Randy Wolf vs. Chris Carpenter.
COMMENTS: Not to say this first game is huge, but we're going up against a heavily-hyped powerhouse in Carpenter that really needs no other introduction; his league-leading ERA speaks for itself. And Carpenter goes deep, as well--not only as a pitcher (in his two games against the Dodgers this year, he went seven and eight innings, winning both), but also as a hitter (one grand slam this season). This will be quite a test; even AccuScore has us at only a 42% chance of winning (for reference, we had a 46% chance of winning 2008 NLDS Game 1 vs. the Cubs).
But the Divisional Series are crapshoots, gentlemen; anything can happen. Goliaths can be toppled.
Meanwhile, if there was ever a time to give Wolf a reward for a season full of No Decisions, this would be it. Wolf is 0-1 against the Cardinals this year, but can be counted on to go equally deep into games and is quite durable (leading the NL in starts with 34, and leading the Dodgers with 214.1 IP). Tonight is Wolf's first career playoff appearance. Let's win one for the Wolfer, Dodgers!
I will be at the game today and hope to see you all there. I'll be the one in the Dodgers road jersey and cap.
Go Dodgers!
1 – 200 of 612 Newer› Newest»OK since we clinched on Star Wars Night, I was trying to think of a good Star Wars allusion for this series:
Jeff Weaver and Ronnie Belliard, our own personal C3PO and R2D2, have the stolen plans for Cardinals postseason success. The Dodgers will use those plans to topple a supposedly menacing, but surprisingly weak opponent.
(I'll try to think of another one for each series, but the Rockies advancing would really help so I could work in a "city in the clouds" reference.)
Per Kershaw:
"I'll probably be nervous for sure. ... I think it's how you handle the nerves, how you channel it"
That's the attitude, brother!
Just to dot all the "i's" and cross all the "t's":
Furcal, SS
Kemp, CF
Ethier, RF
Manny, LF
Loney, 1B
Blake, 3B
Belliard, 2B
Martin, C
Wolf P
Headed to the Loge Lounge w/ Mrs. Dusty-in-law. Hit me up at bakerkm45@gmail.com if you're out and about that area/level.
For the Ordinals, per TBLA:
Schumaker 2b
Ryan SS
Pujols 1b
Holliday LF
Ludwick RF
Molina C
DeRosa 3b
Rasmus CF
Carpenter P
Damn, I am again forced to root for the Red Sox due to the fact that they are playing the DEVILS. GO RED SOX!!!
Almost there. . .
DB, consume in my place. I'm fixing dinner for the family.
Stay on target!
Let's beat that junior college! I hate Stanfurd!
I can't remember, maybe someone can help me.
Who did the media pick in the 1988 series against the Mets?
I also forgot last year.
Who did the media pick to win the 2008 series against the Cubs?
Were they spot on or did they eat crow?
My patented predictions for today's game:
Dodgers win 3-2.
Randy Wolf gives up two runs.
Carpenter gives up one run.
Both starters go six innings.
The Dodgers score each run individually, not in bunches.
One of the Cards' runs will come on a solo-homer.
The Dodgers will have at least two doubles, one of which will be an RBI-double.
The top of the order (#1, 2, and 3 hitters) will combine for five hits.
I am now properly pumped up.
Need to likely win 2 games in which Carpenter and Wainwright start in. Let's get the first one tonight.
vr, Xei
Got my tickets for Monster Jam in Anaheim, January 16.
Ohhhhh yeaaah.
My kids love watching big trucks run over little cars. What can I say?
I want time to go on fast forward!
Frickin Yank-mes just scored again vs. the Twinkies. 4-2.
A-Fraud with his first RBI in forever, post-season wise.
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"For all of you who are worried about how good Carpenter is just remember that he has lost before, so he can lose again."
- Tommy Lasorda (via Twitter)
Wait, that's another thread...
tick tock tick tock.
"But how will I know the good side from the bad?"
"You will know, when you are calm, at peace."
@ RB
I've got u covered plus some while u take care of the fam.
Checking in!
Lots of Jackie jackets out tonight, making me proud and pumped. Lots of Brooklyn gear out tonight (I'm rockin the "B" cap myself).
Let's start this shizz already!
