Monday, May 11, 2009

Off-Day Puzzle #3: Cosmic Conundrum

Here it is, folks. Short and simple:


                  AROUNDATHE SUN

                WHILST STARS ALIGN

                FOUR TWOMTHREE ONE


                WITHIN EACH VERSE

                  UNTILMTHE DARK

                ESREVERKNI SENIHS

Hint (1:34pm PT): I just made the puzzle somewhat easier. Really.


Puzzle Rules: The answer to the puzzle is a Dodger player. Comment freely in the thread, but if you have the solution, please don't give it away to everyone in the comments section. Instead, do the following:

  • Email us with the first and last name of the Dodger player who is the answer, along with your reasoning (submitted answers with only a player's name without an explanation will not be accepted. Likewise, correct answers arrived at via luck or the wrong reasoning count for participation credit only). And please include your screen name somewhere in the email; and
  • Post a comment simply saying you have emailed your solution attempt. I may not be able to reply to your original email promptly, so please be patient and check back on the comment thread for the latest news; I may confirm correct answers there.

You have until midnight PT tonight to submit your answer. Good luck!

Solution here

Not familiar with SoSG's off-day puzzle competition? Read up here. And join the fun!


Mike Scioscia's tragic illness said...

Emailed... not 100% sure that it's right, though.

karina said...

Answer sent. I'm almost sure, but it was too quick to be true.

Eric Karros said...

Karina!!!! First correct answer is in!

Unknown said...

Answer sent.

Wicks said...

Karina is first!!!!? Hooray, now I need to get going.

Eric Karros said...

MSTI and Lauro, you guys are partially correct but I don't think the reasoning is completely there.

Please expand on reasoning...

MattyA said...

Well, it's nice iambic tetrameter, but I can't figure it out and now I have a staff meeting... No high points for me today. Nice job, Karina.

ubragg said...

Answer sent.

MattyA said...

I mean iambic bimeter... it's early.

Unknown said...

Further explanation sent.

Eric Karros said...

UBragg is in with 2nd complete answer!

For this puzzle in particular, please give detail in your explanation. It has sort of has a 2-level solution. If you get the 1st level, you can probably guess at the correct answer, but you need to explain both 'levels' of the solution to get credit.

Hope that makes sense. It will if you get the complete solution.

Eric Karros said...

Still not quite Lauro...

If you figure out both 'levels' of the solution, it'll make total, perfect sense. If you only figure out the first level, it'll still seem sort of weird even if you can sort of guess at the answer.

Unknown said...

Oh hogwash...

I mean, further explanation sent.

Wicks said...

I have a nice collection of letters........

Eric Karros said...

Lauro is in!

QuadSevens said...

Late start, and I'm drawing a blank.

rbnlaw said...

My head still hurts from watching that marathon yesterday. That coupled with my total lack of puzzle logic, equals a blank at this time.
I'll wait for the hints.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

I gave it a try.

Eric Karros said...

Yes Neeebs! So far:


QuadSevens said...

I can tell that this is going to be one of those head slapper puzzles when I finally get it.

karina said...

Neeebs, we made it!

Thanks for the congratulations :)

Dusto_Magnifico said...

answere sent in!

Eric Karros said...

I'm never sure how these puzzles will pan out until they are released. As it turns out, the submitted answer have fallen into three categories: 1) 100% correct and completely explained, 2) 85% correct and mostly explained, or 3) 50% correct and partically explained (like Dusto's answer)

Either 1) or 2) is considered correct. If you are 3), you gotta do a bit more.

Dusto_Magnifico said...

follow-up answer sent in with detailed explanation!

Dusto_Magnifico said...

Happy day for Dusto! I actually got one right... though it was totally luck!

Eric Karros said...

Ok, Dusto took the final step to a 100% correct answer and now he's in:

Dusto Magnifico

Neeebs (The Original) said...

I generally suck at these, but I'm not sure that I'm deserving, either.

Eric Karros said...

Mr Customer with a correct answer. So it's:

Dusto Magnifico
Mr Customer

Brandon submitted a 50% correct solution, so no credit for him yet. Neeebs, I understand your dilemma but you are deserving so enjoy your success!

QuadSevens said...

Got it! Answer sent in.

Nostradamus said...

Answer sent, at long last

Nostradamus said...

Wow, I just edged Quad! It's going to be pretty tight in the rankings. Ubragg looks going to make a jump on this one, too. (Assuming the previous scoring trends hold true)

Eric Karros said...

Quad is in:

Dusto Magnifico
Mr Customer

Steve K said...

Still waiting for my "a-ha" moment...

Ben Pratt said...

Answer sent

Eric Karros said...

Sorry Gil, no...

QuadSevens said...

Mr. Customer...I think I was writing my email when I saw that you had gotten your answer in! So close!

Steve K said...

A-ha! Got it!

Nostradamus said...


It was definitely a close call. If I would have had to take a business call thirty seconds later, you probably could have squeaked by.

I would have had it sooner, but I got to trying to solve it in my head while I was driving to work. It turns out that wasn't a great strategic decision. I made it much more difficult than it had to be.

Eric Karros said...

J Steve is in:

Dusto Magnifico
Mr Customer
J Steve

Eric Karros said...

Hint posted.

Brandon said...

ALright, I think I figured it out.

MR.F said...

Answer sent in. I'm pretty sure I'm right now.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I sent my answer, though there is a 99% chance I'm wrong

Eric Karros said...

Brandon and Fanerman are in!

Dusto Magnifico
Mr Customer
J Steve

Sorry MRLASF...

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Aha! I got it now

Natalie said...

I sent in my answer.

Jimbo said...

MLASF and Natalie, you both are partially there but not quite...

jose said...


Eric Karros said...

Yes Jose! One of the very few to get it 100% correct on their first try. Correct answers:

Dusto Magnifico
Mr Customer
J Steve

By the way the "Sons of" commenter earlier up was me accidentally using the SoSG corporate username. I hope I don't get fired for that...

Natalie said...

Okay, sent in the rest of the answer. Man, I'm late to the party today.

Eric Karros said...

Yes Natalie, now you're 100% correct!

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

The second part has been sent

Eric Karros said...

MLASF too, so it's:

Dusto Magnifico
Mr Customer
J Steve

MattyA said...

All right, I've been trying all day and I've got nothing. I know I'm going to kick myself tomorrow...