Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Post-NLCS Game 5 Thread: Okay, You Can Stop Believin' Now


So it turns out good pitching and hitting beats bad pitching and hitting. Who knew? Congratulations to the Phillies. I'd say good luck in the World Series but, you know, go screw yourselves.

In the end, it wasn't about the crappy umpiring, or the weather, or the seemingly endless parade of former Dodgers spitting on our grave, or the East Coast fans — who are, it must be noted even in our grief, the Derek Jeter of fanbases. Or even Jonathan Broxton (mostly). The Dodgers had the better regular-season record, but the Phillies were better in this series. Much better.

It was a great season for the Dodgers: the record-setting start at home, Orlando Hudson's cycle, the amazing first-half record, Manny's BobbleSlam, Andre "Mr. Miracle" Ethier, Matt Kemp's development, the amazing NLDS.

But there'll be plenty of time to reminisce — we're baseball fans, after all, and there's still the ALCS and World Series to follow before we get to the McCourt divorce proceedings, which will make the Manny negotiations look like a lovefest.

Right now, though, it's time to get pissed, stew in your juices, kick the furniture. Because it feels like 2009 = 2008. But eventually we'll see 2009 for what it really was: a fun, wild ride — and we're glad you took it with us. Stick around!


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Orel said...

"They were lucky, let's face it." —Vin, on the Dodgers in the playoffs

Unknown said...

And when you follow this team as much as you do, your heart breaks as only it can when this year's NLCS mirrored the previous year's.

Still, if you have to lose, you hope you lost to the best.

And so, congratulations to the Phillies. Go take down those Yankees (or Angels if a miracle is coming).

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Baseball, a beautiful mistress that tempts the most honest of men with promises of glory and excitement, only to rip out their hearts and feed it to dogs. And yet, year after year, I find myself lured by this temptress into here grasps, hoping I may be the one who can enjoy her bountiful gifts.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Oh, and go American League!

Orel said...

Positively poetic, MLASF!

NicJ said...

Sometimes the other team is just the better team and you have to be the bigger person and admit that.

Fuck those cheaters.

Kyle Baker said...

Positively poetic Nic!

Orel said...

You guys are on fire!

Josh S. said...


They, uh, might want to yank that ad ASAP.

NicJ said...

i wish torn rotator cuffs and ACL's to the entire phillies roster.

Im not bitter though.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

So who did Brad Lidge thank first? God, or Jesus?

NicJ said...

but manny said in the VIP tickets commercial that we were going all the way

Fred's Brim said...

it's gonna happen someday, folks, and it will be so sweet when it does. After my experience here this season, I hope that when it happens, I get to enjoy it with you guys

NicJ said...

MRLASF, the dodgers bats.

Josh S. said...

Jayson Werth may have beaten us, but he still has to go through life with an extraneous Y in his name and pubic hair on his face.

Kyle Baker said...

Lidge might also thank the Holy Ghost. That's my darkhorse pick for him to thank first.

Josh S. said...

We're going all the way to the showers!

Paul said...

Well we did play very average for a very long time. That great first half was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

Fred's Brim said...

how many more posts can we copy from the game thread? lets shoot for 700!!

NicJ said...

i just realized that Werth kinda looks like Edge from the WWE. What a relief that was bugging me all season.

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

Did the guy from TBS just get booed?
Welcome to Philly, MF'er!

Orel said...

Manny is already back in L.A.

Fred's Brim said...

Saxy, do we get a post about that cheating beotch girlfriend and how she broke our hearts?

Kyle Baker said...

I'm in the hot tub with Manny right now.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Josh, you made me laugh with your "pubic hair/extra Y" line.

Orel said...

Furcal SS
Belliard 2B
Ethier RF
Ramirez LF
Kemp CF
Loney 1B
Martin C
Blake 3B
Padilla P

NicJ said...

manny and boras just had a press conference from the locker room stating that manny is staying.

Paul said...

