Sunday, October 25, 2009
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Random rantings and ravings about the Los Angeles Dodgers, written by a small consortium of rabid Dodger fans. With occasional comments on baseball, entertainment, pop culture, and life in general.
4/3 vs. SF (W, 5-4): Sax
4/15 vs. WSH (L, 4-6): Dusty, Orel, Sax
5/6 vs. MIA (W, 6-3): AC, Sax
5/16 vs. CIN (L, 2-7): AC, Sax
6/12 vs. TEX (L, 2-3): Sax
7/5 vs. MIL (W, 8-5): Sax
7/21 vs. BOS (W, 9-6): Sax
7/24 vs. SF (L, 3-8): Sax
8/24 vs. TB (L, 8-9 (10)): Sax
8/29 vs. BAL (W, 6-3): Orel, Sax
9/9 vs. CHC (L, 4-10): Sax
10/5 NLDS G1 vs. SD (W, 7-5): Sax
10/6 NLDS G2 vs. SD (L, 2-10): Orel, Sax
10/25 WS G1 vs. NYY (W, 6-3 (10)): Sax
1 – 200 of 223 Newer› Newest»Someone get rid of that damn banner for the Phillies.
i thought this was a Cardinals site
Guerrero (DH)
I totally had a premonition that the Yanks prematurely ejaculated World Series banner was going to be the graphic!
Yanks stick with that swisher Swisher.
Saints win again, and USC jumps to #5. I just need another Halo victory to cap this day.
Where was SC in BCS before today? Can't recall.
@ #7
Ur wlcm
Solid start from Petttitttte.
Jeter makes contact. The crowd goes wild!
Look at Derek Jeter, that little trooper. Playing even though he has a bruise on his right thigh.
We are so bitter.
Hopefully the Phillies are moldering with inactivity.
Teixeira single. A-Rod up.
Teixeira gets a hit, and the Yankees win!
Yankees starting some two-out madness.
Does this lineup ever go down 1-2-3?
Rancho almostdiendo already.
I wonder if Jorge tries to imagine that the ball is Burnett's head
Saunders wiggles off the hook. Can we expect to see Lackey in the late innings?
Tonight's suggested drinking game: drink whenever McCarver directly or indirectly credits Yankees with already having won the ALCS or World Series.
Apple is running the Mac ads into overdrive to combat Windows 7
@DB: Prepare to die of alcohol poisoning.
When will laptops with touchscreens become common?
Drink whenever Ken Rosenthal says something that really is actually nothing.
You dial 9-1, and when I say so, dial 1 again.
Did Vlad swing at Pettitte's warmup pitches?
Not that time, Jeter!
I picked the wrong day to play drinking games with pure grain alcohol.
That was not Jeter-esque, Vlad. Swisher starts the 9-3 DP.
@Dusty - Do you prefer poison control?
So get up, get, get get down
911 is a joke in yo town
Get up, get, get, get down
Late 911 wears the late crown
What the flip was Vlad thinking? Pathetic.
We have seen more base-running blunders this postseason than...than watching Kemp two seasons ago.
Thanks for taking that and running with it, Orel. Made my day. It's the simple things...
Damn kids and your rock-n-roll and your iPhones and you layflex collars and your poloroid cameras and your Vizios and your Frito-Lays and your...
Yo, wassup with that brother Chuckie D? He swear he nice.
I want the Phillies to lose in the World Series, but I wouldn't mind seeing an ALCS Game 7.
Yo the brother don't swear he's nice, he knows he's nice.
Why is Richard Nixon talking to Cameron Diaz?
Cause, um, what else am I going to do tomorrow night if there's no Game 7?
Is it supposed to be shocking that Frank Langella is missing half his face in that preview? Wow, bad CGI!
@Orel - the thing is that you don't notice it until it's pointed out to you
I saw the version where they don't point it out, they just expect you to notice.
Cano gets it started.
I didn't realize he was missing half of his face until I read a promo saying a guy with half his face missing was at their door. How hard is it to make a guy look like he's missing half his face?
Last night I was watching some home video of Yankees roll call on You Tube. And I was thinking, we need to develop a roll call for a GT next year.
"Ka-ri-na! Clap Clap Clap! Ka-ri-na! Clap Clap Clap!"
"Honey, there's a guy with half his face missing at the door!"
I wish we could post photos in Game Threads.
About time Aybar got that tarantula off his head.
No more Sideshow Bob 'do for Aybar!
Another two-on, two-out situation for the Yankees.
