Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Clearly, The Bigelow Tea is Working: Part Deux

And I was worried all you little SoSG-maniacs would let the untimely passing of Captain Lou go unmentioned. Or not bring up JYD's Grab Them Cakes. (Hillbilly Jim sang "Don't Go Messing with a Country Boy"... and he even has a show on Sirius!). Why does the Delino know all this?

1. I'm from the Philly area. Wrestling in Delaware was as common as calling H2O "warder." (Worry not, I ain't a Sleeper Phils fan who has been biding his time on SoSG, only to spring destruction on an unsuspecting Dodgers nation.)

2. Between sob stories of the Dodgers leaving him alone in Brooklyn, my Dad got me into the world of Gorilla Monsoon and George the Animal Steele. One of whom I called into a sports radio show to ask a question... the other whose signature I proudly displayed (until marriage).

3. Grab Them Cakes, along with the entire Hall & Oates oeuvre, was the theme music for my two ballpark road trips with my fellow Garvey sons.

But, in truth, the reason I know so much about the Wrestling album is...(pic taken four minutes ago)


rbnlaw said...

And who can think of Cap'n Lou without remembering his tour de force as Cindi Lauper's dad in the "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" video, or Cindi's turn in the WWF world.

I tell ye, that was wrasslin's golden age.

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

The Rock Wrestling connection.

rbnlaw said...


Fred's Brim said...

awesome DD!

somewhere, Koko B. Ware is cashing a tiny check for the Piledriver album

Eric the Ice King said...

One last time... T_T

Do the Mario!
Swing your arms from side to side
Come on, it's time to go!
Do the Mario!
Take one step, and then again.
Let's do the Mario, all together now!
You've got it!
It's the Mario!
Do the Mario!
Swing your arms from side to side
Come on, it's time to go!
Do the Mario!
Take one step, and then again.
Let's do the Mario, all together now!
Come on now, it's just like that!

Todd said...

In his honor I had rubber bands glued to my face for the better part of the day.