Pedro Martinez (0-0, -.--) vs. Vicente Padilla (0-0, -.--).
Q: What do the McCourts and the Dodgers have in common?
A: They both want a split at home! HA HA HA
If you thought yesterday was weird, it gets weirder. Pedro vs. Padilla in the postseason, and we're not talking Mets vs. Rangers. The Dodgers are looking to recover from the pesky Phils' offensive onslaught, which has battered them for three straight NLCS games (dating back to last year).
In an attempt to reverse the powerful negative mojo vortex started by Matt Stairs and continued by Carlos Ruiz, we are sending an unprecedented four Sons (AC, Delino, Orel, and Sax) to today's game. I have it on good authority that Rob from 6-4-2 will also be in attendance, so the Dodgers' at-game Blog-Fu should be strong today.
1 – 200 of 277 Newer› Newest»It's bizarre that two pitchers that were on the free agency scrap heap two months ago are now starting Game 2 of the NLCS. Has that ever happened? I guess it's the battle of the GMs today.
Those are awesome pants Flea is wearing BTW.
Padilla just needed to get out of Texas and come to Los Angeles to get his head straight. On the meshugas scale, that's like jumping out of the flame and into the fire.
Furcal, SS
Kemp, CF
Ethier, RF
Manny, LF
Loney, 1B
Blake, 3B
Belliard, 2B
Martin, C
Padilla, P
'Bout to hit the road. A quick drop by the office, then gametime! Trying to leave plenty of time.
To everybody that's going to the game, give them hell.
Thank gawd you didn't post a picture of Flea wearing nothing but a sock.
I liked him better when he was in the Germs.
If we don't win today, all of my future posts will be in the MLASF hysterical language: JLHDUOHWBSY AGHDUBSL. I believe that is how it is pronounced.
is Flea throwing out the first pitch tonight?
vr, Xei
Ahhh, back to the NLDS lineup of awesomeness.
Though, 14 hits from last night's lineup isn't shabby either.
Isn't Flea a Dodger fan?
Flea's a big Laker guy, don't know about rthe Dodgers
Ah, this is where I read about Flea being a Dodger fan.
I LOLed at the joke.
My brother is also going to the game.
Agree about the line-up, and agree that 14 hits ought to produce a win.
Hell, 4 runs against Hamels should get a win. I can't bring myself to be mad at the FBR for giving up a 3-run dinger.
No truth to the rumor that Falcon Heene will be throwing up the first pitch.
You read that right.
I KNOW we will win this game.
I saw it in my FlashForward.
Yeah, I'm not mad at Breezy either (maybe because I missed it when it happened). He was due for a bad outing. But the homer he gave up should have put the Phils up 6-4 instead of 8-4. Howard's double was the avoidable damage.
Exactly. I can't believe Torre left Kershaw in to pitch to Howard. Especially considering all the options he had available in the bullpen.
Enough lamenting already.
It's a new day.
Would it be any different if we lost 3-1? No.
Let's bring a big time Dodger victory home TODay.
I'm fairly certain (but I could be wrong) that Joe has zero faith in Elbert. He only took him on the roster to fill Weaver's spot. (Though I think Weaver would have done way more damage in that 5th inning.)
OK, sorry Neeebs. Lament switch: off.
Time to treat Pedro Martinez like Jamie Moyer!
There's just not enough time between games. I'm still in mourning.
Have you downloaded your Free Official St. Louis Cardinals toolbar yet? I think it may be good luck.
Mama said weep it out?
Mama said knock you out. LA gonna knock you out.
DB switching up the avatar.
Was feeling some bad juju, so went with the DSB schlub. We'll see how that goes.
Jobu sez, "May be time to switch it up indeed."
That Jobu is wise beyond his height.
At the stadium. Hot as hell.
One Son in the house. Mr. C is right about the heat. Fortunately, we're currently in the shade.
currently on the P.A.: "Pressure Drop"
Here's hoping Padilla Time is the new Lima Time.
Si se puede.
"Q: What do the McCourts and the Dodgers have in common?
A: They both want a split at home! HA HA HA"
So you're saying it's Frosty between Jamie and Frank?
@LLCoolL everything Flea plays or wears is awesome.
I'm not worried anymore, the Sons and Mr C are in da house!
Haha well played Josh.
I hated Jamie white.
It's on! It's on!
I gotta stop getting so nervous about these games. My stomach can't take it.
4 pitches, 2 outs. Nice.
SF is in the house...
They're making contact. Get out your tight-rope walkin' shoes!
OK, we're making contact too...just not good contact.
