We beat the Padres 3-1.
We help the hated Giants take first place. With their half-game lead, the Giants are 70% likely to make the playoffs (according to ESPN.com's standings); the Padres are roughly 50% likely. And here we go...
Bartender! More beer, please!
Beer status: I'm still up drinking beer.
Me too, DB.
I knew I could count on you.
I've got your back!
I will not own up to still being awake and watching GLEE re-runs w the girls tonight. *stares at shoes*
You're not hardcore, unless you're living hardcore.
While I hate that this put the Giants in first, I kind of like how we're a little schizo about who we were helping and hurting. It had to have driven both SD and AF a little nuts.
Now we have nothing to do with it. You want the West crown the Dodgers were nice enough to abdicate? Win it yo' DAMN SELF!
^SF, not AF
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