Monday, October 19, 2009

Post-NLCS Game 4 Thread: A Punch in the Face


UPDATE 9.26p from Sax: Well, at least Lindsay Lohan has company now.


Steve Sax said...

Goddammit. I am really upset.

Josh S. said...

I'm so pissed, but that image really took the edge off. Good find.

NicJ said...

Now the anxiety of the horrible divorce offseason can set in.

Steve Sax said...

We had our chances to get another in the ninth, off of Lidge of all people. And we choked it.


Nostradamus said...

What a fucking waste.

NicJ said...

i think Bill Plaschke tripped over his coffee table running to the computer to type up his next article.

Erin said...

So...when do pitchers and catchers report?

Kyle Baker said...

I can't wait to read five months of news about:

1) McCourt's divorce
2) Colletti's re-signing (or not)
3) Ng's likely departure
4)Manny deciding whether to take his player option on the road
5)Is Manny done
6)What to do with Broxton
7)How to find at least two solid starting pitchers
8)What to do with young talent now coming due for pay raises

No easy answers here.

Erin said...

Nic, he already had it written days ago.

"Last year, the Dodgers had the lead in game four.

This year, the Dodgers had the lead in game four.

Last year, Matt Stairs came to the plate.

This year, Matt Stairs came to the plate."

And so on.

Nostradamus said...



I'm sorry. I just can't do it.

So I'm rooting for armageddon. Or godzilla. Whichever comes first.

Steve Sax said...

Not of a season, but definitely of a playoffs. To only get as far as we did last year is just depressing. We can't get this over the hump.

Karma gods, ye abandoned us.

NicJ said...

you have the paragraph format down and everything.

Kyle Baker said...

I just hate AL too much to be able to pull the trigger for them.

NicJ said...

i need a new hobby.

Nostradamus said...

@nic j

I tried to make it an all-inclusive statement.

NicJ said...

found one!

Kyle Baker said...

Yeah, Sax, that's kinda where I'm heading with my thoughts. We definitely (I thought) made ourselves better this season, yet we ended up exactly where we were at the end of last season. So what I'm left with is that we need a lot more than nibbling at the edges to get over the hump. Upgrades at pitcher (a few times over), etc.

NicJ said...

i dont really seeing us going out and getting any better pitchers, DB.

Now we have to worry about the giants and rockies being good too.

Kyle Baker said...

I totally agree, Nic. I didn't mean I actually think we would go out and get better SP; just that we need to.

Erin said...

Like they say, there's a big difference between a 3-1 count and a 2-2 count. Something the Dodgers know all too well after the absurd strike zone Ted Barrett gave them tonight.

NicJ said...

haha, on the bright side we still have Breezy locked up for a year.


Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

My hate for the Phillies runs too deep. While I wish a comet would hit the stadium where they and the Yankees/Angels play, that would only spare them of the agony of defeat.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

@Nic - Actually, I think two more years.

NicJ said...

so that means we have a closer then for next year.

(totally joking so nobody bite my head off please)

NicJ said...

is there any chance of a players lockout before the world series starts?

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Well, at least the Saints are doing well. That should be enough to keep me from crying myself to sleep for the next few months.

Anonymous said...

go yankees

Nostradamus said...

Fuck, let's save the offseason for at least a few more weeks.

I need a mental health month.

Kyle Baker said...

Broxton has shown that he does not have the mentality to be a big game closer for us. He's a one-trick pony: Lookee there! Him throw fast! We need to mold him into a specialty guy but not let him the The Guy. He fucked up in the regular season and has blown it for us in the last two NLCS. How many chances does he get?

Kyle Baker said...

Oh, and I continue to have confidence in FB. If he's our closer, or even as he just stays in our bullpen, I think he's top notch.

NicJ said...

at least A Martinez can gloat about being right.

Nostradamus said...


I guess you have to dance with who brung you, no matter what size his ass is.

5683KOPI said...

Wow...... I thought we had a chance. How sad was it to see Joe's face for the interviews after the game? I hope we can bring it back to l.a.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Oh crap, I totally forgot about A Martinez. That's going to be hell.

Kyle Baker said...

Mr. C-

Right. But I ain't asking Brox to the prom again next year.

NicJ said...

I bet he is going to say i sure wish we had cliff lee.

Notice how he never said shit about cliff lee until after he was traded, he was all about Halladay.

Kyle Baker said...

This helps, some:

Nostradamus said...


Silver lining. My sports media consumption will go way down now.

This is a (modestly) good thing.

Nostradamus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mpearse89 said...

Brox basically said he was afraid of Stairs. Can't have a closer who is afraid of people, even if the guy did hit a bomb off of you.

This is going to be a long off season.

NicJ said...

8 days until the lakers defend their title.

Just saying.

NicJ said...

i think the team was easier to watch when i expected them to lose. Funny how a season of being really good totally changes things.

Unknown said...

They're definitely going to need the off day tomorrow.

Poor Wolf - another no decision.

