Chad Billingsley (10-8, 3.73) vs. Barry Zito (8-10, 4.07).
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[Sax here.] Dodgers. Giants. Bills. Zito. We have nothing to play for, sitting eight games off the NL Wild Card pace, tied for fifth with a record barely above .500. They have everything to play for, sitting two games behind the WC-leading Phillies and trying to sneak into the postseason.
Three games against the arch-rival Giants, and all the pressure's on them. Let's go, boys!
1 – 200 of 324 Newer› Newest»Raffy's back! Hooray! It's like the guy who hits the gas all the way to Southampton to make it in time to board the Titanic.
DIE DIE DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just ducked into the It's So Bad, Matt Kemp... thread. Yikes. Maybe one of the Sons should create a It's So Bad, Dodgers Bloggers and Commenters Are Openly Threatening Each Other thread.
Anyway, I'll stick to the more peaceful, zen-like game thread. Oh, and booze. I'll definitely stick to the booze.
You can have the peace or you can have the booze. You cannot have both, Jason.
Don't tell these guys:
So...anything happen today?
There's a baseball game tonight? When the hell did this happen?
@Mr. C: I won your brain thingy.
Raffy! Hopefully he's not too rusty as his been his history in coming off injuries.
That was yesterday.
@DB: Damn. I got nothin' then.
We didn't lose last night! That's something.
But I guess that was yesterday, too. Damn.
"It's like the guy who hits the gas all the way to Southampton"
Or John Swigert.
I dont normally like Dane Cook all that much but this is just to fitting.
"That's great. Wow...this is a great vibe. It's like Daddy just hit Mommy at the dinner table and we are all trying to eat still.
'Just eat honey, Mommy's OK. Daddy just got a little angry"
(Child voice):'I don't wanta eat.'
'Mommy's fine, Daddy just got a little crazy and Mommy's fine.'
(Child Voice):'Do I have to eat?'
'Yes you have to eat.'"
I'm out. As it so happens I have a life. It sucks but it's true.
If you have any problems, take it up with the complaint compartment.
(holds up trashcan)
This can't be true, MLASF. Prove it!
Nice MLASF, start a fire and then leave us in the midst of the towering inferno. thanks.
I was saying 'Boo-urns."
I miss Chad.
Wonder why Chadly didn't sign up for the Assassin's Circle?
Sooooooo I want a win, a double of Smith and Cross rum, and a few beer backs.
Mr. C line them up!!
He might have protested his demise too much.
I miss Booger.
I miss Nostrodamus. But at least he knows that I miss him.
and he knew you'd say that.
I miss Dr. Geek (with a period)
just beat the giants, please.
I miss Erin.
Great Manny stuff here:
I've gone all Mr. C and started tabbed browsing this bish.
I miss Gagne's Lucky Glasses.
To all Sons,
I got my chicken dinner (speaking of the AC). Thanks!!!
I miss Lasorda.
I miss Neeebs' Mom.
I miss my beer.
Going to rectify that right now.
When do the Dodgers play again?
I miss having a good team.
I miss sanity.
i miss crystal pepsi
@Mr. F: Blame Smonk.
I missed the toilet by a little bit.
I miss typing we make party.
I miss the Flaming Menudos.
And I'm going home.
as much as I miss winning,I don't miss giving puto gints fans hell. and I have a whole busload to heckle...wee go blue!
where you at, betsy?
on the dodger express heading towards blue heaven/purgatory
Purgatory? Oh, no. Is it judgment time?
I miss Erin and EK posting on game threads.
I miss papaupa and pupusas.
but I'm with Betsy and I adore her for using the words I don't dare to pronounce. I don't want miss you tonight :)
werent we already judged enough in the last thread DB?
We are now being judged in tonight's MOKM GT, too.
meh, who the fuck cares.
Battle Toad back from the DL.
@Jason my hommie Humphrey Bogart once said about World Peace:
“The whole world is three drinks behind. If everyone in the world would take three drinks, we would have no trouble.”
raise your glasses, ladies and gents, let's work for the noble purpose of peace.
"Bring us mimosa's, Taiwan will touch your heart"
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, Karina has to walk into mine.
@Dusty Baker I saved my first drink to have with you. Here.
Karina, I'm still two drinks from catching up today. Give me a sec...
Ah, peace has arrived.
I miss pupusas tambien. Is that what it's called these days?
I think we are going to need a comment by P.Ditty to give this G.T. some street cred.
P. Ditty has far more street cred that P. Diddy ever had.
Feeling surly, Vinny!
@Jason I have any doubts you're a citizen of the world
@Spanky I don't know what you're talking about, I'm talking about a delicious Salvadoran dish.
