pause and shuffle over, and then make the throw.

Gagne's lucky glasses said...

I've missed the game up to this point but saw that Manny hit the HR and Padilla is stinking up the place. How does everyone else look?

Erin said...

Tie game, baby!

Kyle Baker said...

Did Karina say she was worried? That's the most negative thing I've heard her say.

Security summarily kicked out most Jints fans in the bleachers just now. It was like an inquisition.

NicJ said...

wait, why is furcal trotting around the bases while they play Zombie Nation? I changed the channel, do the do that for groundouts now?

Steve Sax said...

Oh baby, if Furcal gets back on the zone..

Orel said...

SF 4

Orel said...


Steve Sax said...


NicJ said...

we are going to have to hold them at some point.

Steve Sax said...

Please, stop the Tron.

NicJ said...

why doesnt tron throw a sinker anymore?

NicJ said...

we have never really been in control at all this whole game, always chasing.

NicJ said...

we should be credited one run for a delay of game.

NicJ said...

molina had to change his leg guards. the broke or something

NicJ said...

are they seriously changing pitchers to get loney?

NicJ said...

and loney has a higher AVG against lefties.

Josh S. said...

@Erin 7:21:
A quick rewind on my DVR revealed that Christine was indeed quite visible during Manny's catch. I think she was just off camera during the home run, though. (Unless she wasn't sitting there anymore.)

Josh S. said...

Hey, who's the new set-up man?

Josh S. said...

Post No Bills.

mpearse89 said...

I bet Penny had no problem with Romo running off the mound cheering like that. Douche bags.

Orel said...

I see Bills is his usual sharp self.

Josh S. said...

I see the bullpen isn't an option for Chad either.

Can he catch?

Josh S. said...

Thank the maker!

Josh S. said...

At least the magic number shrinks again.

Backing into the Western Division championship two years straight?

Josh S. said...

Am I violating some sort of game thread gag order or something?

Josh S. said...

C'mon, Thome!

Josh S. said...






Josh S. said...

The Baseball Gods haven't gotten the message that both Erin AND Sax are at the game. We're not supposed to be losing.

Welcome to my game thread, everybody!

Josh S. said...

Hey Josh.

Josh S. said...


Josh S. said...

Stop talking to yourself.

Josh S. said...

But I'm so fascinating!

Josh S. said...

Far more interesting than this game, anyway.

Josh S. said...

This is a really nice set-up for a repeat performance of three years ago.

NicJ said...

way to keep the game in reach bills

Josh S. said...

I think Luke is waking up, so now no one will be commenting.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Ralph: Daddy, why is Josh talking to himself?
Wiggum: That's because he's insane, Ralphie. Lots of crazy people do it.

Chad's pitching his way out of the rotation.

Erin said...

Hey Josh. Christine was out of the seat, just barely, by the time Manny hit the homer. She was not happy about being kicked out at such an inopportune moment.

I left the press box and came down to hang with Sax and his wife (who is lovely, by the way). They've left already but it was a good time watching the game with them for the last few innings.

NicJ said...

the giants have 15 hits, i think that says it all.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...


A: Always

B: Be

C: Closing

Always be closing, ALWAYS be closing! You call yourself a salseman, Billingsley? Coffee's for closers.

rbnlaw said...

Geez. Nic and Josh S. doing the heavy lifting tonight.
Sorry, I was playing tonight (we won, thanks to my last out catch in right center and my timely hitting and my awesome base running and my. . .you get the picture), and, of course, drinking so no input.

NicJ said...

taking two out of three is going to be quite the task now, however we only need one to take the season series.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

@Nic - That and Timmeh's going tomorrow.

Orel said...

Well, the good thing is — wait, there's nothing good about this.

rbnlaw said...

MLASF dropping the Hurly Burly science.

NicJ said...

you know you have hit an all time low when you are pitching out of the bullpen and mota needs to come and bail you out.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

@Rbnlaw - Hurly Burly?

NicJ said...

time for jp to start the HR magic

rbnlaw said...

Sorry, Glengary Glenross science.
Drinking. Only excuse I've got.

Josh S. said...

Here come Russell Martin to save...

...oh wait. It's Russell Martin.

NicJ said...

end it with russ, an extra little treat for the gints fans.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

That does it.

Josh S. said...


NicJ said...

it seems like we got a lot more runs than 4 for some reason.

rbnlaw said...

Nic and Josh have been priceless tonight.

And we lose to that shit-assed team from Northern California. Crap.

. . .and Bills; you blow.

NicJ said...

4 runs should beat the giants.

NicJ said...

it was "Who doesn't want to pitch in the playoffs" night.

rbnlaw said...

Ugh. Why bother with a MFPGT at this?point?

NicJ said...

we just came out flat tonight.

Bayareadfan said...

"it was "Who doesn't want to pitch in the playoffs" night."

Haha, well said.

In that case, Bellisario was the only one who passed the muster.

Steve Sax said...

@Josh S: sorry for not commenting, and tonight's loss was indeed bad. But as for the Giants? They're still entrenched in third place.

And third place means, you're fired!

Bayareadfan said...

Yep...and a set of steak knives for the Rockies.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

And a Cadillac Eldorado for us!

Kyle Baker said...


I'm in the passenger seat of sis-n-law's car, on the computer with mobile broadband making this post. Cause god knows I can't wait another ten minutes to get home. And god knows I have insight that wil truly change the world! *evil laugh*

Game notes to follow.

Kyle Baker said...

Please tell me this Bills experiment is over. Please? Please!

It was like watching a car accident about to happen and being powerless to stop it.

Fred's Brim said...

this Bills situation is really bothering me this morning. if you are gonna skip his start, skip his start. That to me doesn't mean random bullpen time. There is very little positive coming with bringing in him from the pen. The risk of him stinking and losing more confidence is so much greater than him gaining some kind of confidence from a decent inning trying keep the team close. I am guessing his next outing will be against the Nats next week. I sure hope he rebounds well against them. I can't imagine how he would feel if he gave up a bunch of runs to those scrubs

Kyle Baker said...

Thanks for saving me a lot of typing this morning, FB. That's exactly what I was going to say.

Sadly, it's the first thought I had this morning when I wole up. Gonna be that kind of day.

Fred's Brim said...

DB, racking up 11 hits and 7 runs against Brad Penny this afternoon will make me (and I bet you, too) feel better

Josh S. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.