Hey yo Dusty! Is it time to get ill? Cause I feel sick.

Steve Sax said...

TBS Ernie Johnson Pummeled By Batteries. Film at 11.

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

I'm missing Tastykakes and Herr's potato chips right now. Might have to hit Philly's Best tonight. Shit, it's 9pm. Nevermind.

Unknown said...

Well, that was another waste of 6 months plus of money, energy and hope.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

@Nic - Seriously? That's a pretty big difference from last year.

Kyle Baker said...


It's time to buy wine!

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

My old chevy worked better in the clutch than Manny.

NicJ said...

so what Red Sox sloppy seconds will we get this offseason? Im filled with anticipation.

NicJ said...

i was joking about the press conference, it was actually from the shower.

Paul said...

Jason Schmidt is on the 15 day DL for 2010.

Orel said...

See? If the Dodgers had won, this PGT wouldn't be NEARLY as entertaining.

Steve Sax said...

Fred's Brim, I just called Orel to figure out what post to which you referring..., you guys have memories of elephants!

And that's why we love you guys. We're keeping the bar open tonight; beers are on me.

Kyle Baker said...

"so what Red Sox sloppy seconds will we get this offseason? Im filled with anticipation."

Nice haiku, Nic!

Fred's Brim said...

Furcal SS
Hudson 2B
Ramirez LF
Ethier RF
Martin C
Loney 1B
Kemp CF
Blake 3B
Kuroda P

NicJ said...

Nancy Bea just resigned, she doesnt want to play for a bunch of losers.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Stop, Nic! I don't know what's real and what's fake!

Paul said...

Dusty. winter = zin. And good dark beer.

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

I bet that's Cold Duck champagne... the preferred drink of the modern Philly wino (and me in college)

Kyle Baker said...

Speaking of sloppy seconds, anyone up for crashing that Steve Garvey cougar cruise?

Orel said...


The Kuroda lineup makes it even funnier!

NicJ said...

Manny just signed a sponsership deal with irish spring.

Paul said...

Oh and whiskey on a foggy night.

Matt Kemp said...

I don't get it. The Dodgers were better than last year, yet the result is the same damn thing. I can't stand this feeling for the second year in a row. I've gone my whole life without seeing the Dodgers win a championship. This sucks.

And I wish some kind of ailment to every member of the Phillies, especially Shane Victorino.

Nostradamus said...


Schmidt is on the don't-let-the-door-hit-you-in-the-ass list indefinitely.

There's something worth celebrating.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

My lineup for Opening Day:

Furcal, SS
Kemp, CF
Ethier, RF
Manny, LF
Uggla, 2B
Loney, 1B
Blake, 3B
Martin, C
Lackey, P

Orel said...

"Steve Garvey cougar cruise"

I wish there were an abbreviation to express my audible amusement.

NicJ said...

Jason Schmidt signs with dodgers as the new pitching coach.

Kyle Baker said...


Orel said...

@MK "I've gone my whole life without seeing the Dodgers win a championship. This sucks."

It does, but then again you have your youth.

Paul said...

Andruw Jones is still fat.

NicJ said...

Breaking News: Bigelows Green Tea files for bankruptcy!!!

Fred's Brim said...

Orel, that was opening day!

I am proud of Koki (as Mrs FB called him) for hist fight this year - i wish he could have been healthier and not have so big of a head

Orel said...

Schmidt, SS
Schmidt, 2B
Schmidt, RF
Schmidt, LF
Schmidt, CF
Schmidt, 1B
Schmidt, 3B
Schmidt, P

Nostradamus said...

"Oh and whiskey on a foggy night"

I've never made such good time from the computer to the liquor cabinet as when you posted that.

Orel said...

Koki? Interesting.

Paul said...

I haven't seen the Dodgers win since I watched WWF.

Fred's Brim said...

DB, by the way, I am in on crashing the cruise. I plan on kidnapping Stave Lyons and using him as our anchor

Matt Kemp said...

