Thursday, May 21, 2009

Off-Day Puzzle #4: Shell Game

As mentioned, the first puzzle prize will be awarded after the 6th or 7th puzzle. Anyhow, in our ongoing effort to mix things up, here's today's puzzle, video-style:

Hint (2:50pm PT): This might help (or it might not, no promises):

Hint #2 (6:54pm PT):

Solution here.


Puzzle Rules: Comment freely in the thread, but if you have the solution, please don't give it away to everyone in the comments section. Instead, do the following:

  • Email us with the first and last name of the answer. And please include your screen name somewhere in the email; and
  • Post a comment simply saying you have emailed your solution attempt. I may not be able to reply to your original email promptly, so please be patient and check back on the comment thread for the latest news; I may confirm correct answers there.

You have until midnight PT tonight to submit your answer. Good luck!

Not familiar with SoSG's off-day puzzle competition? We're always looking for more participants!


NicJ said...

According to sports illustrated the padres and white sox have reached an agreement for peavey. It's just pending his approval.

I wonder when gonzo is gonna leave.

Loney Fan said...

Answer sent

QuadSevens said...

Damn my iPhone for not being able to play this video on my way to work!

ubragg said...

Answer sent!

Steve K said...

Answer in!

QuadSevens said...

Answer sent in.

QuadSevens said...

Looks like my lead is shrinking faster than you can say "stupid Apple not allowing flash on the iPhone!"

Eric Karros said...

Three correct answers so far:
1) Loney Fan (makes good on guarnatee!)
2) Ubragg...but you back it up, so it's ok
3) J Steve

Eric Karros said...

And Quad too!

ubragg said...

Nice one, EK, I try... ;)

berkowit28 said...

Answer sent in.

This was a great one. Very imaginative, with the need for solvers to be very thorough with no guessing since it won't help. Then that last step...

Great puzzle.

Rob said...

My brain does not work this way!

Nostradamus said...

This is definitely not a worktime multitasking puzzle. I may be falling back to the pack on this one.

Eric Karros said...

Berko is in. So we have:
1. Loney Fan
2. Ubragg
3. J Steve
4. Quad
5. Berko

jose said...

An answer sent

Unknown said...

Do I need to be able to listen to the video in order to solve?

Steve Sax said...

congrats to the top 5 in

EK, that is one evil puzzle

QuadSevens said...

Guessing definitely cost me a lot of time. But I did get some interesting anagrams from those letters.

Eric Karros said...

Sorry, incorrect Jose.

Lauro - the music was added solely so that its soothing melody would prevent you from cursing me as you work on the puzzle.

Dusto_Magnifico said...

curses EK!

karina said...

One question: can i repeat letters?

Eric Karros said...

Karina - you only have to use the letters that appear - I think there is at least one letter that appears twice.

Eric Karros said...

A hint has been posted.

Yes, it has been.

karina said...

posted in the video or the comments section?

Eric Karros said...

Karina - neither

MR.F said...

It took pretty much Blonde on Blonde in its entirety to get an answer, but I finally did. Answer sent!

Eric Karros said...

Yes to fanerman:

1. Loney Fan
2. Ubragg
3. J Steve
4. Quad
5. Berko
6. Fanerman

Natalie said...

I sent my answer in. :)

Eric Karros said...


1. Loney Fan
2. Ubragg
3. J Steve
4. Quad
5. Berko
6. Fanerman
7. Natalie

Mike Scioscia's tragic illness said...

You guys are killing me with this one.

Eric Karros said...

Stick with it, MSTI. The payoff will rock your world. Or at least make you feel like your time wasn't completely wasted. Or at least be worth 50 puzzle points.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Just got in from the office, and I'm working on it now.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Do the lines that are darker than the others have any relevance?

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I quit.

Eric Karros said...

MLASF - don't quit! I've posted another hint.

The colors don't matter. I just put them in there for the first few shuffles to make the tiles easier to follow.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

One last shot, er actually a second shot, with better reasoning.
But I'm sure it's still wrong.

karina said...

I'm driving myself crazy, i think i'm on the path but i must missing something tiny and obvious, as usual.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I've still got nothing but a jumble of letters

Eric Karros said...

Sorry neeebs, not correct.

The posted hints are more helpful than they may appear. And Karina, you are indeed missing something tiny.

Nostradamus said...

Answer's in.

Talk about the inability to see what is right in front of your face.

Eric Karros said...


1. Loney Fan
2. Ubragg
3. J Steve
4. Quad
5. Berko
6. Fanerman
7. Natalie
8. Mr. Customer

Ok folks, I'm going to sleep. Good luck, I'll check emails in the morning...

berkowit28 said...

Are you on the east coast, EK? Going to sleep at 8:31 PT, if here in California, would be a little unusual. Do you get to see many Dodger games? DVR'd?

(Also may explain the 7:00 am start. I'm almost always a little later by the time I remember there's a puzzle on the day. I have a reminder on my computer but, well, that's in another room. I'm often sort of awake but not really awake. Hence my as-usual 5th spot... Got to it by about 7:30 today.)