Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Post-Game 158 Thread: Everybody Panic



Jimbo said...

After tonight's game, we will need those bar glasses.

Orel said...

Win or lose, we need those bar glasses.

Kyle Baker said...

There once was a team from L.A.,
Who into October will play;
Sax said we were through,
What's wrong with our Blue?
I don't even know what to say.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

We're past the point of anomaly or "it's just one game". This is a full fledged downward spiral in which there appears no sign of escape. And worst of all, the Rox have only two games left before they can take it to us.

NicJ said...

By the speed of the posting of this PGT, I'm thinking you weren't totally convinced we were gonna win tonight, Orel.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

There once was a team from LA,
Who into October will play;
But their play is meek
At best, we can speak,
And depression will win out today.

NicJ said...

On the bright side, laker preseason game starts in about a week.

The guys on the MLB network just said if the dodgers make the playoffs. Well informed bunch they are.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Hard to believe the record is better than last year's, and yet here we are sweating about winning the division.

Kyle Baker said...

Guys on MLB Network also talking about how our guys (Manny especially) are swinging at balls and watching strikes go by. Why does everyone (incl us) know what we're doing wrong except the players and coaches themselves? Fuck, man, watch some game tape.

Josh S. said...

The AL Central may suck in general, but you can't say the Tigers aren't busting their asses trying to lock it up.

The Blue aren't going to be able to back in this year. It's win a damn game or be the Wild Card.

Kyle Baker said...

Can't stand to watch the rest of this MLB Network show as they're showing Jints doing well.

Steve Sax said...

Giants up 8-3 on Arizona, en route to staving off postseason elimination for another day...

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Dr. Freud is here to help the Dodgers. First up, the man with the long hair and the desire to be a woman. Next is the one who refuses to take pictures with others, and then the Dominican who is infatuated with the Amish.

Orel said...

@Nic "By the speed of the posting of this PGT, I'm thinking you weren't totally convinced we were gonna win tonight, Orel."


Kyle Baker said...

There is SOME good news:

"Ohman undergoes shoulder surgery"

There's no way Joe calls on him to pitch now.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Boy, Ohman was a bust. In my medical opinion, I believe it is because of his infatuation with the willow tree.

Kyle Baker said...

Didn't Nostradamus predict a win today? Shows what he knows.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Nostradamus feels the need to predict the future because it gives him a sense of power. If he is the only one who can foretell what shall occur, then he is truly a powerful person.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

My door's open all night.

NicJ said...

Maybe he contacted us from the future and meant tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

my grandma used to get those mags

they were so ridiculous

Anonymous said...

couple more stuff, LA Times reports that colletti is in extension talks

Torre basically said that Wolf is starting game 1, but we all knew that by now i think

Kyle Baker said...

Wait, I was wrong. This is what Nostradamus said earlier today:

"There once was a team from L.A.,
Who into October will play;
But on November 2nd,
By shelling Josh Beckett,
They'll clinch, at least that's what I say!"

He was talking about the WS, not today. I think. His quatrains are so cryptic.

Nostradamus said...

Can we please get a win tomorrow so I can return to my usual inane rambling off on some wild-ass tangent?

Losing just isn't entertaining.

Kyle Baker said...

Come on, Blues! Do it for Mr. Customer!

NicJ said...

Maybe we are just getting all of the losses out of the way before the post season starts.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

Steve Sax said...

The Dodgers could learn something from the Weekly World News.

Starting with BAT Boy.

Anonymous said...

tomorrow we clinch
these past few days stuff has been off kilter

Sunday: Collins was gonna be the main reporter in the locker room, Collins was there. They showed video of the team watching the cards/rox game. they looked too bored, kuroda was in street clothes, collins was still there, no.

Monday: No Casey Blake. So if we did clinch, Casey wouldn't have been in the celebration since he was in L.A.

Today: Game was on KCAL. I think they would have shown it, but knowing them they would have cut it short to show the news

Tuesday is perfect. We're gonna have O'Neil and Lyons, still in Socal in front of dodger fans

just be patient

Kyle Baker said...

And we better hope this doesn't happen for Colorado:


Anonymous said...

Sunday i meant Lyons was gonna be the main reporter in the clubhouse, not Collins

Josh S. said...

Rox are facing Suppan tomorrow, so that's a win for them.

NicJ said...

Wouldn't it be like the dodgers to lose again tomorrow and clinch on an off day loss by the Rox. How the hell would you celebrate that?

Anonymous said...

we face clayton richard.
we faced him when he was in chicago in june.

you know, the first game of Bills' implosion
remember the 3 run homer with 2 outs 2 strikes to AJ Pierzynski....

Anonymous said...

know what would be even better?

have the rox clinch via loss by ATL right before a game vs us.

then we clinch by beating them, and finally celebrate.

Rox too celebrate because they clinched before the game

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

@JL - Poor Mitch Poole. He'll have two messes to clean up.

NicJ said...

Haha that would be pretty funny. I'm hopeing for that scenario now.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Saw some of the Lakers' media day. That cheered me up.

Josh S. said...

Frank seemed pissed in his "Everything is going to be fine" interview.

NicJ said...

Sashas hair looks weird short. Hopefully it helps his shot.

Hopefully McCourt happened to notice the ease of the parking situation at Petco while he was there.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Thank god for Kings hockey starting this Saturday.

As for the Dodgers, if I heard correctly, Ethier is 1-27 on the road trip. Manny can't be too far behind.

Nostradamus said...


One would think that not having to hear me bitch and moan would be all the motivation necessary.

Fred's Brim said...

I shaved my head this morning. I was convinced my head of stupid hair was like a reverse playoff beard.

That didn't sound crazy, did it?

Kyle Baker said...

I started growing a playoff beard this past Friday. I'm no Casey Blake, but I need to let these guys know I'm with them. I told Mrs. Dusty I was in beard mode; she was unimpressed.

rbnlaw said...

Ha. I was in "Beard Mode" one time for a week before the wife even noticed. Damn my Native American background (that fraction messes up my facial hair something fierce).

On the bright side; the Cards have struggled against their weaker opponents of late.