Sunday, October 25, 2009

Your Sunday Pie Chart


Kyle Baker said...

You captured a wild Pac-Man!

Fred's Brim said...

key lime?

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

According to sources, Jamie McCourt made a huge breakthrough in the divorce proceedings, and Frank has made a big concession.

All employees are now required to say "To be perfectly Jamie" when speaking bluntly.

rbnlaw said...

This pie chart was obviously not made in my house. Percentages are way off.

Nostradamus said...

SoSG foreign correspondent reporting in here. Looking pretty close to the million attendance mark.

In un-depressing sports news, Man U can officially kiss my ass. Yeah!

(with the understanding that this will matter to very few here, but I haven't let that stop me in any of my previous posts.)

Kyle Baker said...

Oh, but it matters to me, Mr. C! Loved to see Sir Alex turning red and swallowing his gum on the touchlines this morning!

Nostradamus said...


Caught the match with a bunch of drunken Brits. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who believes J. Mascherano to be a consummate fuck-up.

Kyle Baker said...

Mascherano: get your bloody teeth fixed!

Kyle Baker said...

I'll bet with a GWT we'll quickly surpass 1,000,000.

Kyle Baker said...

That, or I could just sit here and refresh and it would "roll over."

Kyle Baker said...

Dusty sad. Want paste lineup somewhere. Some less pain.

rbnlaw said...

Good on yer Reds. Wish the Gunners hadn't fallen asleep with the Hammers.
Such is life. At least Spurs are out of the top 4.