Monday, May 11, 2009

Pixel Steve Garvey

Thanks to SoSG reader Fernando, who tells us:

I had some free time and made this pixel Steve Garvey.

(How much free time?) Great stuff, Fernando—anyone else think that would look great on a sweater? The talent of our readers continues to impress!


karina said...

I do! it'd look great on a sweater or why not? a shirt.

Congrats to the artist!

QuadSevens said...

I'd buy that on a tshirt or sweater! Nice job!

Chappy said...

Love it!

SoSG is now ready to take on Mike Tyson's Punch Out!

QuadSevens said...

Speaking of Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, I've got that as my desktop wallpaper:

If you click on the Lifehacker link at the bottom of the page you can find more old school video game wallpapers. I also use the Duck Hunt and Street Fighter II wallpapers.

Chappy said...

Those are sweet Quad!

As coincidence would have it, I saw a story today stating that Nintendo is planning on re-releaseing the classic game in the Wii format.

I for one can't wait to smack King Hippo in the guts once again!

Rob said...

Garvey in an 80's-era video game. That would be AWESOME!