Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Special Message from the Dodgers

Got this in my email box last night at 8:30pm.

Hello, this is Ticketmaster Customer Service with an important alert for your upcoming event. Dodgers League Championship Series Home Game 3, scheduled at Dodger Stadium on Friday, October 23, 2009, at 5:07 pm, has been cancelled.

Your credit card will automatically be credited the ticket price and convenience charges, and should post to your account within 7 to 10 business days. Please note, the $4.35 per order processing fee, any ticketFast, or UPS delivery charges and in-store pick up charges are non-refundable.

Thanks for the last-second news. I waited at Dodger Stadium for three hours, just assuming everyone was late.


Kyle Baker said...

That really gets ya in the Hollidays, doesn't it?

Paul said...

I recieved the same email. They will send another one out for game 7 tickets tonight. In case some people are waiting for a game 7.