Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Penny Looks So Good In Halloween Colors

I am still trying to wrap my head around this, as are other Giants fans, who have called the Giants' pickup of Brad Penny "one of the all-time meh moves. The fact of the matter is, even the heavily-publicized duo of Tim Lincecum and Matt Cain gets you at most one incremental win through a five-man rotation when you've got Joe Martinez in the fifth slot (his no-hitter notwithstanding my bad, thanks HLACK).

Besides the obvious anticipation of getting to play Penny on the Giants, the point is, our issues trying to figure out the back end of our starting rotation (if not Vicente Padilla or Charlie Haeger or Jon Garland) are common to everyone else, too. And unlike the Giants, we don't need to have the fifth starter win every game from here on out, with a 5.5 game lead going into the final month.

I also have to post a sweet photo montage from Big League Stew, who used the accompanying article to address Penny's ballooning weight issue (which has tended to eclipse all other descriptions of Penny (literally)). Guess Kung Fu Panda had better make sure he's first in line at the post-game spread, for now on.


Gagne's lucky glasses said...

It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!

Wesley Vento said...

Joe Martinez didn't throw a no hitter, Johnathan Sanchez did. Joe Martinez was almost decapitated by Mike Cameron.

Keven C said...


Kyle Baker said...

To reiterate, if someone decapitated Bad Penny, they'd be left holding a big fat fuckin head.

Steve Sax said...

@HLACK, you're right. Edited. Thanks

rbnlaw said...

Obviously, Sax was thinking of our left fielder, Manny Martinez, who has finally picked up his post-steroidal home run production.

If you were Jonathon Sanchez, you'd have to be feeling pretty shitty right about now. You have a rough start, throw an emotional no-no in front of your dad and an adoring crowd, then find yourself likely replaced by the Great Park Balloon (look it up my L.A. County bretheren and sisteren).

Anonymous said...

he really does look like a pumpkin too

Gagne's lucky glasses said...

I dunno, his head is kind of proportional to that massive gut he is carrying around...dude looks like the octomom

Kyle Baker said...

The Octomom before she gave birth, right?