Wednesday, October 07, 2009

The Anticipation Is Killing Me

I was once in the finals of an intramural basketball league, playing against my roommate in the championship game, and I remember distinctly how knotted and gnarled my stomach was the night before. How I couldn't sleep very well. How I woke up the next morning and had such anticipation, I could feel the juices in my stomach gurgling and I couldn't eat much of anything. I couldn't even speak to my roommate. I got to the court two hours early and just tried to get myself in the zone. All day, I couldn't focus my thoughts on anything else except the game. How I would perform. How it would play out. How it would end.

That's how I feel today. Honestly, sometimes I don't know how these players do it.

It's sickening how breathless I am awaiting the start time of the Dodgers' 2009 NLDS, a scant five hours away. I'll be there, of course, but I can't stop thinking about this game. Maybe it's the pitching matchup, or the fact that everyone seems to be against us in the press, or the worries that I have about going in with such mixed signals of momentum (against a team who did slightly worse down the stretch than we even did).

Or maybe it's the fact that last year, it wasn't expected at all that we could win a postseason series. We didn't have the best record in the National League. We were looked at with derision for winning the NL's worst division. And we had a team of youngsters without postseason experience, let alone facial hair (both of which have been addressed this year).

And yet, by the end of it all in 2008, the Pantheon of Post-1988 Dodger Playoff Win Heroes had expanded from one lonely Jose Lima to include a whole cadre of Dodger players:

So here we are, moments away from the 2009 NLDS. The Phillies are already playing. Let's get this party started already over in Chavez Ravine!

This seemed to work well for last year's NLDS against the Cubs, so I'm going to do it again. Let's take it One Day At A Time, Dodgers.

This is it. (This is it.)
This is life, the one you get so go and have a ball.
This is it. (This is it.)
Straight ahead and rest assured you can't be sure at all.

So while you're here enjoy the view.
Keep on doing what you do
So hold on tight we’ll muddle through
One day at a time, (One day at a time.)

P.S. We won the intramural championship finals, by the way.


Anonymous said...

i'm feeling a Raffy leadoff homer tonight

Josh S. said...

I'm thinking you're gonna need more than three spots on that graphic.

Steve Sax said...

JuanLove, if Raffy hits a leadoff home run tonight AND the Dodgers win, I'll send you a Raffy Bobblehead. (Don't worry, ubragg, it's not the one that you have coming for the PCS victory.)

LLCoolL said...

Answer sent.

Steve Sax said...

"Answer sent" is becoming the new "100".

Kyle Baker said...

I'm more nervous than before after reading this post! But it's a good one. The table is now set. Everyone have their game faces on now? *puts on earbuds, slowly bops to the beat, enters The Zone*

Josh S. said...

"'Answer sent' is becoming the new '100'."


Kyle Baker said...

Chavez Ravine, waiting for the congregation:

Kyle Baker said...

I think I know the answer (Sax,I didn't send an answer!), but is there a mechanism to send a comment to a GT via email instead of relying on the web interface? Specifically, to masterful insight from my phone, do I have to use the clunky web interface or is there an easier/lazier way?

Steve Sax said...

@DB, that's a sweet picture of the Ravine!

As for the web interface, I don't know of one; let me know if you find out so I can inform our IT department.

Kyle Baker said...

Not my pic of the Ravine; credit to MLB. I love it; an almost empty stadium ready for the onslaught.

I have a mental image of your IT department as one Matt Groening-looking dude sitting in a back room full of spare routers, shooting tequila and yelling random computer nerd speak whilst shooting an old pirate type of pistol.

Josh S. said...

Phils take the first step forward. CG (almost a SO) by Cliff Lee.

Kyle Baker said...

Nice game from the Razorback!

Josh S. said...

Looks like Manuel's going to just burn out the starters early. Good news for whoever faces PHI next.

Kyle Baker said...

With Manuel's "bullpen," he must be happy with the CG.

Anonymous said...

but it's Rocktober!

Nostradamus said...

For those about to rock, we salute you!

rbnlaw said...

If "answer sent" is the new 100, then what's the new "fuck me in the armpit?"


Charlie Manuel: Best manager in the post-season.

T minus 15 min. to HFYPSGT!

rbnlaw said...

@Mr. C:
And for those who just got Rock(i)ed, we say. . .so much for "momentum going into the post-season."

Let's get this shit started.

Kyle Baker said...

RB is already full of piss and vinegar, I see. Right on!

I'm on Loge level, so I predict I'll make a stop at the Loge Lounge on the way to my seats. If Vegas has a book on this, make the bet.

rbnlaw said...

Bet made.

(the new, new, "answer sent")

rbnlaw said...

Shit forgot it's a 6:37 start time.
T minus 27 minutes to the HFYPSG1T.

Kyle Baker said...

The anticipation of the GT is killing me. I hope to get at least one useless comment in before I head out, just for superstition's sake.

Josh S. said...

I'm now listening to John Sterling and Suzyn Waldman call the Yankees-Twins game. I really should just cut out the middleman and jam pencils in my ears.

Kyle Baker said...

That has to be the absolute worst call in baseball with those two pencil jammers. For such a storied franchise - and wealthy ones - why do they employ such horrible commentators? I literally want that woman beat up with a rusty shovel.

Josh S. said...

Twins score first! (Keeping other games out of our GT.)

Nostradamus said...

Sorry Josh, I didn't catch your comment. The GT is irreversibly contaminated

Josh S. said...

No big, Mr. C.

And...Jeter's homer erases the lead.

Kyle Baker said...

See what you did now, Mr. C?

Nostradamus said...

Damn, that's some bad juju. Comment delete, but the damage was already done.

Nostradamus said...

The wheels are coming off the bus in the Bronx. 6-2 and counting.