Thursday, October 22, 2009

They Feel Bad Too

It's going to take all offseason to get over this. It hurts the most when you turn on the TV and see the World Series and the team you thought you could beat is playing there.

photos by Jon SooHoo/Dodgers


Nostradamus said...

Both of those guys seem a lot younger than they did last week.

Kyle Baker said...

Hulk still sad. No even smash.

Fred's Brim said...

me sad too, will smash sad with liquor later

Kyle Baker said...

Hulk like liquor. Maybe have smash hope.

NicJ said...

Gah, I was pretty over it (because I did my copeing after game 4) until I saw these pics.

Thanks guys!

Steve Sax said...

Poor Broxton.

rbnlaw said...

Cue the Ian Dury, "Reasons to Be Cheerful, Part 3."
How old is Broxton?
How old is Kershaw?
How old is Bills?
How old is Kemp?
How old is Martin?
How old is Loney?

Exactly. We thought this was the year, but we were wrong. As the SoSG have said, "The future is bright; buy shades."

Thank god it's Thursday. Those who have followed my comments know why I say that.

Kyle Baker said...


We're not trading for Corey Hart, are we?

rbnlaw said...

Only if we choose to wear said shades at night.

NicJ said...

So we have at least five more years of losing to the phils in the nlcs?

Neeebs (The Original) said...

OK, time to REALLY focus on the new hockey season.

Kings game on Sunday will cure the Elysian Park blues.

Go Kings Go.

Kyle Baker said...

Those shitbags at MLB marketing just sent out an email advertising the Fillies WS gear they are peddling. FUCK it hurts. Couldn't delete it fast enough.

MLB, you are merchants of death. Shame!

6th chair said...

My brother was watching something about the Superbowl's best moments and they were talking about the Colts and the Patriots rivalry. For two straight years they faced off in the playoffs the Colts lost both times. The next year both teams lost in the second round but the year after they faced off in the third round and the Colts won.They ended up winning the Superbowl.

Haven't the Dodgers lost two years in a row to the Philadelphia before? What happened the year after? Didn't they win the WS or at least advance into the WS?

We'll get there.

rbnlaw said...

OK Nic, let's be positive (somewhat).
Werth is 30
Victorino is 29
Rollins will be 31
Howard is 30.
Lee is 31.
Lidge will be 33
Compared to
Broxton is 25
Kershaw is 21
Bills is 25
Kemp is 25
Martin is 26
Loney is 25

They've got some years and experience on our core. Does it explain the disappointing performance in the LCS two years in row? Not entirely, but it's a place to start.

Add a couple of reliable pitchers to lead the way next year instead of relying on a 25 y-o to be the "Ace," and see how this team improves. In other words, John Lackey will look good in Blue.

I'm also not going to hide my hope that Manny exercises his option and we find another big bat for the outfield. *coughMatt Hollidaycough*

Anonymous said...

Kershaw's gonna be so nasty next year.

MR.F said...

Work sucks when the Dodgers aren't around.

Erin said...

John Lackey and Matt Holliday in blue would make it very difficult for me to be a Dodger fan.

rbnlaw said...

Erin, I understand your potential distaste for them due to their former employers, but have not the Dodgers embraced former tormentors once clad in Blue?
Think O-Dog with the D-backs. The guy killed us. He crosses over to the side of truth and light, and, voila! He is a hero.
Holliday's bat in the line-up would only make Ethier and Kemp that much more dangerous to opposing pitching.

Word is Manny is thinking of exercising the option due to his paltry projected salary next year ($7.7M as opposed to JP making $10M. . .according to DT by way of TBLA).

rbnlaw said...

I think it's kind of odd that I'm ready to discuss changes so soon. I guess it's my way of dealing with the frustration and disappointment of another 5 game exit.

Such is life.

Orel said...

Manny is coming back. We must deal with it.

rbnlaw said...

How dare you harsh my denial.


Josh S. said...

"Kershaw's gonna be so nasty next year."

And his cap will be even nastier!

The free agent market is crapola. I can't even begin to figure out which pieces to pick up next year.

Orel said...

Lackey will get a three-figure deal.

Josh S. said...

"Lackey will get a three-figure deal."

If those three figures are Blue Snaggletooth, vinyl-caped Jawa, and Yak-Face, he could make some serious bank off of them.

Paul said...

What about IG-88?

Orel said...

Or Boba Fett with a working rocket launcher.

Paul said...

You know how much water I have drank today?

Jeez it is like I am saving up for winter.

Paul said...

I had a Luke Skywalker with no hand. But that was because my dog ate the hand.

Orel said...

Or Vlix!

Orel said...

Hydrating for tonight's ALCS game, Paul?

Paul said...

Oh yeah there still is baseball to be played.

Championships to be won.

Saves to be blown.

Kyle Baker said...

Josh, I have two of those three. Should I not be just leaving them sitting around at the bottom of a bag in the attic?

NicJ said...

Howard is 30!? I thought he was way younger.

Steve Sax said...

Howard is Snaggletooth? Wait, maybe I'm reading these comments too quickly.

Paul said...

I swear Victorino has a cameo in the Cantina.

The Phillies a wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Josh S. said...

No, Howard is a Gamorrean guard for sure.

Fred's Brim said...

DB I got that email too. The MLB emails have been annoying me all year, but superstitious me refused to unsubscribe from them fearing it would somehow affect baseball karma. But unsubscribing from this morning's phillies gear email was quite pleasurable. I even opened the ad from my trash folder and unsubscribed a second time just to be sure.

You would think they could tell that I watched, via, well over 100 Dodger games and would know better than to market to me the ugly schwag of their opponents. Maybe they think I hate the Dodgers and watch hoping they will lose. But I may be doing that for the Phillies next year....

Anonymous said...

i feel like laughing.

"Dodgers owner Frank McCourt is seriously considering firing his wife Jamie as CEO, has learned.

The McCourts are going through a divorce, and the sides are battling over the team. Frank McCourt is the chairman and highest ranking officer of the team. Jamie is the second-highest ranking officer.

Reached by phone Thursday afternoon, Frank McCourt decline comment.

There is expected to be a battle over control of the team. Both McCourts have expressed an interest in owning the Dodgers separately."

Orel said...

Thanks JL. Posted on the main page.

Matt Kemp said...

I hope that the Dodgers get John Lackey. They clearly need a top-flight starting picther. It would be great if Halladay went back on the market. I don't know what the asking price would be, but it has got to be lower than what it was at the deadline.

Unfortunately, Manny is sticking around. I wish we could get another outfielder because I don't think he fits well with the group we have right now, especially with JP bringing Beast Mode to some other team. Hopefully Shower Mode is just as good.

Kyle Baker said...

Hulk ready for sad beer.

Fred's Brim said...

FB plan get drunk tonight, make Mrs FB MAD, Mrs FB SMASH FB!