In which universe is it a good idea to throw a fastball over the dead center of the plate with two on (thanks to a walk and hit batsman) in the ninth, Broxton?!

Padilla, for the love of God, save us!

NicJ said...

now i just have to root against the angels, sorry i cant have them winning when we go out like this.

Kyle Baker said...

mpearse89, you hit the nail on the head. If Brox is afraid to throw to Stairs, he shouldn't be in the game at that time.

Nostradamus said...

@nic j

Be glad for the orange round ball. I've got a season of watching LFC fuck up with the white round ball waiting for me.

Kyle Baker said...

Agree totally re Angels, Nic.

But, I'm rooting for Angels to lose not Yank-mes to win.

Paul said...

You know you never really realize how much time you invest in a baseball team in a single season till it is over and they disappoint you in the way you knew they could but hoped they wouldn't.

San Fran San Diego. Chicago. LA. All this season i followed our boys by car and plane So now I must finish the game cause I never know when I will see them even make it this far again. One more round. One more round.

Anyone know what I can make with my game 6 and 7 tickets?

Kyle Baker said...

Mr. C-

The white round ball AND the giant red ball, in LFC's case.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Let's just deal with the ensuing media swarm. We lose Game 5, though I hope we can go down in one final blaze of glory, then we focus on the offseason. No looking back. No what-could-have-been's. Nothing. It's just all about making this team better, and that means adding a pitcher and a 2B that can provide depth and stability. If it means we pursue Halladay, so be it.

Nostradamus said...

...Might make dusty feel a smidge better, though.

NicJ said...

"Anyone know what I can make with my game 6 and 7 tickets?"

A paper airplane?

Kyle Baker said...


Maybe with those tickets you could make a hat or a broach.


Kyle Baker said...

Or a pterodactyl.

Paul said...

A Ruiz voodoo doll?

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

You can use it to make a fort for our leads, since they're so unstable.

Kyle Baker said...

Sorry, Mr. C. I was trying to hold back but you teed me up with your comment.

Paul said...

I could make replica of Yankee stadium and pretend I am Godzilla

NicJ said...

So NEXT year those assholes are going down.

(the braves are winning the division)

NicJ said...

So where are we holding the SOSG season funeral?

Kyle Baker said...

Good question, Nic!

Kyle Baker said...

No coffee for Broxton. Coffee is for closers.

Orel said...

New post up top.

Nostradamus said...


s'aight. I'm sure you've noticed I'm not that thin skinned.

I'd actually rather be really mad, but I'm just disappointed. Like if my daughter were dating Wayne Rooney.

Kyle Baker said...


Hah! Yeah you don't want your daughter dating that white trash troll Rooney. Rather, that dream F. Torres? ;-) Although he's awfully prone to injury so if she wants a lot of kids, that may not be the way to go. And Mascherano is just god damned ugly. Who else is out there?

Kyle Baker said...

Funeral! Funeral! Funeral!

NicJ said...

that would be pretty cool, someone organize it cause im too lazy.

NicJ said...

i bet corey wade has never been happier to be demoted midseason.

Kyle Baker said...

Was wade demoted from A to high pony league or what?

NicJ said...

from baseball to softball.

Nostradamus said...


I don't know. I don't even have kids. I just felt like crapping on Wayne Rooney.

I, too, have found a new hobby.

Kyle Baker said...


I love crapping on Rooney, too. Unless he's starting for ENG, then he's my hero who can do no wrong.

Kyle Baker said...

Are Cards sitting around saying, "How did we lose three in a row to these fuckers???"

Kyle Baker said...

Tito, get me some tissue. Getting a little upset listening to Dodger Talk and surfing blogs. I'm going to need to check out.

If I had to take a loss like this, I'm glad to do so with you guys to help ease the pain.


Crusty, out...

*Except if there is a chance to throw at Victorino.

NicJ said...

So is Ruiz going to the the NLCS MVP this year?

Probably Howard but it really should be Ruiz

Steve Sax said...

Paul 9:36p (that's a time, btw, not a chapter and verse): you hit it on the head about one's investment in a team, and how it all comes so sudden at the end. Well put.

NicJ said...

its like eating an awesome sundae and getting to the end and finding out that bottom scoop of chocolate ice cream was a turd.

Paul said...

Padilla starting. Hamels set to try and kill us.

NicJ said...

honestly im not expecting too much from them in game 5. You remember how the team just rolled over and died last year, and that was at home.

Anonymous said... did it

Paul said...

Yeah this team hasn't had anyone step up yet. I don't see them doing it now. Martin should be the leader of the youngins but he is a ghost of his former self.

Paul said...

Brad lidge is back in case you didn't know.

Mike Sharperson Lives! said...

Well, on the bright side, Dodger Blues will probably be back and have a lot of new material.

mpearse89 said...

If only Holiday had caught that ball!

NicJ said...

"If only Holiday had caught that ball!"

haha, quote of the season.

Fred's Brim said...

mpearse89, that has actually made me laugh on this sad, sad morning

rbnlaw said...

Still numb. Not comfortably; just numb.