Hey, it's Derek What's-his-face.
(pops cork on champagne)
This Jeter kid has some potential.
Who got 1,000,000?
Jeter is up and gets the Ruiz 2-0 treatment
Yeah it would be cool to post pics. I've tried to post links to pics using TinyURL links, but usually by the time I can do that the moment is gone.
Posting pics is the best part of TBLA.
Rancho Broxiendo
Oh oh ducks on the pond for Judas.
Rancho ohshitheretheyankeesgoagain.
That Johnny Damon may be good, but he's no Derek Jeter.
Jeter ran to second on that one. What a gamer.
shit I missed it! Roundabout by Yes came on the car radio and I was completely distracted. I totally missed the odometer flip over!
Sure, blame it on progressive rock.
Extra bases!
I think MLASF already blamed it on rock and roll earlier in this thread.
I wonder what kind of food they serve at NYY Steak.
To solve the umpiring problem, MLB should have every single available umpire on the field at once.
That Jeff Mathis hits like he's Derek Jeter.
I blame it on the bossa nova.
I god damned sure want to have some of that NY Steak about right now.
I would say blame it on the rain but it never rains in southern California. That is what they tell me.
The Most Interesting Man in the World is only half the man that Derek Jeter is.
Wow, Aybar is hacking away all over. All opposite-field foul balls.
Blame it on Rio.
It rained here last week!
And so I blame it on the rain.
Were you lip-syncing that, Paul?
Wow. Cano just made the second best play of the game. The first being Jeter's putout, of course.
Angels take the lead!
Angles draw first blood.
If Derek Jeter was pitching, he'd have struck out the side by now.
Angels make it rain!
Derek who?
What's the holdup here?
Hunter strikes out, but the Halos strike first.
After two-and-a-half, it's Angels 1 - Jeters 0
Is it 210 to right field. Andre would have had a four dinger game.
Reminds me when I feared for my life at batting practice at the Colisuem last year.
"don't do it Manny!"
Hunter- you can't stare at that pitch and hope it's called outside.
This "Derek" person and this "Jeter" person - are they two people, or the same guy?
Jeter jetered that jeter from here to Jeter, but Jeter just jetered the jeter to jeter the jeter and jeter it for four jeters.
It was one out, Pettitte. Settle down.
Jeter is IG-88. I know this.
So now its gameday and I'm not wearing the Angels shirt that my aunt gave me for Christmas. Why? Because the shirt is dirty and I'm sitting in my clean post-shower only chair. Did I ever mention that I have OCD?
Giants 7 Arizona 0. Timmah throwing a shut out.
I think I have an old Angels hat that I got at a watch party in 2002. Can't bring myself to dig it out, though. Just can't cross that line.
McCarver: "The only knock on Bobby Abeu has been how tentative he is near a wall"
I would have thought that the only knock would be that he's not Derek Jeter.
I think most people are tentative when heading towards a wall.
At least those who don't have brain damage.
Did I say OCD? I mean, the OC Disorder.
Yank-mes strand 6. A-fraud nearly took one out. We'll see how much longer Saunders can keep them at bay.
I'm actually at the in-laws in the OC tonight (Buena Park). Deep in the heart of Angels territory.
Wearing my LA hat, though, just for good measure.
@Fanerman - Don't call it that.
The only knock on Jeter is that he might be a little too great.
@Fanerman "I'm sitting in my clean post-shower only chair."
That ball to Vlade was outside, but the ump has been calling it a strike all night (so I guess that passes as fair).
That was a heckuva play by Jeter. Nice throw!
I think there is a starbucks in the Yankees dugout.
5 Ks for Petttttttittttttte. I counted at least 3 were backward Ks. What are you waiting for, Halos? St. Peter? Gotta swing that thing they call a "bat" that you get to take with you up to the plate when it's your turn to, what the kiddos today call, "hit."
My MVP through three and a half innings: Jeter
I would like to see a Kuo vs. Cano matchup.
My MDJ: Derek Jeter.
Two on, no out for the Yankees. Will Saunders escape this jam?
Did you see how Jeter watched that Swisher hit from the dugout? We really need to stop to appreciate what we're seeing.
I am reading Nietzsche because I feel as Dodger fans we are stuck in an eternal recurrence.
Also because chicks dig aphorisms. Well maybe not.
Cano points to the sky, thanking the heavens for the gift that is Derek Jeter.
Wait, that was Swisher! Dammit, FOX!
@ Paul-
"Jeter is dead."
