Saturday, April 03, 2010

Congratulations Jason!

(click image to enlarge)

Congrats for vanquishing, in order, Curious Gene, Greg NoPhoto, QuadSevens, Dusty Baker, and Josh S on your way to the championship! Your FvD crown was no fluke. And congrats Curious Gene for being the only one to correctly pick Jason as the winner.

Prizes to be announced soon*

*definition of 'soon' left open. But we will get to it eventually. There's a lot for us to sort out right now with the beginning of the season upon us...


Greg Hao said...

In my defense, I did pick Jason in one of those mysterious threads that disappeared and didn't make it in time on the official pick 'em thread.

Strike yet another for google hating on me :P

Jason said...

Sorry, Greg. But thanks for thr support!

@EK - May I suggest Vma and her bottle of Absolut as a prize pack?

Steve Sax said...

Jason, you don't know what Vma has done with that bottle...

Oh wait, maybe you do!