Friday, October 02, 2009

Post-Game 160 Thread: Dodgers Show Sign of Life


It was another case of too little, too late — but too little is better than nothing. Which is a step in the right direction, I guess. Ubaldo Jimenez shut down the Dodgers for six innings and Troy Tulowitzki hit a back-breaking two-run homer off Ronald Belisario in the seventh. Down 4-1, the Dodgers actually put together a rally against the Rockies' bullpen, scoring two runs on a Russell Martin homer and an Andre Ethier RBI single. But 13 Ks — including four each by Manny Ramirez and Casey Blake — were too much, and the Rockies held on to win, giving the Dodgers just two more chances not to fall victim to the largest deficit (15 1/2 games) overcome in MLB history. See y'all tomorrow!

UPDATE: Oh yeah, Hiroki Kuroda's out for the NLDS. Whoopee.


Mr. LA Sports Czar said...


chexxum said...


Kyle Baker said...


NicJ said...

It's like I'm watching fireworks at a funeral

Nostradamus said...

I got nothin

chexxum said...

or a funeral at a fireworks show.

Kyle Baker said...

Sit Manny tomorrow. Got to. Let him think about what he did. In fact, sit him in the corner facing in. Also, he must write repeatedly on the chalk board, "I will NOT suck donkey."

chexxum said...

and have Conte start mixing some HGH into Manny's juice boxes, dude needs to get his bat speed back for the playoffs :(.

Orel said...

There are Rockies fans?

Kyle Baker said...

Start plunking people and cheating, Dodgers! God dammit.

I need to put myself to bed without any champagne.

Anyone else in the Yard tomorrow?

Alex Cora said...

I'll be there tomorrow. Bringing the SERIOUS dodger gear...

Bayareadfan said...

What kind of player tells the world that the team would clinch tonight, then shows up and goes 0 for 4 with 4 strikeouts??

NicJ said...

Well it has to be Casey Blake or Manny. Haha.

Greg Zakwin said...

Dusty- Yes, because Juan "I make the most outs in the league in a full season" Pierre is so much better of an option.

And again, what the fuck with Padilla starting Sunday over Bills? Does Torre want to lose?

NicJ said...

I have a feeling when or if the dodgers finally do clinch they will just curl up into the fetal position and cry.

By the dodgers I mean me.

Josh S. said...

KK- Then start Repko then. Jesus, stop coming in here and being so nasty.

Anonymous said...

Manny's actually struck out 6 straight times

the major league record for a non pitcher is 9(lol Mark Reynolds tied it last year)

Anonymous said...

2007 rather, as a rookie for Reynolds

Josh S. said...

On a lighter note, I had a pretty good time out at the Ravine tonight, despite the loss. I took a friend to his first Dodger game and he loved it. The AYCE pavilion was better than I thought it would be, but my 6'5" frame can't handle those benches. I got to see a rare RMart home run. I got to tell some douchey teenage kid who was trying to start the wave that it was his fault Tulo hit a home run.

And best of all, I got to stand on hallowed ground in right field and watch a kickass fireworks display.

And at the end of the night, the Dodgers still had the same 1 in 8 chance of winning the World Series that they would have had if they had won tonight.

Whoa. I feel so positive. Must be from touching that immaculate outfield grass.

Josh S. said...

Dusty, thanks for being my proxy in the GT. My crappy phone is barely good enough to use Twitter with. There's no way I could get this place to work on it.

Kyle Baker said...


Argumentative is a word that comes to mind.

I don't think the idea of resting Manny, who according to every measure imaginable is struggling, and may need a time out, is all that preposterous. But you know, I could easily be wrong as well. It's just a "take" and not worth much. But I have a right to say such without having to wake up to another derisive comment from you about my opinion.

Greg Zakwin said...

Dusty- I don't bitch when you criticize my opinion, I come back and argue my point.

If you don't like being criticized, don't give an opinion.

Grow a pair and learn that not everyone agrees with you. If you think my opinions are shit, say so. You won't see me whining that someone doesn't agree with me.

Thank god for MOKM.

Josh S./Dusty- When you suggest sitting Manny for Pierre/Repko, you're gonna be taken to task.