Oh yeah well Eithier is Emperor Clutch!
Derek Jeter is 100% effective 26.9% of the time.
Good recovery by Mathis. Full count.
He is made from bits of babe Ruth so you know he is good.
Mmmm...Baby Ruth.
A Jeter-esque AB for Jeter.
Rancho Jeteriendo!
He reminds me of Derek Jeter.
Let's see how much of a Jeter Johnny Damon is.
Ducks on the pond for Judas again.
Don't disappoint Jeter this time.
Rancho youcansensesomethingbigabouttohappenbut hopeitdoesn't
Derek Jeter! Advances to second!
I think Jeter should get the credit for those two runs there.
Swisher is such a ummm special winner.
That ball has ZERO movement of any kind on it.
And wasn't particularly fast, either.
Is Jamie in the crowd? That two timing insubordinate....
Rancho whatissossciagoingtodonow.
A cheapie for Teixeira. Rancho Jeter.
Cue John Williams.
Saunders falling behind every batter now. Take Kershaw out now!!!!
I can't see my boyfriend!!
Whoa, sorry....PTSD episode.
Clowns to the left of me. Jeter to the right.
Jeter scores!
A postage stamp on my desk just stood up and said, "Damn that strike zone is tiny tonight!"
@Orel, yup. I have 2 chairs in my room... just for that.
I just had a Jetergasm.
Oliver is wearing earplugs so he won't have to hear McCarver's inane b.s..
Medium-Daddy Vladdy!
Vlad finally said, well, if you're calling that low and outside ball for a strike, I'll reach out and hit it.
Put in Joba the Hut!
No one takes off his shin protector and walks to 1B like Jeter. Take a mental picture of this, folks.
Hey guys! Just showed up. Who are the Jeters playing tonight?
Time to stretch.
Sorry I'm late btw; I was watching Jetering with the Jeters.
Jeter was winning.
Getting late for the non-Jeters.
Was about to send out a search party for you, Sax.
Is it against the rules for Jeter to pinch hit for himself?
McCarver: "Every Nano Inch."
That McCarver is WILD! Mixing up metric and Roman measurements is just wacky. He should do stand-up!
Beautiful 3-6-3 DP!
Two-inning save for Mariano? What, the Yankees don't have a Brim Reaper?
Jeter didn't get that, so it should be a foul ball.
I just cannot friggin stand this broadcast crew. It's totally ruining my enjoyment of the game. Just CALL THE GAME. I don't care about your opinion. If you want to manage that badly, make a career switch.
Not getting to that ball was in his Master Plan in order to set up the DP.
Just turn Vin on, DB.
"From one dazzling pitch to a dazzling play" -McCarver
*slits wrists*
I tried turning Vin on but there's a 96 hour lag.
Wishful thinking by Vlad.
Manny taught Vlad how to count.
Hey, Gibby - er, uh, I mean Vladdy - gets a hit.
Dusty, just keep uttering these words to yourself;
"You're a real man, Deion Sanders! A real man!"
I would SO love for Angels to come back so the media would ask 4 trillion questions about bringing Rivera in.
Whachoo talking about? Willits?
If there's anyone who can match the grit and determination of Derek Jeter, it's Mariano Rivera.
Are Jeter and Rivera the same person, though? Have you ever seen them together?
If anyone can get their ears that big, it'd be Derek Jeter.
Kendrick really dropped the ball there.
Did McCarver say anything of importance just there?
Angels self-destructing.
Did Mark DeRosa throw that?
Angels deserve to lose. I'm sorry, but they just have not earned a victory with this shitty play here.
Two errors in one inning! That's grrrrreat!
Don't talk about the Dodgers like that, MLASF!
Hey, it's what's-his-face!
Yeah, that doesn't work when I expressly state the Angels in the post, Orel. But thanks for trying.
I said this BEFORE the self-destruction to those around me, so it's not just hindsight. But why on earth would you put Kazmir in? Yanks just spank this guy.
McCarver explaining what the pitcher did to not screw that play up.
ESPN fired Steve Phillips. Expect a lawsuit any day now.
They fired Phillips? Damn, now what am I supposed to do if I want...well, how else will I hear...but what happens if there's...okay, I give. Phillips offered nothing to the already terrible ESPN broadcast. At least it frees up a spot for someone competent.
Someone get rid of that damn banner for the Phillies.
Phillips says he's entering counseling/rehab.
For what? Wanting to get busy with people not his legal wife?
@Dusty - Why not? David Duchovny did it.
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