Sunday, October 04, 2009

More Clinch Pics

Clubhouse chaos.

Andre Ethier, rock star.

Ethier sprays the crowd with walk-off champagne.

The sign says it all.

"Joe Torre said no more batting practice if we won the division!"

Batters and pitchers, spraying in harmony.

Matt Kemp gets writer Ken Gurnick, who is not amused.

Clayton Kershaw in Beast Mode.

31 home runs on top of 26 home runs.

"I'm Canadian! You call this beer?"

"The goggles do nothing!"

1: Gus Ruelas/AP; 2: Mark J. Terrill/AP; 3-7: Amber Matsumoto/Dodgers; 8: Stephen Dunn/Getty Images; 9-11: Jacob de Golish/Getty Images