Here's yesterday's carnage:
- Neeebs (killed by Lauro in 5 mins)
- J Steve (by EK in 9 mins)
- EK (by Dr Geek in less than a minute!)
- Loney Fan
- djansson
- Felix Pardalis
- Bruce Almighty
I found it interesting that yesterday's circle happened to put two pairs of puzzle rivals in a Stalker/Target relationship: Neeebs/Karina, and Loney Fan/Quad. In each case, the Target prevailed.
Anyhow, below is the updated Circle. Scope out your new victim and pursuer - stepping over corpses as necessary - and reload for today's bloodletting (no. of kills in parenthesis):

And tread carefully, Quad. Dr Geek doesn't mess around.
To review the rules or to engage in side discussions that you don't want to do in this Kill Thread, you can go to this thread instead.
I am the initiator!
gotcha Sax! you are the victim of my procrastination of actual work....
Sneak attack! And whacked!
I was about to comment that Danielle is too nice (or too afraid to come out of hiding) to kill you. But she has proven me wrong.
The chain of carnage has begun!
And to clarify just in case - since I am out of the competition, my comments do not serve as shields.
...and I was so pleased with myself for a few minutes there. And EK, I'm in law school so I am basically a little less nice each day :)
Too soon!
Dr. Geek taken out
I'm alive for now
Hey, who's deleting their comments? That's not allowed!
damn i need to plan my lunches better
*takes a deep breath, then runs like hell*
You know the saying about the early bird and the worm? Turns out it's true.
so it does!
thanks Orel
Just missed my target by seven minutes.
dang! I was hanging around waiting Orel. missed it by that much!
Geek = DEAD! Well done, rbnlaw. I watch approvingly from the heavens.
No prob, FB. I got your back — until I have to plunge a dagger into it.
I guess I should say thanks to GK. Thanks, GK!
This is like Saw IV.
Or V.
Which one are they up to?
And will someone lend Danny Glover, Donny Wahlberg, and Cary Elwes some cash?
Can't take it any more! *runs for it*
I notice that, in spite of being dead and out of the game, Sax had been saving his Initiator's kill shot to take MLASF down with him.
Sax is spiteful like that (remember folks, I know him in real life).
Ah, I see now the deleted comments were not made by a participant. It's all good then.
Now I can actually get some work done.
Can I be killed on my second comment?
I'm laughing at myself right now. I have a sticky note taped to my laptop that reads:
"Gagne - kill
JohnG - avoid"
That's perfectly normal for a person, right?
Orel - nope. You can only be killed on your first comment. So thanks to GK Larsen's cover, you live to die another day.
Woo hoo!
The view from the bell tower is awesome.
Can I sprint from behind the UPS van to the industrial park while Quad is at lunch?
Cover is getting a lot more scarce as the body count rises.
Cut my lunch short to make the kill!
* By "getting some work done" I mean posting snarky, generally derisive, yet masterfully insightful comments on other posts on this blog.
Cut down in my prime!
Quad is dead.
Only the good die young, Mr. C.
Dr. Geek seemingly not aware that he, in fact, is deceased.
Look closely. I never died.
Orel "No prob, FB. I got your back — until I have to plunge a dagger into it."
You have to get me first Orel, and I don't see that happening, what with my catlike reflexes.
@Dr. G
Ooooh...That is sneaky!
Can we get a ruling on the field for that?
Dr Geek-
I give up - how is it you are alive? Did you have a bulletproof vest? Nine lives? Were you rebuilt as the Bionic Man?
rbnlaw killed a decoy. A look-al-like, if you will.
Can we go to the replay booth on that one, then?
I call loophole.
Ruling on Dr Geek's trickery forthcoming...
That is very devious. The missing "." after "Dr" is the difference. Awaiting the ruling on the trickster loophole.
Ok, so here's my ruling:
I will allow the good doctor to live to reward him for his creativity (hats off to you, although you did kill me) but the subsequent chaos the decoy caused will be voided.
So to sum up:
->Dr Geek is alive, but has already used his shot this round and has not killed anyone.
->rbnlaw does not get credited with a kill.
->Quad is alive, because he died due to Geek's trickery, and has used his shot.
->Mr Customer is dead, as that was never really in dispute. Quad gets the kill.
->And perhaps most importantly, henceforth no more decoys, as that just opens up a whole pandora's box of potential issues and possible admin headaches. But props to Geek for his creativity.
If the ruling goes in Dr. Geek's favor, I must say that he was a very good assassin in using a decoy to draw me out.
So, is dr short for doppelganger, then?
Looks like Quad is now a zombie!
I can handle being a zombie. Again, nice trick with the decoy Dr. Geek. =)
Thanks, Quad.
It worked, but then again it didn't.
A decoy. Seriously?
I say if the owner of the name posted, he's dead.
Nonetheless, I live to see another day and know that my shot killed something.
MR LA SF gets another day to live. I blew it.
As for Danielle, I won't try and plead my case with you since you're in law school. At least promise to buy the deceased a beer sometime, as you walk over their lifeless corpse.
