Thursday, October 15, 2009

Either Way, We Win

Dodger Blues is threatening to call it quits! From the site's latest post:

As if there wasn’t enough for a Dodger fan to think about on the eve of the NLCS, there was this news late Wednesday night: the McCourts are separating. Want more? How about this: If the Dodgers win the World Series, I’m retiring Dodger Blues.

First Fire Joe Morgan, now this? Things wouldn't be the same without that patented DB cynicism. But like the headline says, at least we'll have something to look forward to.


Josh S. said...

He mentioned this possibility earlier in the season (on the Dodger Blues Facebook page), but now it sounds like he's serious.

I think he should also reveal his true identity ("I'm Kilroy!") if they win it all.

rbnlaw said...

He used the "We've Got Busch!" headline.

And I laughed. . .

Kyle Baker said...

Good riddance to that old e-rag. Always hated the cynicism. It's Cubs-ish whining that I just can't let bring me down.

Jimbo said...

It's funny if you don't take it seriously, people. Like Glenn Beck!

Josh S. said...

While I wait patiently for the game to start, I just want to go on record and say I want this shirt.

Too bad it was clearly printed before the trade deadline. No Thome and no Garland. No Eye Chart either, which is kind of a shame considering how he was with the team in an unofficial capacity (cheerleader?) through his whole injury.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...


Neeebs (The Original) said...

Dodger Blues was my first "go to" site for misery in my Dodger frustrations. It's funny. It's not to be taken too seriously. There are some real gems in the posts. It may not be for everyone, but it works on this end.

@Josh: Picked up that T-shirt at Universal City Walk this past Sunday. Maybe tonight is the night to inaugurate its wearing.

Josh S. said...

Haven't seen this elsewhere on here, but Weaver's out and Elbert's in, presumably because of Weaver's flu.

So we have a LOOGY without burning Kuo or Breezy early. And I guess Bills is our long man.

rbnlaw said...

Elbert over Garland? And the plot thickens.

I want about 5 shirts I just saw on the site. The "Hierarchy" shirt is pretty nice.

karina said...

This is the time for a confession:

I AM behind Dodger Blues.

Nostradamus said...

Speaking of things to look forward to, why is it not 5:07p yet?

Nostradamus said...


Funny, I would have suspected another, say, 6 billion other people first.

Orel said...

@Karina: And I AM the real Orel Hershiser!

Kyle Baker said...

I am the real killer!

Neeebs (The Original) said...


totally off topic, but my friend came into town from Maracaibo, last weekend. I didn't realize that he had a new job of importance. Apparently he is the Sindico Procurador del municipio Maracaibo. He tells me that he goes on TV from time to time. Do you know of him? His name is Jairo Molero.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

BTW, DB can't be Karina because she couldn't do character assassination with such callous disregard like the DB site does.

Kyle Baker said...

I dunno, Neeebs, we saw what a cold-hearted, callous killer Karina was in Assassins' Circle.

Fred's Brim said...

anybody else feeling really antsy right now? Lets get this thing going!

Last year against Philly, I always felt things were a walk or a hit or even a pitch away from being out of control (from the Dodger pitcher's side of the ball). For instance, it didn't take 2nd and 3rd, no outs for it to feel like we were in trouble. Just a man on base, anywhere, seemed to be dangerous with them. Vs St Loo, I was expecting the same feeling, but we seemed to be in total command, even when they were getting on base and into scoring position. I felt comfortable that, at the worst, we would bend but not break. I really hope that continues this series.

anybody else have the same feelings?

Fred's Brim said...

karina is Dusty Baker? it all makes sense now! Dusty doesn't want it to seem like he posts all day, every day so he invented a "Venezuelan" account. That also helps with any internet extradition cases

Josh S. said...

I'm antsy as hell. A few days ago, I felt we could steamroll through anybody. But, Philly's comeback win, Joe's roster/lineup/rotation tinkering, and the McCourts' public battle have made me MIGHTY nervous. (That last one not as much, because you have to figure the team has already known about it for a while.)

I'm still confident, just...less so.

Anonymous said...

Wow I haven't been on DB in years. Found it funny but eventually couldn't stand the negativity. Sometimes I think they jus went too far. Sucks that they are just giving up if they win it all. They can't just reset the Gibson clock and keep going?

I'm surprised fans as cynical as they are are even considering the fact that we could win it all.

rbnlaw said...

I am Michael Caine.

And a big thanks to the SoSG for coming up with this content to pass the time. Work really wasn't getting it done.

Nostradamus said...

For the record, I'm twitchy as hell.

Fred's Brim said...

in the words of Maynard G. Krebs, "Work?!"

Kyle Baker said...


Karina/Dusty...the yin and the yang of one actual person behind the curtain. I invented her as an alter-ego because of the difficulty I have balancing the optimistic and pessimistic sides of me. My general outward nature is to project pessimism, and vitriol, and drunk and disorderly behavior, but secretly there is a sane, rational person - Karina - brimming with optimism and the feeling that things are going to be all right.

Not sure who I am right now before this game...both emotions are fighting inside of me! *holds head in hands, tortured, as he stares across the Los Angeles cityscape*

Erin said...