@ Orel

Unfortunately, my youth doesn't make me feel any better about getting figuratively kicked in the nuts two years in a row.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

James Loney changes nickname to Motorhome, as he performs better on the road.

NicJ said...

i want to see some tears in the postgame interviews.

besides mine.

Fred's Brim said...

Orel, she called him Kokimon, a strange combinaton of hiroki, kuroda and pokemon

NicJ said...

next year will be better guys.

Phillies in 7!!

Kyle Baker said...


I appreciate that opening day lineup take. I hope you're dead on with that Uggla bit cause I really like that possibility.

Kyle Baker said...


Are you sure she wasn't asking you to pass the soy sauce?

Fred's Brim said...

gnite guys - i need some kip.
i wish we could drink this out together, but internet commerce prevents that for some reason. I had so much fun this season and you guys were a huge part of it. I wish it wasn't over

NicJ said...

huh, so russell martin does call the pitches.


Matt Kemp said...

I really like that Uggla possibility. It almost made me forgot that this season just ended.

Orel said...

I hear ya, MK. You're among friends, that's all I can offer.

Orel said...

Cheers, FB!

Kyle Baker said...


Hang in there, man.

Mrs. Dusty and sister-in-law just said the best way to get our minds off this is to start planning for some trips next year. So head for your kip with the thought in your mind that there is fun to be had next season, where there will be many more chances to throw at Victorino's head.

Steve Sax said...

Orel 9:09p: where's your lineup's catcher? Surely Schmidt can play with himself.

Paul said...

JP will equal or surpass his homerun total.

And he will still be unhappy

I have his foul ball from wrigley in may. He smoked it. .

Todd said...

This is going to sound dumb but I just found out the Dodgers lost.

In game one they seemed to rally whenever I wasn't watching so in an effort to give them as much good juju as possible I vowed to not watch the game and tried my best to put up a cone of silence.

Here's what got through that cone.

A text from a buddy stating- "On my way 2 get a chicken 2 sacrifice! Go Blue!"

A voice mail from my dear mother asking if they'd be a game 6 if the Dodgers lost.

A glimpse of Kershaw on the mound as I walked past a restaurant in Korea Town.

A text from the another buddy five minutes ago saying "Sorry Dodgers."

After four hours of suspense seeing that 10 - 4 score really hurts.

Still it was a fun season.

NicJ said...

i think im going to spring training next year.

Kyle Baker said...


Keep me posted on any spring training plans. I'm itchy for that trip.

See, I'm keeping my chin up.

Orel said...

@Sax "where's your lineup's catcher? Surely Schmidt can play with himself."

He can go and do exactly that.

Paul said...

Well he hit more balls foul.

NicJ said...

Charlie Manuel sugar coating the series.

He should just say "those bitches just got pwnd"

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I wonder if you can get drunk on sadness, or if alcohol is required in concurrence.

Kyle Baker said...

Schmidt has a lot of time to play with himself now. And plenty of cash to underwrite it.

NicJ said...

he better watch out he might hurt his bum shoulder.

NicJ said...

So what are the odds the Phils sign Schmidt and he becomes an allstar reliever next year.

Kyle Baker said...

Mrs. Dusty:

Post something on there [SoSg] that says "Phillies better celebrate now...cause the Yankees are going to really beat them."

Mrs. Dusty is a real sweetheart. Even that was hard for her to say.

But she's also True Blue through and through.

So then she said "Say something really mean on there so I'll feel better."

Bless her heart. I told her, "Oh, I do. IIIiiii do."

NicJ said...

man, i hope manny retires after the dodgers, can you imagine manny as a dodger killer?

Nostradamus said...


I get similar results from the tears of Yankee fans, but those are in short supply, unfortunately.

Orel said...

Poor Josh Suchon is flying solo tonight.

NicJ said...

The Suchon/Levine divorce didnt get as much media coverage as the Mccourts.

Kyle Baker said...