This sucks. I was so happy to hunt Quad but I am on a three day road trip with my boss in Oreegon and I could only check my phone so often
@Matt "You have to get me first Orel, and I don't see that happening, what with my catlike reflexes."
Even cats have to sleep sometime.
Boo-urns on the treachery.
I second DB's emotion. Boo-urns.
Moleman unavailable for comment.
Here comes the mad dash!
sneakin' around the corner........
*Closes eyes*
If you would have opened your eyes, you would have seen Wicks falling to the floor lifelessly from your shot.
I had my scope aimed all day but Laruo never came out to play
Somehow I knew it was not safe.....I need a beer.
I made it!
(shot in the dark)
Wow that was a waste of a work day. I must have refreshed a hundred times
You mean you went to work today? I just took the day off to hit refresh. Never got out of my undies.
This must be what it feels like to be a real serial killer.
You know Karina is the only one that got it right guys.
All of us late stalkers should be ashamed of ourselves.
Even if she weren't trying!
I'll just have to keep trying, Paul. See you again at 2:59 or later tomorrow.
I love how Karina took out Wicks with a blind shot.
And why is Lauro frowning? He got out alive.
Anyhow, carnage being tallied...
Karina's shot was akin to my secretary beating everyone in the office in the NCAA basketball tournament pool.
Don't be fooled by the facade of innocence Dusty. She is a cold blooded assassin.
I count 7 bodies:
Killed by Stalker:
1. Sax (by Danielle)
2. Danielle (Matt)
3. Dusty Baker (John G)
4. John G (Mr Customer)
5. Mr Customer (Quad)
6. Wicks (Karina)
Dead by deadline:
7. UBragg
And I'm making one slight change to my Dr Geek ruling - rbnlaw gets half a kill...which will only matter if he gets to the end.
As always, please check my work.
Wow, you guys at the end are all sneaky! I should learn a thing or two from you all....or watch more Burn Notice.
Damn, no more decoys.
That's good, I suppose. Señor Geeko would have been too obvious.
Glad to hear RB gets half a point after being duped by treachery and/or skulduggery. And possible chicanery.
I think John G escaped my grasp. Dusty shielded him (checking back to make sure)
a shamockery?
Half-redemption is mine!
only an Attorney could negotiate a "half kill". Nice job.
Mr C - I think Dusty's would-be shield at 11:34am was his 2nd-and-thus impotent comment. His first was at 11:23 (which, incidentally, got him killed).
Props for your honesty though Mr C. That's hard to find in an assassin these days.
Yeah, I was done dead, and thus, impotent (though I wish EK wouldn't put it quite that way!).
In light of the proceedings, I will eliminate myself from the assassin's circle.
Let my infamy live on.
@Paul i've been pretty distracted editing pics for something i've got to design.Saw the clock on the computer and refreshed the page, just in case, my aim was survival
@Eric: i'm very sorry i killed Wicks, that's why my eyes were closed. Besides there was a chance Lauro would kill afterwards, that's why he was frowning.
Today wasn't a good day to die
@Rbnlaw congrats in your half kill!
I'm not a cold blooded assassin, that's why i chose Beatrix Kiddo for inspiration.
I frowned because I had a meeting that started at 2:40 PM so I had to comment from my cell phone. I was not here to see that last minute carnage... :(
This is shaping up as almost a better social experiment than online game! *applies for research grant*
@Wicks this is the beer i'd give you if i could:
and this is a facebook page of the girls that work on the ads: (men of all ages rave about them, not sure why) (NSFW)
I hope you feel better :(
I'd let you kill me if it meant you sent me beer and soft porn, Karina.
ummmmmm I forgot my name after seeing those pics.
oh yeah, well you have me in your sights now and I am going to try and avoid your five-point-palm-exploding-heart technique.
My plan is to survive. I'm in it not to win, but to not lose.
Thanks for the tip on the chicas Polar.
Jesus H!
EK is right! My defensive shot ricocheted off the 405 overpass and clipped John G hiding in the back of a white panel van on Centinela!
Mr C, is this the high speed police pursuit that FOX has on the telly now?
Are you in a white Bronco?
Ugh, at least I made it through one day. Not a single break at work from 9 to 3 today. :(
Work does get in the way of the assassin class.
One thing that has helped me has been everyone who should kill me or must be killed by me is dead. Two no-shows yesterday, Sax killed immediately, and Ubragg killed by absence. This truly is the key to victory.
"And tread carefully, Quad. Dr Geek doesn't mess around"
Truer words have never been spoken. I will follow this quote for as long as I can.
@Dusty 3:57p: why settle for soft?
"Are you in a white Bronco?"
Sadly no. That's the white Bronco Q7 ran me down with crossing Manchester. Technically speaking, some of me might be stuck to the front bumper, but that's about it.
Dr Geek, why are you taking yourself out of the competition? I insist you stay in.
The Chicas Polar! That's why Karinae's the most sought-after assassin in town. Sought not by those who want to kill someone, but by potential victims.
@Lauro 3:44 - You had a meeting that started at 2:40? What, was the conference room taken from 1:17 to 2:39?
I don't want my ultimate victory to be tainted in controversy. So I am gracefully removing myself from the kill circle.
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