Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sights from the Holiday Weekend

Friday Night Fireworks.

Orlando Hudson and Juan Pierre visiting the Urban Youth Academy in Compton. Torii Hunter also made the trip.

The Weaver brothers. "I feel like I'm pitching when he's out there," Jeff has said of Jared.

Sometime the ball does look as large as a beach ball, as Matt Kemp will attest.

Sunday's debut of Bleacher Beach. Water? Check. Lifeguard? Check.

first photo by Jill Weisleder/Dodgers; all other photos by Jon SooHoo/Dodgers


PenosCabell said...

Nice pics.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Those beach-seats are worse than I thought.

Fred's Brim said...

Do the Dodgers have their own waterboarding section now?