Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween from Sons of Steve Garvey

Last year: Happy Halloween from Sons of Steve Garvey


Kyle Baker said...


Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I'm getting sick of Brent Assburger.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Scariest costume this year to visit Neeebs' house was Frank and Jamie. Dressed in half/Dodger uniforms.

Orel said...

150 treats given out by 8:45. Only one baseball-related costume, a Yankee. "You're losing!" we told him.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Close to 90 pieces given out for me, though that was a pretty stark increase from the 7 last year.

Josh S. said...


Kyle Baker said...

Zero here. I guess they know Old Man Baker is mean and bitter.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Look on the bright side, Dusty. More candy for you. I've got two Hershey's and a dozen 3 Musketeers left. Though I ate a handful during the SC game.

Kyle Baker said...

Good point, MLASF. I'm going to go through this leftover candy like a 40-year-old virgin watching a Sex and the City marathon.

rbnlaw said...

Went to a party in downtown Anaheim last night. Over 2,000 trick or treaters.

That was not a typo. It was insanity; no incidents, just a buttload of people.

Kyle Baker said...


That sounds like way too many kids for my taste, if that was the demographic. So, any more than zero kids would rule me out.

Kyle Baker said...

I got a rock.

rbnlaw said...

I was in the back of the party drinking homebrew and watching SC get trounced.

It was win/win for me.

Kyle Baker said...

Sounds like everything was coming up RB at that party!