Ps-MLASF I hope you're right w your prediction. It sounds right to me! Can we get Nostradamus to weigh in w a quatrain? Or Erin?
why do we have to wait AND watch the Yankees win? blah.
Man I want a Dodger Dog right now.
50 minutes until game time...
I'm at a hotel tonight. Of course there is no TBS so I'm having to spring for the $10 postseason.tv. I have to admit it is pretty cool. It'll be cooler when I get a faster internet connection. BTW, when did TBS get the rights to these games? Isn't it un-American to not have them on broadcast TV?
IT'S HERE! ARAGAHSHAFAHAHF (foaming at the mouth)
woop woop! cmon Randy!
yikes :/
AHHH,, come on Wolf!
I'm late to the broadcast, got my schedules WRONG, will someone explain to me this alleged "fan interference"?
Matt just take that, no more deferring
Why didn't Kemp catch that ball?
karina, the Ryan hit a double past Casey and it went to the padding where a fan reached out and maybe touched it. it may have kept Shumaker at third, but probably didnt
woo! i'll take it! now let's get it back!
Phew!!! Come on guys!!
Lost my internet connection for the game, so am flying blind! Dammit!
And to top it off, postseason.tv just crapped out.
Breathe and exhale!
Thanks, Fred's Brim!
Ok, then!
Nice start for Raffy.
Lead off single! (hopefully September Furcal will continue to October)
OH HELL YES!!!!!!!!
Bison HR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's difficult to stay angry at this guy!
HELL YA!!!! That's my boy Kemp!!!
attaboy Matty!!
I'm foaming at the mouth right now.
I wish Ethier had swung on the first pitch after Kemp's HR. He would have crushed it.
That single extends King James' immaculate hitting streak in postseason games to 9.
"truebluela Loney has a hit in each of the 8 playoff games he has started...hitting .382/.447/.559 in postseason career #dodgers #nlds"
Nice to see the boys making contact. No Ks for Carpenter yet.
Yes! Got the connection back on the internet.
Loney single! Beard single! Bellytoo up!
Just wondering, would Hudson have caught the first-inning pop fly?
Ouch. Not a good AB for Belliard. He needs to redeem himself. So far, Fangraphs is right on the button.
O-dog makes that play, no problem.
Hopefully we can keep
that going. That might be a stretch though.
Is Randy going to keep us in the game? Settle down Randy.
Am i a bad person because i only worried about King James? that i noticed DeRosa's injured hand in the second replay?
Orlando gets that one too
O dog could have got that.
thank you Manny!
Wolf at 48 pitches. Who comes in next?
Boy is Raffy getting hot at the right time.
Furcal triple!
I listened to the first inning on radio and I hate to say Vin didn't sound right. He hardly paused for breath, told too many stories, contradicted himself and mispronounced a lot of words and phrases. "Discombobulated" came out "discomboobulated," for instance. Here's hoping he settles down too.
Carpenter's first K, on Kemp. 3 LOB.
My bad, Belliard struck out too.
agreed Orel. it's almost like wasn't properly prepared or something
I wish that triple hadn't come with two outs. Something tells me we have to hold them to this one run.
I think it's Garland or Weaver if Wolf keeps laboring.
Lyons is on the Steve Garvey Cruise too? They probably shouldn't advertise that...
One pitch, one Pujols out!
That helps.
Good. No damage from Pujols.
Two pitches, one out, one single.
damn I wish Holliday could have stayed in the AL
Just checking in.
Go Blue.
Sporadic posting to follow.
damn that was a strike, blue
This playoff strike zone isn't doing wolf any favors
Fuck, Wolf. Settle down.
dammit Randy
WHEW, nice snag by Andre!
wow great catch Dre!
Ethier is developing the Magglio-fro.
Whew! Wolf is dancing a fine line here. Let's hope he can finish well.
6 LOB for St Louie
Cards 6 LOB. We are really walking the tightrope here.
for real - gotta cut down on the walks
At least we know Furcal is all well. Now we need to get some production from Manny and Andre, and I think we're good.
Carpenter only at 33 pitches. But the first-pitch strategy has paid of so far....
I thought the exact same thing when they mentioned Lyons.
Andre's foot takes one for the team!
Epale, everybody!
I've got Vin synced up nice with the TV, and I'm feeling oh so good.
Furcal=Carpenter Killer.
