Yesterday's dead:
- Sax (offed by Danielle)
- Danielle (Matt)
- Dusty Baker (John G)
- John G (Mr Customer)
- Mr Customer (Quad)
- Wicks (Karina)
- UBragg (missed deadline)
And although he broke no rules - he just arbitraged the absence of one - Dr. Geek has asked to be removed from the Circle. His wishes have been honored.
Speaking of which, the need for two new rules emerged from the last round:
- No deleting comments, at least for remaining competitors. We can see who deleted their own comments so it will do you no good, but it makes the game more tedious to administer.
- "The Dr. Geek Rule" - No decoy posts (i.e., posting under similar username to draw out your Stalker). Your infamy will indeed live on, Dr. G.
Plus, three rule clarifications:
- The Initiator cannot shield himself with his kill comment.
- As mentioned earlier, the game ends when there are 2 competitors remaining, and the one with the most kills wins. However, if all but 1 competitor is eliminated in the last round, that last competitor wins.
- Furthermore, if ALL competitors are eliminated in the last round, whoever was eliminated last in the round wins.
The original rules post has been updated with the above.
Now, with no further ado, let's get to earmarking the next batch of body bags!:

As always, to review the rules or to engage in side discussions that you don't want to do in this Kill Thread, you can go to this thread instead.
Initiators! Mount up.
You all are walking on haunted grounds.
Well time to walk out into the open and be prepared to be taken to blue heaven.
Karina, be sure to send Paul a link to photos of hot girls now.
not the five-point-palm-exploding-heart technique!
Did I at least die with dignity Kiddo?
Someone has to cover Karina right now. Any takers?????????
I would, but I have no corporeal form, thanks to Quad.
I'll cover her with my ghostly form if she'll send me pics of hot chicks and cold beer.
Maybe if enough of us formless ghosts gather around Karina, her Stalker won't realize she is a sitting out in the open.
you guys are misisng the party at the haunted house. The cold beer is a bit watered down, if feels like it goes right through you.
peeking out...
I must have some sort of deficiency that allows me to find this game compelling even after I have been eliminated.
Being dead is underrated. It's so nice to be able to comment out in the open. Livingfolk like rbnlaw have to comment over in the other thread. Chumps.
Anyhow, I'm heading out to that pottery class that Demi Moore goes to (don't tell Swayze). She'll never know the difference.
Sorry that was sorta perverted.
Karina is safe and is my sentimental favorite.
You always want to be taken out by the best.
Rnblaw is a close second just becauase i want to see him finish with 5 and 5/8kills.
I love the fact that you still feel the need to add the qualifier for inappropriate behavior on the site that brought you "Abes v. Babes".
And I mean that in the best possible way.
I thought that being killed would allow me to sleep, stop obsessing over this game, get back to work, and find some enjoyment in life. Regrettably, I'm still mesmerized by it.
Oh man, Mr C. An Abes vs Babes reference! I will never outrun my past.
I think Dusto_Magnifico is toast, but my fingers are crossed that Keven C isn't paying attention.
How about the Dodgers..........
With last dying breath, I fire a shot...
Massacre in the southwest quadrant today.
I'm still in this
And now you're not...
et tu
favor returned, Orel
(overly dramatized death scene)
Carnage! At least I got two kills. Is there an assasins corner in heaven?
I think it did!
My heart was totally racing after that kill. This is more involving than I thought!
did it? I think Dusto was flushed out earlier
@Orel, isn't it exciting? I'm a little worried about how much I enjoyed it...
@Matt - In heaven, Assasins' Corner is the name of a neighborhood bar where you buy a drink for the folks you killed.
What'll it be, J Steve?
See what happens when the Dodgers offense becomes boring to watch. We all start shooting each other!!!
We are true Dodger fans.
It's the lord of the flies played out by proxy.
The Conch Shell aka Manny's hand is broke and Lasorda has fallen off the cliff.
Chaos everywhere. Savages linger.
This is getting confusing.
EK, we need an update!!!
Right now is like the scene in a war movie where there has been carnage, and the main character is walking along dazed with smoke swirling around, wounded people moaning, he's deafened by the noise and by the tragedy surrounding him...