@ Dusty
@#$$@ Puhlease, YOU KNOW THIS
I'm pretty sure Spanky's talking about a dish too.
Soo Hoo pic - awesome!
damn, that one sounded out off the bat.
nice one furcal.
Time for E to come alive. Let's get to Zito early.
Kemp usually smacks a bish up against Zito. Let's do it!
nobody say anything, we will get yelled at.
Someone just got assassinated!
*roll with it, use it as an excuse to get drunk at the pub*
*stares at shoes, whistles*
Is that what we're calling it when one gets eliminated from the Assassin's Circle next year?
"Dang! rbnlaw just got Kemp'd!"
te extrañé Rafa, bienvenido!
*biting my tongue*
cc Dr. Geek
Oh great, Vin's BFF buster.
Sit down, Buster!
Someone explain the inclusion of the SEGA logo on the lower right.
Soo Hoo #BestSportsPhotographerEver
Greetings Everyone!!
I know it's late but...YAY Raffy's back!!
Good question, Dr. Geek.
Another good question might be what you were doing to come across this .JPG...
Epa Karen!
It was an ill fated video game.
Make My Video.
I owned it and it was horrible.
I feel schooled, I had to suppress my comment concerning Belliard.
why did you own it in first place, NicJ?
i was young and foolish.
OK, the beer and I had a reunion. 3 times over.
Surly factor rising.
We're being mocked on MOKM? They have posters over there?
Bet Chad never bought a round for his bunch.
I miss Manny. . .and a Kemp who hits.
Zito hit Johnson in the knob.
@ Dusty: I was telling a friend how Kriss Kross saw Salt-N-Pepa's video for "Push It" and thought, "Damn, girlfriends! What are you wearing?"
@ Nic J: The more you know!
seems like zito is getting a bigger strikezone.
im probably a little biased though.
WTF? I mention my former nemesis and he appears?
My powers are intact.
Welcome Dr. Geek. No one can Kemp me.
@ Dr. Geek
I completely understand and respect that explanation.
Yeah, that guy sucks.
Hot hand Barajas!
@ rbnlaw: Chad M. can!
Okay, that was in poor taste, like El Paso salsa. I apologize.
2-0 Dodgers--WooHoo!!
Russ who Martin?
i love how Rod has to fight a smile whilst doing his HR trot.
yeah trade Loney and Martin, we could get some decent pitching, Barajas has more pop than those two anyway.
I feel like doing the math and make graphs
HAHA karina. I love you.
LOL, Dr. Geek.
Chad didn't even take a shot at me. But he shot plenty at Barajas. . .I think.
@Dr Geek my son Russell Martin. I don't want him to go :(
You know, Karina, Celine Dion has a song just for you.
Karina's pupusas,
Taiwan will touch your heart!
@ Josh S: That seemed vulgar!
Why aren't we formally calling Barajas "Pack of cards" yet?
re Josh's comment
I think that was the point, Dr. Geek.
@NicJ glad you enjoyed it, I love you too :)
I couldn't bite my tongue for the third time straight.
@Dr Geek Celine Dion, ewwww
@Josh I don't understand, Mr C, where are you?
Rox up 4-nil over Pod Rays.
Are you trying to invoke the Wrath of Chad?
@ Dusty: Oh, I see. Beats eating El Paso salsa.
Tongue biting?
karina's pupusas?
Taiwan touching them?
*takes cold shower*
and one wonders about Dr. Geek's ill-fated experience with (Old) El Paso salsa.
@ rbnlaw: There is an old jar of homemade salsa in my fridge that I bet still tastes better than El Paso salsa.
El Paso and I have a feud going. And I am getting drunk.
@rbnlaw no, I don't. Why would he? he's not commenting here so I'm not "talking" to him.
"El Paso and I have a feud going. And I am getting drunk."
Fun! I'm jealous. Is there a 1-800 number on the label I can call?
@ dusty: My homemade salsa's? Or El Paso?
Because El Paso is not welcome in my home.
". . .and I'm getting drunk."
So I'm not alone? Good, first sign of alcoholism? No.
@ rbnlaw: What are you having?
Damn you to El Infierno, Buster! Damn you to El Infierno!
Can someone link to the Taiwan commercial? Not that watching it will make my comment any clearer.
@Dr Geek
It would be fun indeed if your homemade salsa had a 1-800 number that i could call and rant about in a drunken stupor.
"Gerard Dempsey Poser" - Vin
Oh, he was posting here today. I'd say his ass was slightly chapped by the sound of things.
*runs to see if he has any El Paso salsa*
@ Dusty: Are you trying to hit me up for my cell numero? 'Cause that's cool, I guess.