At this pace, the game will be done by 3.
Randy Marsh down the right field line. I wonder how big he considers the chalk line to be.
I wonder what happens when Randy Marsh looks at a postage stamp? Does he picture it the size of a tiny postage stamp? Whooooa, duuuude.
Gameday says Pedro has 8 balls.
Just sayin'
This is getting monotonous...
Hey all,
I hate this gametime, I will have to be following it on the iphone after lunch.
Dodgers are the best around and nothing is going to keep them down today.
Not a great start by the offense.
Ugh. Ruiz. Ugh.
Can someone just hit Ruiz and take him out of this series already?
Loney tried to play a mind game?
It is hot in here. Nelly would be stoked.
Ugh, Ruiz, ugh.
Someone take ruiz out with a sniper rifle.
Nic...sounds like a GREAT idea for a movie...think we could use the Coliseum to film it?...
The power of 4 SOSG says the Dodgers will explode for runs in the forth inning
inscrutable Logic neebs...
a hit?...OMG!...
got his job done...
Damn peeps...I'm at work, door closed TV on...but this blog has a very resonant echo...
you're fired as oracle neebs...
FAST game. I could have damned near gone to the game, seen the whole thing, and come back to work, all in my lunch hour.
Neeebs predicted fourth inning, no?
My deepest apologies, neebs...I am at work...uh...the sun was in my eyes...it was my assistant's fault...
Delino here writing from the logeM
. Stop. Got a feww bag for govong chrysler sax's personal info STOP padilla looking legit but so does pedro STOP larry king never knew sandy koufax STOP wish I bought scalper tix STOP I'm sitting with the philly cheese who predicts a sven game phillies victory STOP discussing into the wild STOP I got one of the last spots on scott rd STOP I go now... Liking the dodgers odds in this one. Sweaty in the shade - d-line
Gawd. Dammit.
I keep stating i'm totally annoyed by the entire Phillies roster.
I feel sick.
Why are we pitching to this guy?...
so it's one run...
intentionally walking Howard is not a terrible idea...
So we could contain Poo-holes but not Howard?
And why don't we have a derisive and/or derogatory nickname for Howard?
Long live to Bison's swift legs!
Please steal, Matt.
Rick Monday boring me with pitch release times again.
Why did you listen to me, Matt?
Ugh, Ruiz, ugh.
I jinxed Kemp. It's my fault.
Kobe sitting in front row, next to Frank McCourt.
Nervous time, folks. Time's a-wastin'.
*makes self throw up*
Kobe's giving Frank 'couples counseling'...
I'm sure the media is getting to ride Pedro's jock, even though he doesn't have a single strikeout yet.
It's just one run, folks.
By the way, where's Neeebs when i need him?. I feel like changing my avatar, it'd be Obi Wan fighting.
If it still is Obi Wan, does it count as a real change?
karina...not if you change it in the forest...
I think you're safe to change the avatar, Karina. Same theme.
Get this sumbitch OUT.
OK, we've lulled them into a false sense of security, now POUNCE!
Come on, Yesterday Loney!
I think the Dodgers should be aware this is not 2004 Pedro Martinez.
Beard, man, you're not only letting us down, you're bringing me down.
New Avi in effect. Eff U Jobu, Darth is here to get this shit rolling.
Ugh still feeling sick.
Hey, karina with the old school 100.
On vacation, sitting on a cruise ship in port in rainy Oregon. No TBS on board, so using my Sprint phone tethered to my laptop, streaming home HD feed through Slingbox at 900Kb - 1Mbit speed...
And wondering if I'm going to ruin my appetite for dinner tonight...
Paul...IF you are not at work...OR...if you are 'the boss'...single-malt cures this too...
I'm out guys...site inspection calls...back later...if there is anything to come back to...
RB - Don't be encouraging the #100s now - don't feed the beast! ;-)
She's a killer, not a beast.
We need to consult Nosty. I'm fired as the Oracle.
But Dodgers still win this game
Nostradamus and/or Erin need to weigh in.
Lie to me if you have to, Erin, tell me everything will be alright!
Take one for the team!!
2 successful sac bunts for VPad. Other Dodger pitchers, pls take note!
Time for a slap double!
Arghalksdbnowj ljasd
Base fucking hit. That's all I ask.
What the hell? Did they all take Kershaw out to "cheer him up" last night.
I second that emotion, DB.
This is the Pedro Martinez that NOBODY wanted.
Wake the hell up, Dodgers!
I'm losing patience. Is that coming through in my comments?
You are doing a good job of masking your emotion.