I have updated my scoring tabulator and ooh, it is bloody.
Dead so far (in no particular order)
1. Keven C
2. Paul
3. drewdez
4. Dusto Magnifico
5. Matt
Please check my work.
*Jumps out of his fox hole with a San Diego Friar costume on, daring QuadSevens to take a shot*
Bang, I'm in
Woo Hoo!!!
Who's next?
You are indeed a formidable opponent. I owe you a drink at the assassins' bar.
In all honesty, I was taking a blind shot as I knew the hour was approaching. I was sure there would be cover.
Did you get GLG, or do I need to take him out tomorrow?
GLG, I gave you cover. YOU OWE ME!
GLG was covered by Lauro. He popped out a little too early for me to take my shot. But apparently I should have gone for it anyways.
@Lauro - I will take that into consideration when I have you in my scope next time
Lauro will pay, as will the Canadian's spectacles.
Is the time cut off BEFORE 3:00 meaning your post has to be 2:59 or earlier or can you post at 3:00 as long as you get in before 3:01?
I'm disappointed Danielle didn't show. The assassin industry needs as many women as it can get.
Bodycount tally coming soon...
From what we've seen 3:00 is golden; 3:01, not so much.
Larry, are you my Caucasian?
3:00 you're ok, 3:01 you're dead.
If you're buying a drink in the assassin's bar, I'm not going to be picky.
I kinda wish these post times had seconds on them. I'm curious how many more seconds I needed to wait before being picked off. Tomorrow's round should be fun to watch as a ghost.
Cool, thanks EK
Does the Assassin's Bar have a closed circuit television for us to watch the carnage going on outside?
Ah, I forgot Danielle was killed off yesterday.
Here's who was killed off today:
1. Keven C (by Paul)
2. Paul (by karina)
3. Dusto Magnifico (by drewdez)
4. drewdez (by then-already-dead Keven C)
5. MLASF (by Matt)
6. Matt (by SoSG Orel)
7. QuadSevens (by rbnlaw)
8. GK Larsen (no-show)
The Assassins' Circle Neighborhood Bar has got 32 flatscreen TV's with your favorite NFL, MLB, NBA, and NHL games, as well as coverage of bloggers offing each other out.
Dr. Geek, where's my drink?
So its down to 6?
Damn, EK, I was on my way to that bar until you told me it had NHL on.
So much death and destruction. Why, why??!! Who'll save the children?
@Paul of course i killed you with the five point palm technique. I didn't tell you at the moment because i didn't want you to suffer in advance. I could kill you but i wouldn't hurt you. Does it make any sense?
I wanna thank you for the words of encouragement.
A lot of thanks to Mr. Customer, Paul, Neebs, Dusty Baker and Eric Karros who wanted to cover me in if they could.
I just realized my next target is Orel. That's a very tough decision to make.
Let the record show I took the blows, and did it my way.
Karina said:
"I didn't tell you at the moment because i didn't want you to suffer in advance."
That cracked me up, Karina. It's like very polite smack talk. Can't wait for you to take out Orel tomorrow and talk some smack to him afterward.
Noted and filed.
@Karina "I just realized my next target is Orel. That's a very tough decision to make."
Search your feelings, Karina. You can't do this. I feel the conflict within you. Let go of your hate.
Although my next target is FB. Oh my.
Will Fred's Brim be the Brim Reaper tomorrow?
Karina said:
"I could kill you but i wouldn't hurt you."
And while you're trying to figure out what that means, she kills you. And it hurts.
"Eric Karros said...
The Assassins' Circle Neighborhood Bar has got 32 flatscreen TV's with your favorite NFL, MLB, NBA, and NHL games, as well as coverage of bloggers offing each other out.
Dr. Geek, where's my drink?"
Bartender, a drink to go with this man's crazy hair.
Heh, maybe EK was trying to cadge a drink from "Dr Geek" instead of Dr. Geek.
@Orel you're using Jedi tricks on me! will it work? will i realize there aren't the droids i'm looking for?
@ Karina
Or IS he using Jedi mind tricks on you?
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