Monday, May 18, 2009

Another Bad News Bears Remake?

Or maybe the Dodgers were playing these guys...

Stupid is as Stupid Does.


Neeebs (The Original) said...

I missed gamethread tonight. Did you guys rip Torre for his 8th inning pitching mis-management?

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

It's a simple yes-or-no question: If the Predator monster promised he wouldn't kill any of the other players, would you put him in the game?

Orel said...

Neeebs: What should he have done differently? Leave Wolf in, with 96 pitches, to face Sheffield?

MLASF: Would he not kill the umps too? Because Kerwin Danley might be working the game.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

I'd either leave him in or bring in Brox for the 4 out save. Wade has not held many games this year in close situations.

Orel said...

Taking Wolf out was probably the right thing to do. Good point about Broxton, though.

Nostradamus said...


The predator does have a wicked pick-off move...

Also, does the guy on the phone in the header seem like a more demented version of Mark Sweeney to anyone else?

Wesley Vento said...

You don't leave Wolf in to face a right handed slugger, albeit a 40 year old slugger, he's still Gary Sheffield. Maybe you bring in Ox, but Wade is a good pitcher and Sheffield's squibber plated the run because Hudson looked like he was holding the runner and out of position, not because Wade made a bad pitch. I'll take the "W" and laugh at the Mets shoddy defense and bad base running.