Ohhhhhh...Andre Ethier = MOSTHBP! Now I get it, Orel!
Mr C I can see Lyons sitting at a table all by himself, eating a sad dinner, while everybody else hangs out with Garvey, the ship captain or the bartender
Josh! how is Luke enjoying his first playoff game?
i am pretty close TV vs Radio. Radio is about a second fast
All part of the bigger plan, Josh.
Manny gets the walk! please, don't waste this chance
How do you delay the radio to match the TV?
damn I thought he got that
Oh man. Crowd reaction was huge on Loney's fly ball.
We worked some kind of mojo in that last Lincecum game that robs aces of their powers when they enter the Ravine.
Don't put it on the ground, Beard.
Orel I wish I knew
If this matchup were decided by the manliness of the player's facial hair, Casey would win.
The crowd is on such a hair trigger. It's great.
Third straight post referencing hair.
man oh man - Torre is 26 games over .500 in the playoffs
Glad to see Carpenter building up the pitch count.
"torre" is Sicilian for hair btw
Full count to Beard!
Good eye, Beard!
Very nice, FB.
More than an hour, and this game is not even a third underway.
Molina: What's up?
Carpenter: I'm scared.
fair by a mile
Gift run accepted.
Does Loney get an assist for stepping on DeRosa's hand?
why couldnt Manny move up? Did it go straight to the right fielder?
I don't like runs on those cheapies, but I'll take it. Beggars can't be choosers.
I thought he was going to throw at home
take your time, Ronny
Belly likes to hack.
FB: basically.
Fangraphs 3 - Belliard 0
dammit Belli2 - you dont have to swing at everything
Russell can redeem his whole season right here.
Another K? what's up Belli 2.0?
Belliard not silencing the doubters...yet.
I'd be surprised if Carp doesn't just walk Russ.
Fuck you, announcer making obligatory "late fans" crack.
Rancho Ardiendo, guys!
clearing the pitcher at least
Rancho suck it Ravetch
Remember that game when Wolf did all the pitching and scoring?
Walk the pitcher to get to the guy who's 2-for-2
Good point, FB.
Dammit Randy, take pitches.
Carpenter threw 30 pitches that inning.
Drawing a walk to load the bases with the pitcher up always works.
We got one though keep it going.
Steiner time!
Still better than Stockton.
Sorry, fb, started another comment and got distracted. Not aimed at you.
Jeez, those three innings took forever.
Wolf needs an easy inning.
163...the amount of games needed to determine the AL Central winner.
Wolf doing it the hard way.
Funny. The leadoff man has reached base in three of the four innings. The guy who didn't? Albert Pujols.
you're killing me Larry (Randy)
throw strikes, please!
This is the inning that we need to shut down and take command.
Now Randy must get Skippy out. No dancing around Mr. OF-turned-2B.
Shit. 3-2 Dodgers.
Gaht dangit. WTF with the leadoff guys today?
Way to listen to me boys.
Christ, Randy is horrible tonight.
that damn walk. that was a lucky hit, but the walk is avoidable
Weaver up and throwing in the bullpen.
Gameday Audio crapping out. It damn well better be back up for the 7th.
i think Ryan's mustache is blocking the ump's view of the strike zone. it's like a freakin curtain!
Cards should incur an extra out for unsportsmanlike conduct.
me too Josh. seems to be back up now, but not sure for how long
Another IBB to Albert. Two on, two out for Holliday.
Fear the Pujols.
ugh i hate facing Matt Holliday
Pujols should just walk from the on-deck circle to first.
The first time we get to see Holliday's dome in October. Fantastic.
Passing on Albert for holliday is like passing on being shot to be stabbed
Baldy in the hole, 0-2
Holliday has a freakishly large jaw.
On your feet!
damn, Randy. get this next bum!
Uh, no replay on non-home run calls.
Weavers in? Ugh
Wolfie done. Kinda sad.
Wow. That's it for Randy. He just did not pitch well at all.
i dont like this...
See ya, Wolf. Hope you loosen up for next time.
They have replay on every play in Stocktonia.
Thanks for very little tonight wolf.
We were lucky to score that many runs off carp.
I have a bad feeling about this.
I have a bad feeling about this.
I think were gonna need a bigger boat.
Come on, guys! Weaver loves jams!
His own, usually.
oh sweet jesus
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