Padres in full-on collapse mode
@Dr. Geek:
I'm reduced to Corona (with lots of lime). My neighbor left it here for me, and me being the sweetheart that I am, kept them.
They're doing the job until I can get a decent mixer for my Absolut.
@rbnlaw I know he did, he wasn't exactly discreet at expressing his rage.
@rbnlaw I have tangerine Absolut. Why do you need a mixer?, on the rocks is good enough!
And he would melt at your optimism and positivity.
and his GT certainly isn't that active.
@ rbnlaw: You know, I love Corona. I know people like to give Corona a hard time, and I'm all like, "No to dejes, guey!"
But, yes, I love Corona's. 40 oz.
@ Dr Geek
More than anything I just want to call a random person and rant drunkenly to no conclusion.
Zito has walkitis. Daddy like.
@ Dusty: If my cell were working, I would love to hear your ranting. And possibly partake!
Wait, Corona makes a 40oz?
Kemp's on second! You can't fuck it up now, Mattycakes!
To the game, folks.
COme on, Johnson!
@ dusty:
@rbnlaw I'm pretty sure he'd hate my optimism and positivity, sigh
I wonder what would happened if I posted on his blog.
@ rbnlaw: A man after my own salsa chips.
Dr. G:
You're at the game aren't you?
yes it would.
Vin just said that?
@ rbnlaw: No, I'm in Tucson, Arizona, with Jojo, who thought he was a man who thought he was a woman something something grass.
Sorry, my reply to karina made no sense, which pretty much sums up tonight.
Chad, you rock!
Dr. Geek,
I'm sorry to hear of your unfortunate location.
Tucson is a horrible place to be; El Paso salsa only makes it worse.
and I'm behind on the DVR.
@ rbnlaw: Tucson's not so bad. I'm away from the McCourt's, for one.
I have a shocking confession: I love El Paso salsa and I don't know what's so wrong about it.
hate Hate HATE these fuckin Jints.
Zito gets the hook.
I like to roll with Herdez salsa, myself.
Zito out early to create another crappy song.
@ karina: I won't hold it against you. My grudge is my own to bear.
@ dusty: Herdez and I are cool. We go back.
Seriously Padres....Seriously. Really? I mean fuck you guys. In the words of Zack De La Rocha "Wake up!!!!!"
@ Paul: I guess you can say the Padres want to sleep now in the fire.
Zito finito?
Yes, Zito exito.
good job Barry, way to step up
i apologize for my excess swearing. still very frustrated
Dr. G:
To me, if the US had an asshole, it'd be Tucson.
I roll with the Jack's I buy at Costco.
Lay off a brother's town! It's all good as long as someone represents Blue no matter where they are.
@ rbnlaw: What did Tucson do to deserve your wrath?
@ Dusty: Thanks, Dusty. I think rbnlaw is still bitter about my Assassin's Circle deception.
The AC deception is legendary, Dr(.) Geek.
Dr. G
the padres have to know their enemy and apparently it is themselves.
4-1 Rox at end of 6.
Vinny talking about Steve Garvey now.
Dad story!
For once I beat Jason to a post! #SoSGMarchMadness
@ Paul: Their losing streak will never Tire Me. And I will Settle for Nothing less.
since zito is out can we put loney back in? Beli2's D at first scares me. Especially with raffy's crazy arm.
How come everytime I think of these blogger wars the scene of the tv stations brawl from Anchorman pops in my head?
I think we are the Spanish language news team.
@ Paul: Can I be the hot weathergirl?
Did Chad and Card deck just hug on the mound?
speaking of Dodgers players I love :)
hahaha. thanks blue.
Dr. G
you might have to fight Neeebs for that role.
They are really focusing on the Giants Dodgers score at the whale's vagina. The Padres are gonna owe us big time.
@Dr Geek I think that's Jackie Johnson role.
isn't that the weather girl you all have a crush on?
Just checked back in with MCC, they've given up on the game and have resorted to posting pictures of kittens. I'm not even kidding.
And damn you Dusty with your improved posting speeds. This spells doom for my championship defense.
World's oldest beer:
@ Karina: She's on CBS now, from what I hear. There is a new gal in town on KCAL.
I really think Kemp only has second ballot HOF potential.
man, MCC really loves Buster.
I wonder what it feels like to love a player unconditionally. Im a little jealous.
You all have hot weather girls and we have fat dudes with hair pieces. So not cool.
@Paul hahahahahahahaha i'm biting my tongue for the fourth time today, because of your comment.
@ NicJ: You're not feeling the M-Kemp love?
Oh yeah, him. He is alright.
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