Why does Charlie Manuel talk like a valley girl?

Orel said...

You should marry that woman, DB!

Kyle Baker said...

Saw what Nic? Is that a joke re: Levine/Suchon? If so it's funny. But if it's serious it's not funny.

Kyle Baker said...

*"Say what..."

Paul said...

Mr. C lots of foggy nights here and lots of whiskey.

Dusty and Nic. I am planning to be in Az for St patricks day. Goof times ahead.

Nostradamus said...

That was miserable, but I'm actually kinda sad it's over, if that makes any sense.

It's going to take me quite a while to retool my brain to accept no more baseball.

NicJ said...

It was a Joke DB.

so that means im Funny!!

NicJ said...

Chan Ho Park celebrating, now that hurts.

Kyle Baker said...


Keep a brother posted re AZ mid-March Spring Training.

NicJ said...

Man, Kennedy is dropping names from the Rays like no ones business.

Steve Sax said...

Mr LA SF, you just made me smile ear-to-ear looking at that Adam Morrison avi. I remember not wanting to switch from Time Warner Cable--whom I DESPISED by the way--just because my rented DVR box had that game recorded and I loved watching the final highlights of UCLA taking it to Gonzaga, and Adam crying on the court.

Alas, I'm a happy DirecTV subscriber now. Even if it forces me to get dialup internet service.

Nostradamus said...


Not foggy here, but given enough whiskey...

Steve Sax said...

Dusty Baker, if we ever do a SoSG night, I want Mrs. Dusty to be there too. I gotta meet her.

Kyle Baker said...

Thx, Nic. It was funny in that context. I'm just a little vulnerable so I was scared that that great duo was breaking up.

Gimme some tissue, Tito.

NicJ said...

haha, did i almost push you over the edge DB?

Steve Sax said...

I guess this means I'm not winning the Dodgers' WS ticket lottery.

karina said...

@Nic j i don't know if i have to cry or smile, because at the end, this was a great season.

As i always say, we could be Mets fans.

karina said...

By the way, i won't stop believing. Someday, they'll go all the way.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Talking Halladay on Dodger Talk.

NicJ said...

talking bills as trade bait on the prime ticket post game.

Kyle Baker said...


I'll pass that along to Mrs. Dusty, but she's fairly inconsolable right now.

Not inconsolable enough for me to ask her to get me another Trader Jose Dark beer from the fridge, though.

Nostradamus said...


Bless you, woman. you always know just what to say.

Orel said...



Kyle Baker said...

Thanks, Orel.

Eases the pain...

Paul said...

Please lock up Andre to a long term deal.

Congrats to my buddy Sue Falsone on another great season. She worked her ass off.

Kevin Kennedy says to be a manager you have to manage.

Mike Sharperson Lives! said...

So I'm in a bar with a Dodger bud here in SF, 7th inning, hope dwindling to nothing, and some a-hole says 'Hey, I bet you wish the Dodgers didn't trade away Werth now, huh?' All I can say is 'You should really leave me the fuck alone right now'.

Kyle Baker said...


Pls. pass along our thanks to her. Great season for her and the staff.

Paul said...

Kevin Kennedy says to play baseball you need a baseball.

Kyle Baker said...


How did you keep from pinching that fucker's head off when he said that?

yodateacher said...

Dear Dodgers,


or another starting pitcher would be nice.

Go Blue in 2393!

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

@MSL - Dodgers let Werth walk, they didn't trade him. I wish they did now though.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Kevin Kennedy says that in order to be a pitcher, you have to have an arm.

NicJ said...

MSL, you should have asked him where the SF giants world series trophy case was.

Chris said...

Sigh --- well, THAT sucked! Still, while it was an extremely disapointing end to an otherwise memorable season, I thoroughly enjoyed my time on the SOSG message boards with Sax, Orel and crew. You guys lead the way in showing what it takes to run a great Dodgers blog. Now let's all take some time to regroup and come back strong in the off-season!