I just went to the stadium to get some good vibes. There's some giant tent in the parking lot behind right field (I think; I may have been turned around). It's got a lighting setup inside that looks like it might be above a stage, and a party planning truck (among others) outside. Anyone know what that's about?

Kyle Baker said...

Some sort of media setup, maybe, Erin?

Erin said...

Yeah, that's what I figured. It's big and indoors, which is odd if it's for on-camera stuff, but maybe it's just an overflow area for all the press sure to be there tonight.

Oh, and if you're going to the game, there's a good stretch of Sunset where the power (including traffic lights) is not working. It's from maybe Micheltorena, continuing until almost Alvarado. I didn't make notes, but it seemed to be affecting at least six stoplights. I would assume it'll be fixed by the time gates open, but if not that could make traffic even worse than usual.

Kyle Baker said...

Note to self: Don't take Alvarado northbound to Glendale Blvd home tonight.

Need to write a sticky-note reminder, as I'm on autopilot unless something intervenes.

Josh S. said...

Is that EVER a good route, DB? I take Union to Temple to Glendale.

Neeebs (The Original) said...


I usually take Ventura Blvd. to Tampa. Generally no traffic there.

Oh wait...nevermind.

rbnlaw said...

I take Orange to Dale to Braodway.
If I get behind a creep doing 40 in the 40 mph zone, I go ballistic.

Did I mention I live in OC and my commute home is about 15 min. on a bad day?

Nostradamus said...


Amen. My commute is usually 10 minutes into PRSM, 15 if there's traffic. Of course, I pay rent through the nose, but it's a small price to pay for (a measure of) mental stability.

Nostradamus said...

Memo to Baseball:

Hurry the fuck up already!

Wesley Vento said...

RE: McCourt's - I can see how this might have an affect on whether or not Joe Torre wants to stick around or something, but as to whether or not its going to affect the series is ludicrous. Does anyone seriously think that Matt Kemp or James Loney gives a flying eff about Frankie's love life? I don't.

RE: DB - I, for one, will be sad to see him go if he really does, but I'm hoping he does if that means a 7th ring for the Doyers. I will miss the awful/amazing photoshops, the roll overs, the asshole of the moment section, and the general humor that DB came at us with.

I mean, he did this and this or this amazing homage to American Beauty.

I'll he happy to see him go, but I'm going to miss him too.

Loney Fan said...

I have been stuck in jury duty in the San Bernardino courthouse all morning. I'm on the only panel not to be called in yet. There is almost nothing in the world that could make my wait for 5pm any longer.

Also, I am really Dusty Baker and Karina. I am normally right down the middle on my positive/negative Dodger feelings. I needed two alter egos to fight out my extremes. It may be time to get help.

Kyle Baker said...

Loney Fan-

So THAT'S the voice in my head I've been hearing. Explains a lot.

I'm awaiting further instruction...

Loney Fan said...

DB - your next instruction is to explain to Orel that either way we lose. Before today we were hoping for a World Series win and expected Dodger Blues to be around forever. Now we only get one or the other. Yesterday we had two good things, today we have one. I don't know how 2 - 1 = 3

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Loney Fan raises his head for a drive by.


Neeebs (The Original) said...


You won't get stuck in Judge Frangie's courtroom today as she is a Huge Dodger Fan.

Loney Fan said...

HLaCK texted me this morning suggesting that I start by saying 'Your Honor, are by chance a Dodger fan?'

Eric the Ice King said...


This whole board is composed of the ravings of one magnificently fractured multiple personality disordered person? Next my therapist will be telling me DB, LF and Karina are the voices in my head... T_T

Kyle Baker said...


2-1=3 -- Now you're talking my kind of math!

karina said...

"I am Jack's complete lack of surprise"

I can't believe you've talked so long about multiple personalities and there's not one Fight Club reference!

karina said...

@Dusty Baker i was nice with the people i killed: i killed Wicks with closed eyes, i killed Paul (at his request) with the five point palm exploding heart technique, which i think is painless...

I also apologized for their deaths, how many assassins do you know like that?

Kyle Baker said...

Karina: The Gentle Assassin.

Eric the Ice King said...

The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club

karina said...

Game cannot start soon enough. First place Aguilas game is on TV too, so i think i'm gonna watch the Dodgers game, commenting here and listen to the Aguilas game on the radio, while changing the Dodgers game on commercials.

If my parents or brother see me and inevitably say i'm nuts, i'm gonna say i only exist on Loney Fan's and/or Dusty Baker's mind. Swell plan, isn't it?

karina said...

@Neeebs he has the connections! :)

Nostradamus said...


You all are by far the most interesting single-serving friends I have ever met.

BTW, love the avatar pic, even though you've already switched it out for the game thread. It's a great shot.

karina said...

Thanks, Mr Customer!

That shot was published in a Caracas' newspaper, found about it last weekend. The story was about the anxiety of the fans while the playoffs. Familiar with it?

Rob said...

Dodgers Blues is genuinely funny. And the anonymous author is sincere under the sarcasm; he really does want the Dodgers to win. But I think he's running out of desire to write about it, and who can blame him?

In many ways, he was one of the guys who really got me started blogging. (Decide for yourself whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.) I wish him well, whatever he ends up doing.