Sunday, May 03, 2009

I Saw This, and Worried It Wouldn't Be Relevant...

... and then I noticed the newest Star Wars post of the week on SoSG. So, without further adieu, I present the sound of one franchise jumping the shark. Again.

I'm all for tricking kids into learning, but Boba Fett would hang his head in shame if he knew it came to this.


Orel said...

I thought that was a Photoshop. But it's not!

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

What's next - Yoda Grammar?
Emperor Dermetology?

Orel said...

Jar Jar Race Relations?

Fred's Brim said...

dissecting tauntauns in biology class?

Steve Sax said...

Metal shop with EV-9D9 and 8D8?

Steve Sax said...

Career limiting moves with Jake Lloyd?

Unknown said...

Funny enough, my 5 year old loves that game.

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

My baby prefers "Howard the Duck Hunt"

Steve Sax said...

I can't even speculate what Kit Fisto would be teaching.

Or maybe I can. But I can't write it on this blog.