Paul said...

I will Dusty

Anyone have a Guinness milkshake lately.

Orel said...

Paul, please wish Sue congrats for us. She seems cool.

MSL: "A.J. Pierzynski."

Damn, Yoda's pissed!

Kyle Baker said...

Damn, now I have to shave tonight.

Mike Sharperson Lives! said...

Dusty & MLASF-
Sometimes, 'leave me alone' is better than reminding SF fans of the obvious. Or spending the night in county for punching a slack-jawed yokel.

Orel said...

Discretion/valor, 'tis true.

Steve Sax said...

MSL: I hope you stood up from your seat at the bar and pushed the guy's chardonnay back into his sweater vest and topsiders.

Paul said...

Kevin Kennedy says to be a Jedi you must use the force.

Kyle Baker said...

Sometimes that's worth it, though, MSL. Like tonight.

Matt Kemp said...

Well, tonight sucked, but it's nice to have people like you guys to ease the pain.

Steve Sax said...

Whoops, sorry MSL for adding me to the "violence first" list.

Mike Sharperson Lives! said...

Also, I was pretty sure Werth was a free agent. But debating the finer points of the Hot Stove league seemed ill-timed since the corpse of the '09 dodgers was yet to be pronounced dead.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Kevin Kennedy says that in order to be a batter, you must have a bat.

Steve Sax said...

Maybe it's time we figured out how to get a "g" back in its proper place at the end of "Believin'"

Kyle Baker said...

MSL, Sax:

I can picture that guy with a portabello mushroom sandwich stuck to his argyle sweater vest.

Steve Sax said...

Isn't Pedro Feliz a former Giant too? Hmm.

Mike Sharperson Lives! said...

Sax, for the record, it was a hipster hat and skinny jeans. He was flanked by two duffers and a bull dike.

Kyle Baker said...

Pls. add Mrs. Dusty to the "violence first" list.

Orel said...

Not sensing a lot of love for Kevin Kennedy in the room.

Steve Sax said...

MSL, you could always grab that pinky that is protruding from the guy's drink-holding hand.

If you can get past the umbrella in the drink, that is.

Steve Sax said...


(which was seriously uttered by my cousin on the way to NLCS Game 1, as we passed a repurposed school bus with a bunch of hipsters unloading sleeping bags and garbage bags of crap from the back)

Orel said...

Were you flying solo, MSL?

Steve Sax said...

(on Sunset near Echo Park, btw)

Paul said...

If I could do a recap of the season it would have at least a part in dramatic slow mo of Karina killing me.

Mike Sharperson Lives! said...

Had my mi'ja from East LA and a buddy from Cleveland in the bar. Entourage can't help you when you're about to get cornholed in city jail while wearing your dodger tee and cap.

Mike Sharperson Lives! said...

On a separate note, thanks to the whole SoSG community for the game thread chatter, 'two-out madness', mini-buffalo ranch sandwiches, 'BISON!', and Vin Scully highlights. I will always remember '09. Just not as memorably as 1988.

Paul said...


Sue is awesome! Another reason to love our team for me.

Matt Kemp said...

Unfortunately, it was an apt way to end the season for the Dodgers. They blew a huge opportunity to score in the 8th which was typical of them. Then in the 9th, Vin Scully referred to Belliard as Belisario THREE times.

NicJ said...

the cornholeing in a SF jail has to be twice as bad.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Kevin Kennedy says that in order to watch Mad Men, you must have AMC.

Steve Sax said...

MSL, what bar are you at, if I might ask?

Steve Sax said...

Kevin Kennedy has never won a postseason game, so he can just zip it.

Kyle Baker said...

I like Kevin Kennedy a lot. He talks our boys up all the time and clearly has us in his heart. I also respect his insight. Most things he's said tonight have been pretty much on the money.

Orel said...

Good thing we weren't with MLS. We would have started a fight.

Paul said...

