SoSG Sax: Orel, did you see last night's Post-Game Thread? Wasn't it hilarious, how it amassed 300+ comments (a new record) and how it lasted into the wee hours of the morning and then picked up again at 6am without a hitch? And it involved the wit of all of our awesome commenters and "regulars at the SoSG bar"?
You see, THAT'S what we have to do next, to take SoSG to the next level!
SoSG Orel: And what's that, Sax?
SoSG Sax: OPEN UP A SoSG BAR NEXT YEAR! Just think about it--this will be legen...wait for it...dary!
SoSG Orel: Uh, yeah, Sax. I'll get right on that.
You're going to have to find a location that is commutable from OC, Pasadena, Brooklyn, and . . .
wait for it. . .
Alaska. I heard Dusto wants in.
Does that mean you will be providing alchohol?
I can help you with the application for the liquor license.
Count Chocula. Who am I kidding?
Now, that's more like it.
Ya gotta name it SoSG Fest!
I don't know the correct forms and procedures for getting a building permit for punching holes in the fabric of space-time, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
@Mr. C:
Awesome. Make it so.
Oh this is where everybody went. The SoSG bar.
Where everybody knows your name.
Or your pseudonym.
I think Orel cut me off when I started singing "I can't fight this feeling anymore".
Hair of the dog in about 20!
What do I have to do to get a friggin' beer around here? Place is going to hell.
Check the toilet tank, DB.
Ahhh...Coors Light,you mean.
Google Ads is mocking me with offers on Philly NL Championship gear.
*bangs on door*
what time does the bar open?
*wanders over to corner store*
*buys 40*
*comes back, sits on front step and waits...*
HA! Like I haven't done that about a half-dozen times.
In the past week.
Actually did something like that in SF in a rainstorm. Good times.
Is that a Colt 45 or OE, FB?
And stop trying to bum change from me.
Dusty, we'd better bring him in and get him cleaned up. I'm pretty sure he's been living in a '77 Econoline behind the Albertsons since Wednesday night.
King Cobra was running a special so I went with that
*offers rb a swig*
DB, if you can spare a quarter, I can get us some Thunderbird. Whaddaya say?
Mr C is that you? What are you doin here? *hic*
I'll go in on some Night Train!
"A '77 Econoline." Nice
Greetings good men, might I trouble you for a drink?
I wish they still made Ripple
Is it happy hour? Time for a good morning beer.
Paul, for me it's still "Surly Hour"
Fred's Brim still surly.
It's only ten, but I'm trying to adjust my body clock for continental time.
Or that's what I've been telling myself.
What time do the dancing girls appear? I can't drink unless someone is dancing with a pole in front of me. And I'm not talking about Lech Walesa.
Karol Wojtyla had a pop-and-lock routine that would blow your mind.
Time to go buy some good wine to go with the pork chops tonight.
Still would rather be having Dodger Dogs
stupid Broxton. Like Bell Biv Devoe said never trust a big butt and a flat fastball. Or something like that.
As long as he's wearing that cool, tall hat, I'm down for the pop and lock.
Full regalia, except for when he does the headspin, he switches to the zucchetto.
Hey guys, I brought two dancers with me!
They say they're from Chippendale's. But they may really be from some San Diego truck stop.
Same difference, Dr. Geek.
I'll take it.
Colt 45 in the morning is a great wake-up call.
Hey, when did they rename this place, "Fuck Me In The Armpit?" Catchy, but the sign might get the owners in trouble.
Nonetheless, I like it here. Almost as much as I enjoyed the Assassins' Circle.
We're in luck. I just ran into a girl who said she used to dance at the Tropicana in Hollywood. She still looks like she can whoop it up on the pole. At least that's what her daughter told me.
@rbn 1:32p
I think we've found a task for Erin's button-maker that is both amusing and inappropriate.
@Mr. C,
I would buy a dozen of those buttons immediately.
Could just abbreviate it to
I've been struck by brilliance!!
Newest button:
"Rancho FMITA" (pronounced fa-mee-tah)
Barkeep, another PBR for me and absinthe for Mr. C.
That "A" in "FMITA" can stand for just about whatever your imagination allows!
Good point Doc. The brilliance expands.
Mmmmm, wormwood-y.
The bar itself could just be called "The Armpit."
Crazy that there is no Dodgers game - in fact, no season - and there is enough activity in this thread for me to have received the dread "Conflicting Edits" message. (Thus postponing one of the most important comments ever made in the history of blogging.)
Where a=just about whatever your imagination allows
I can't imagine a bar called "The Armpit" not being a huge success.
Especially with that slogan.
Sheer marketing genius, I tell ya!
Rancho BARdiendo.
Barkeep, hit me with a shot of bourbon, and leave the bottle.
Black and tan for me. Hey is that Matt Holliday passed out in the corner?
Josh S.'s suggestion is so obvious and simple, how could you not like it? Oh yeah, it doesn't involve mating with an armpit.
SoSG fest is definitely classic. I'll also accept SoSG factory or SoSG party.
"The Armpit" can be the house of ill-repute next door. It sounds like the sort of place there would be solicitation of certain services, and perhaps back room gambling, so it works.
I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!
Holliday has really let himself go in the last two weeks. He looks like someone kicked him in the...
Does everybody pronounce SoSG as "sausage"? I normally think of it as "S-O-S-G".
What's the time? It's time to get ill-repute!
Say dusty, what's the time?
It's time to get ill!
Ethier and Garland comments:
See end notes for a Sax sighting.
I say ess o ess gee too. But I made the SoSG Fest joke in an earlier thread where someone had remarked about the high number of Sons that had made an appearance in that thread.
@josh, fanerman
There's certainly less confusion that way. For instance:
"Man, I can hardly wait to get home so I can get online and check out some SoSG."
I usually just go with "Sons" so as to save precious time that is better spent posting masterful insight in this space.
Nice work Sax. I bet Ethier likes to go home after games so he can go online and check out some SoSG.
Fwiw, we Sons do pronounce it "sausage", but S-O-S-G also passes. I think Orelmay have mentioned the former pronunciation in one of the blog's first posts?
*Neeebs kicks a slumbering Dusty away from the front door and unlocks "The Armpit" for the Saturday opening of business*
Man did you guys leave a mess last night.
I need one bourbon, one scotch, and one beer to kick start the day.
And a little George Thorogood (sp) on the jukebox.
Neeebs, can you put Chelsea v Blackburn on the telly?
DB: you need a shower in a bad way. After you freshen up you can drive the telly, as long as we don't see USC.
Luckily Rancho BARdiendo is equipped with shower facilities for just this purpose.
Wait, someone is already in the shower - it's Manny!
I assume girls are allowed in this bar.
Bartender, a vodkatini please.
Are you sure you wouldn't like some blue milk instead?
I've always been a fan of the butterbeer.
Karina, your money is no good around here. It's on us.
Can you please send us some more beer girls porn links to cheer us up?
My inital post will tell you what will happen if I mix Dodgers and beer...
Oh, yeah BTW I am still pretty pissed off...I am a Dodger fan in SF...
And they won't leave me alone!
I hate the Giants.
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