@Rbnlaw i can tell yoo're running out of patience.
The hundred mention was intended to bring back some early season mojo.
Hate you Howard.
Dodgers 3-16 w/ RISP in NLCS. Who are we, the Cards?
Kemp is 4-20 w/ 9 Ks.
"Hate you Howard."
That's the spirit, Karina! I can picture you saying that with your game face.
Huzzah! DP!
Faith, it ain't over!
Will you PLEASE get this man some runs?!
VPad hit 95 twice in that last sequence.
DB, it will be all right. The bloom is about to come off Pedro's rose.
Or something like that. What I mean is, we're gonna win.
I'm sorry, but my prediction was based on the idea that the Dodgers would finally realize what year it is. After those two at-bats, all bets are off.
Looks like Pedro may be done, according to Vin. But...is he the problem?
My spirits were lifted at 3:05, but then crushed at 3:10. Why do you torture me so, Erin?
Dobbs double play here.
neebs10/16/2009 2:44 PM
I was wrong in my statement and judging of you...That I jinxed the power of neebian logic is apparent...please take the mantle of oracle back and wear is wisely...
Let's hope he runs like J.R. "Bob" Dobbs.
Padilla was so freakin' good. How can we do this to him?
The redemption of Vicente Padilla is one hell of a story.
So we left Kershaw in but we're taking VPad out? Can we have a do-over and reverse that?
Yay DP.
Wrong guy, right call. Go me!
I bet Padilla could have gotten that DP and then been in line for the win when we score next inning.
Do the Dodgers know how to come back and score runs late in the game?
Damn right they do!
I like the way you think, Erin.
Come on. There is no way we can let Chan Ho Park do it to us two days in a row.
Manuel's pushing his luck trying to get two straight good performances out of Chan Ho.
Beard Mode!
The Beard lives!
Finally Casey hits a ball hard and not right at somebody. Barely.
Ballsy move by Torre, taking Blake out of the game.
I'm not sure why Torre seems to be never prepared for the possibility of someone slow getting on base.
Yeah, questionable grammar in that last comment. Sorry.
Everyone's safe!
Mojo Time!!!!!!!!!
Get your Mojo Here.
Oh, man. Please don't do this to me again, Dodgers. Score a run. Just score a run.
Time to play like a championship team Dodgers...
(Not stealing your gimmick, Nic.)
For the love of god, no DP, Martin.
Wow, Martin looked like he was in the Matrix on pitch one. Good eye on pitch 2...
and 3...
Was that a strike? Gameday showed it pretty much inside.
I don't really like the bunt here.
Bunt attempt? WTF?
Inside by a good 6 inches...
It was not a strike, DB. Way inside. Should have been rancho ardiendo.
I don't like that we're trying to get 1 out here.
PHEW. Well, that works, too.
Cant they turn the lights on and get rid of the shadows for us?
Wait, we score!
Oh, thank GAWD.
Wow. Martin did the worst possible thing, and we got do lucky anyway. Another error for Utley? Insane.
That's why no one can underestimate the power of Obi Wan Kenobi holding a lightsaber!
Sorry Chan Ho, go put on that suit your mom bought you that we cut the sleeves off of...
Stop! Thome Time.
Scott Err!
Yes. Yes. Yes.
Jim Thome - Professional Hitter
@San Marcos Mike.
Bring in the Wolf!
Uh, I mean Castro.
Life one to deep right, Raffy. That's all we need. None of that nervous slap bunt shit.
Heh. I was under the mistaken impression we scored there. I promise to pay attention from now on.
anyone else notice Utley was making high throws to Howard on routine plays yesterday and today? Might be playing with a bad shoulder or something, but WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TIE GAME!
I hear Star Wars music!
Little cactus leaguer here Rafi...
Totally noticed that last night. Routine, end the inning throw to first and Utley nearly skied it.
Good eye.
Rancho Ardiendo!
If the coaches love the mound so much, why don't they just marry it?
Or not...
Mr. Kemp? This is the front desk with your wake up call.
Alright, Bison. Patience of a Jedi master. No GIDP. Big bucks, no whammies...
Trying to post and follow the game sucks. But we have a rally!!!
Kemp is pressing. Showing his young nerves.
Argh. Alright Andre. Clutch time.
Who keeps letting 2008 Matt Kemp come to the plate?
Seriously, Matt. This is a goddamn TERRIBLE time for a slump.
Bison, you're slowly becoming extinct in North America.
The only thing missing from the Dodgers so far in this short time is a HUGE clutch hit.
Andre time.
I smell a wild pitch.
Please Andre. Do it.
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