Kevin Kennedy just said to the key to being Kevin Kennedy is to be named Kevin Kennedy.

Kyle Baker said...

I already feel like I got cornholed after watching the game tonight.

Steve Sax said...

Kevin Kennedy says if Woody had gone to the police, this would never have happened.

Man, I love that phrase.

NicJ said...

Did you see manny when you were taking your rape shower, DB?

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Kevin Kennedy says that in order to bake a cake, you must have flour and sugar mixed with milk and eggs.

Mike Sharperson Lives! said...

Sax- Danny Coyles on Haight. Its a soccer bar. Figured I'd be safe from annoying Giants fans.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Okay, now I'm bored with this.

Orel said...

SoSG: Where no dead horse is left unbeaten.

Paul said...

A SOSG remake of roadhouse?

Pain don't hurt.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I think I'm going to lay low for a while in regards to sports coverage. No ESPN, no, no, nothing. I'll just periodically emerge for Lakers coverage and the ALCS/World Series.

NicJ said...

6 days until ring night.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Remember when the Lakers won? That was fun.

Paul said...

I love the Lakers but hate NBA basketball. What advice would KK give me?

Neeebs (The Original) said...

I have nothing relevant, witty, or enlightening to say.

How sad is that?

Orel said...

You and me both, Neeebs.

Paul said...

Neebs your avatar is all 3. You are covered.

NicJ said...

billingsley should totally be playing point guard.

Phil Jackson cant manage a bullpen.

Steve Sax said...

Danny Coyle's? No shit, my good friend used to live at Divisadero and Scott. Is Mad Dog in the Fog still doing trivia nights in that neck?

Kyle Baker said...

Neeebs, I was just about to send a shout out wondering where you were. Need to hear from a brother. Helps the grieving process.

Steve Sax said...

(it's at 530 haight between fillmore and steiner)

Kyle Baker said...

Paul I'm right there with you. I've loved my Lakers since I was ten years old, but the state of the NBA has me just not really enjoying the game play in its modern iteration. Just can't get into the day to day, gut level basketball love like I do with baseball.

Mike Sharperson Lives! said...

Actually, Coyles was doing trivia tonight. During the 8th we started playing. Team name: Blue Balls.

Kyle Baker said...


Was there any good soccer on then? There were much better Champions League games today than there was a baseball game, sadly.

Paul said...

The worst part for me is tomorrow morning when i realize there is no game to get amped about.

Fuck football cause I am a Rams fan till someone gives LA a team. That will never happen. So I got nothing.

Mike Sharperson Lives! said...

I live at Pierce and Haight. Tonight though, 'we are all Stadium Way and elysian park.'

Orel said...

The 1977 Topps Dusty is back!

NicJ said...

I live to root against the raiders.

The USC trap game this week should be interesting.

Mike Sharperson Lives! said...

DB- they were rebroadcasting Real and AC Milan. It looked like a good game, out of the corner of my eye that wasn't watching Padilla, Sherrill, and Tron getting lit up.

Paul said...

How come with my avatar I feel like the guy still with Christmas lights on in feb. Can't change it now too much work on the iPhone.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I'm with you, Paul. I have nothing left right now.

Kyle Baker said...

@ Orel re my avatar:

Yep, snapping back to the real me. Will probably leave it that way until we get into next season.

Not that I'm just sitting around waiting til the next season.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I'm following suite until NBA playoffs start.

Kyle Baker said...


That was indeed a kick ass match. The geezers at AC ended up winning 3-2. Pato had an incredible go-ahead goal.

Karina is happy.

NicJ said...

only four months till Pitchers and catchers reports to spring training.

Kyle Baker said...

Pitchers and catchers report earlier with SF Giants, right?

NicJ said...


Orel said...

By the way, this must be a record number of comments for a Post-Game Thread.

NicJ said...

its nice to know that when the dodgers are down, the giants are still worse.

Nostradamus said...


I'm pretty sure that league doesn't have an offseason.

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