So the season comes down to one last 150-point grand slammer on Oct 1. Remember, because of the uneven number of puzzles, the succubus will not be in effect in the last week, so no points will drop off the back end.
With this in mind, there are 8 puzzlers still mathematically alive for one of the top 2 prize spots:
- ubragg*
- keven c*
- drewdez*
- josh s*
- j steve
- mr customer
- fanerman
- quadsevens
And just to review for the new puzzlers, our season-ending prizes will be awarded as with previous puzzle prizes, as follows:
- The 1st place finisher will get his choice of either a physical, tangible prize (to be revealed later, but before he must make his choice) or the opportunity to create a future puzzle, as jose, mr customer, and ubragg have done this season.
- The 2nd place finisher will get the prize option that wasn't selected.
*still mathematically alive for 1st place
Here are the full rankings. Much like the 2007 college football season, it seems like there's a new #2 each week. This week it's Keven C:
(750 possible points)
Rank |
Rank |
Puzzler | Points |
ubragg | |||
keven c | |||
drewdez | |||
josh s | |||
j steve | |||
mr customer | |||
fanerman | |||
quadsevens | |||
ll cool l | |||
bwrightson |
Others receiving votes: rbnlaw 235, dunkhawk 170, neeebs 145, erin 125, matt 120, jose 115, berkowit28 99, wicks 90, karina 65, golem 64, dusty baker 60, andrew 50, stolenmonkey86 50, danielle 50, m.l.a.s.f. 45, m.s.t.i. 10, dangarion 10, dusto magnifico 10, fred's brim 10, javier 10, jesus 10.
So rest up for the Grand Slam Finale Puzzle, which drops 7am Thursday, October 1!
Whew! Not as bad of a hit as I was expecting. I guess two wrongs CAN make a right.
Keven C, you're the shit (as the new #2 that is)!
Umm ... thanks?
All the new #2's remind me of The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan. That and Austin Powers, especially the scene in the bathroom with Tom Arnold and Austin yelling, "Who does Number Two work for!!"
I'm hoping to play the role of Ball State and rain on someones parade by cracking the top ten.
I am not a number, I am a free man!
Watch out for the Bubble, Mr. C.
Wait, who's side are you really on?
(freaking terrific show BTW. It speaks to the strength of the writing that a 8 foot white balloon could be made to seem menacing.)
No doubt. In this day and age, the show would now be all CGI and sound bites as opposed to good writing and solid acting.
So scoping out my competition, it looks like:
- I can finish off Josh S by commenting on the final puzzle.
- I can finish off Keven C and drewdez by just solving the final puzzle, regardless of finish order.
But here is the problem. I'm going to be in Hawaii that day, which means I have to solve it between 4am and 9pm local time, and I will probably be busy and away from internet access from 7am on. My only option to clinch victory will be to wake up unreasonably early, and make sure to solve the puzzle before I have to leave. Needless to say, don't lose hope Keven C and drewdez, this thing isn't sewn up yet. I have been having a hard enough time getting up at 7am, so 4am is a tall order.
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