Deal with it.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Well, if Pierre strikes out four times in one game, I think I would fall out of my seat.

Josh S. said...

KK - I can't help but think of this every time you post.

Greg Zakwin said...

That would be a surprise.

Greg Zakwin said...

Josh S.- Haha, that's a funny cartoon.

Believe me, I've been wrong plenty of times in my life, and I'm sure plenty of times since I started reading this and other Dodger blogs.

But again, when you write something, you may get criticized, so if you don't like being criticized, don't give your opinion.

Now if Dusty came in here and criticized what I just wrote, I would defend my point instead of saying that it's mean of someone else to criticize me.

Josh S. said...

Hey, I know anything I say can get criticized. My only issue with you is that threads here are generally pretty lighthearted and your criticisms tend to sound less like "I don't think that's a good idea. What about this one?" and more like "You are moron for thinking that."

I don't care if you THINK we're dumb, I just think it gets old when you keep SAYING it.

And back to the original point, I absolutely stand by the thinking that Pierre (or even Repko for that matter) would have at least gotten a single in one of those RISP situations that Manny had last night. Do I think that Manny should be benched forever? No. But right this second he is terrible and right this second is just about the worst possible time for that to happen. (Next week would be worse, though.)

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

The wait for baseball today is going to kill me. I need something to occupy my time. Perhaps college football can put my mind at ease. UCLA at Stanford? I'm in!

Kyle Baker said...


I actually don't remember criticizing your opinion at all; rather, simply defending my own. Criticizing others' opinions is not my style. My style is to love my team, hate it, but always back it, and to just post light-hearted stuff here while having a brew and watching the game.

Most people here fall over backward to find agreement among varied people and opinions, cause that's how we roll. We don't have to, but that's just the zeitgeist.

There are other blogs where people can get all AM talk radio, and maybe that's a better fit.

The very idea that, as you said, I might be "taken to task" is actually troubling to me. Nobody should be taken to task around here. Please cease and desist such talk.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Can't we all just get along?

Kyle Baker said...

That was exactly my point, MLASF!

Neeebs (The Original) said...

How the hell can anyone criticize Richie Rich? DB's my boy.

But...if you want to play the blame game you gotta start looking at the underachievers. And you all know who they are.

rbnlaw said...

Wow, I missed the post-game fireworks. I heard they shot off some skyrockets at the Ravine as well.

Hey, I'm all for discourse and differing opinions. Otherwise, I'd be out of a profession.

FWIW, Manny wears the Golden Sombrero; Blake wears the GS. Should both sit? No. Only one has been in the line-up day-in and day-out and is slumping. Blake is just coming back from injury, so give him a day.
Manny needs to sit and quit pressing. Pierre for one game might spark the line-up to do something instead of waiting for a slugger to get us over the top with the bases loaded. . .oh wait, he struck out in that situation as well.

New avi. FU, Jobu; I do it myself.

Greg Zakwin said...

Dusty- We don't need to bend over backwards to agree, we all already agree on 1 thing, and that's the Dodgers.

Josh S.- I don't think anyone is dumb, but if I think an opinion is, I'll say it. And when I say something dumb, I'll take crap for it. Because that's how the internet works. And nobody knows if Pierre or Repko would have gotten on base. Manny is the best of the three at getting on base and doing something meaningful in an at-bat, and as such, I believe he should play over the other two.

Dusty- I didn't realize opinions where reserved only for radio. I guess all those shows with opinions, and all the opinion-giving on the internet should stop then. Maybe you could let the SOSG guys know that they can't give their opinions anymore unless they do it on AM radio haha.

Kyle Baker said...

Now this is just annoying.

Greg Zakwin said...

Dusty- I feel the same way you do.

Kyle Baker said...

"I don't think anyone is dumb, but if I think an opinion is, I'll say it. And when I say something dumb, I'll take crap for it. Because that's how the internet works."

That's a very interesting interpretation of how the internet works. Glad DARPA invented it so that someone can say something dumb, and others can call them on it. Excellent use of amazing technology.

Greg Zakwin said...

Dusty- If it makes you feel any better, I had to look up what DARPA was.