Hiroki Kuroda was about the only thing that returned for the Dodgers, as he went five innings giving up 4R and 3ER. But the bats...oh, those pesky Dodger bats. Any hope of our breaking out of a month-long slump (after last night's seven-run performance) died quickly and visibly (on national television) tonight, with James Loney providing the only multi-hit performance. 0-fers from Juan Pierre (0-for-4, 4 LOB in the two hole) and Orlando Hudson (0-for-4, 3 LOB in the eight hole) helped seal it, but Manny Ramirez's 1-for-3 didn't help any.
Andre Ethier notched the only extra-base hit with a two-run double in the seventh, and the team goes 2-for-7 with RISP. We'd better find out how to beat these last place teams, as there sure are a lot of them for us, from here on out. Rockies inch to 3.5 GB the Dodgers, who still have a 99% chance of making the playoffs.
Made some dinner, had some wine, and listened to post-game talk while discussing it all with Mrs. Dusty and sis-in-law.
Then I had some more wine.
It's not like I'm going out on a limb in any insightful way, but the bottom line is that we were a GREAT team when everything was clicking in the first 1/3 of the season and a pretty darn good team until near the All Star break.
But clearly we've fallen apart. Why? Start with Furcal, Martin, and Loney. You can't take three position players and essentially erase them from the batting order. Add the pitching position (outside of Wolf!), and you have five of nine guys who are left to be the entire offense.
Add in the fact that as great of a guy as O Dawg is, he has clearly just been roughly average, offensively, the last half of the season.
In LF, take your pick. Manny hasn't been Manny, obviously, so that has been a huge detriment. And as much as JP was huge in Manny's absence, he's been just barely ok of late. Again, love the guy, love what he did with Manny out, but he's just ok now.
Not much left after you run through it that way.
And when you throw in the fact that the pitching has seen its highs and lows, but is definitely not what anyone would call consistent (outside of Wolf, who I even give great credit for in his no decision games). I mean, we're on a friggin' 6-man rotation perpetrating like we're going to march deep into the playoffs?
Finally, think about it at first base to put a fine point on things. Of the teams that look like they're going to playoffs, look who's on first:
Yankees - Texiera
Cardinals - Pujols
Angels - K Morales
Dodgers - Loney
Phiwwy - Howard
Red Sox - V Martinez
Which one of them doesn't doesn't belong?
Don't get me wrong. I'm not hating. I'm just calling it like I see it. I know we can't win every game, but we have to string something together if we want to win the division and make a run of the playoffs.
Definitely more crusty than Dusty tonight.
Hoffmann re-signs with Doyers:
Did everyone else kill themselves?
Still listening to Dodger Talk.
Caller David: I'm really not feeling good about this now.
Levine: Maybe you need some Bigelow Green Tea.
Caller David: Sometimes I think Joe Torre is smokin' that tea.
we need Castro.
He better be playing tomorrow
We need Castro. !Viva la revolucion!
This is really depressing. At least I don't have to hear Colin Cowherd talk about how the Dodgers aren't built for the postseason (At least I hope I don't).
But that's what's so frustrating about these losses...we actually are getting some hits from Furcal Loney and Martin, and we still can't win.
The Axis of Frustration goes 4-9 with 2 walks tonight and we lose.
@ Bayarea-
You are right, but that's only if you look at it at the micro level, the last game or two level. Back up to the 30,000 foot level, and you'll see a flat line with those guys.
Again, not being negative...Loney may be showing some signs of life. But look at the entirety of the season with these guys, and it's not a pretty picture.
I'm just so damn happy I'm off tomorrow. That and the Trojans look great this season.
"Axis of Frustration"
Nice turn of phrase!
You're either with us or you're with the Giants, right?
At least we only have to mope around the house a few hours before the game tomorrow.
DB I think Gnat fans are as happy with Furcal Martin and Loney this year as we are with Winn, Rowand and Renteria.
Just a reminder: Look at the free-agent shortstops from the last offseason and what they're doing. I think Furcal was the pick of the litter, and that's definitely saying something. He's not the shortstop of the future, but he will get to spend a little more time here thanks to DeJesus's injury.
I was only part joking w my autograph takes from the earlier post about your ball. I did do the research and it is EK, Shawn Green, and Alex Cora. The bottom one is Alex Cora. Looked up all their autographs and they are a match.
Except for Dr. Pepper.
i think it'll be good to get out of the ravine where summer bats go to die. we seem to be getting hits but can't get that next hit. I bet once we get on the road, we'll start to break out, and we'll come back home hitting again
This is the first thing I read this morning. It was good to hear a little positivity to start the day.
It would also be good to start the day with a Guinness milkshake.
There is only one explanation why the Dodgers lost yesterday. Because I was at the game. I'm 0-3 my last games, after starting the season 4-0.
oh baby a Guinness shake sounds good
i'm gonna hit up a labor day party for a few pops and pork this afternoon and then head to the second Yanks-Rays game. Just got some awesome seats and passes to the Audi Yankees club and I intend to take full advantage. I am hoping to get there and see a win for the boys on the out-of-town scoreboard
Neeebs, you're killing us! Can we pay you not to go?
I know what you mean. I started out STRONG, then fele apart. Now I'm only 12-7 (91 runs for vs 63 against). I thought I was going to have my best season until we (I?) hit that rough patch. The good news is that I'm on a 3-game win streak, so I'm finally stringing some wins together.
I blame ESPN. We don't seem to do well when that network tabs the Dodgers for the Sunday night game. Add Joe Morgan and Jon Miller, and you have the recipe for disaster.
I agree with just about everything Crusty said about the line-up and, especially, out 1st baseman. defensively, outstanding. Offensively, offensive.
Can't wait to see what Padilla doe today.
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