Thursday, April 29, 2010

Game 22 Thread: April 29 vs. Pirates, 7p

Clayton Kershaw (1-0, 3.13) vs. Brian Burres (0-1, 9.31).


COMMENTS: SportsFanLive is giving us the opportunity to partner with Accuscore, the company responsible for those cool forecasts you see at and elsewhere. Take a look and tell us what you think:

Other notes on tonight's game (from Sax):

  • The Dodgers have given up 122 runs this year, 15th in the NL--with the worst team being tonight's opponent, Pittsburgh. Bring your fleece blanket, as you may be there for a while.
  • Tonight is Dodgertown, USC night. First 20K fans get a Trojan-red USC hat (this looks so wrong); those spending $45 to sit out in the right field lower reserve boondocks also get a free Dodgertown/USC t-shirt and an all-inclusive themed menu (centered around pastrami sandwiches), in addition to Dodger Dogs, nachos, popcorn and soft drinks.


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Josh S. said...

Nifty toy!

Lineup, since I think Dusty's still away on bizness:

Martin C
Anderson LF
Kemp CF
Ethier RF
Blake 3B
Loney 1B
Carroll SS
DeWitt 2B
Kershaw P

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I do like USC and pastrami.

Josh S. said...

Ahhh...fresh avatar for a new series.

Kyle Baker said...

I just walked in the door; back from DC. I was itching to get over to the GT and start whipping some shit up!

I think I have a lot to catch up on.

JMart leading off?

Kyle Baker said...

To put a finer point on it, I took the FLyaway bus LAX>Union Station then Gold Line to Pas then a walk home, all so that I could get home sooner than the Super Shuttle would have taken me, and thus join the GT more quickly.

Josh S. said...

Damn. Now I feel bad. Sorry, homey.

Josh S. said...

I'll catch you up, Dusty.

We suck.

OK, you're caught up.

Nostradamus said...

Game thread on. I'll be in and out as there's vry important architecting to be done.

Josh S. said...

Good news, everyone!

The Braves lost again, meaning the Dodgers, for the moment, are not the worst team in the NL.

Josh S. said...

C'Mon is getting the start on Saturday. Get your tickets now, MLASF!

NicJ said...

Maybe Monasterios is the future of the organization. He gets the start on Saturday.

Kyle Baker said...

Thanks for that excellent, thorough recap, Josh!

With the Braves news, I gues it's "We don't entirely suck the worst, at least for the moment."

WTF up with Ned? I got a frantic call late last night (Eastern time) from Mrs. Dusty and her sis...they were fuming at Ned. I read some quotes and can't remotely understand what he was thinking, or am I missing something?

Kyle Baker said...

I have tickets for Saturday. COuld shape up to be a shitfeast, but I'm anxious to see C'Mon.

Josh S. said...

Ned's diarrhea of the mouth is going to cost us Matt's services when his deal is up. It's fine to think Kemp's been sub-par lately, but you don't SAY IT ON THE RADIO, especially in as nasty a tone as he used.

OK sure, he was asked about Kemp's baserunning and defense. Fine. If you have to answer the question, you say, "It's not where we want it to be and I'm sure it's not where he wants it to be, but I know he'll improve." Boom. Done. Crisis averted.

NicJ said...

Wasn't Ned a PR guy before doing GM work. Shouldnt he know this shit?

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

Accuscore is brilliant. But can it predict the mystery that is the human heart.

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

@MLSF - I pose the question to thee. (others can answer too) Best pastrami in Los Angeles?

Kyle Baker said...

Langer's comes correct on the pastrami.

Nostradamus said...

Hard to argue with Cantor's pastrami in my book.

NicJ said...

x2 for Langers.

Neeebs (The Original) said...


Paul said...

Live from Fresneck: Grizzlies (Giants) vs Rivercats (A's). One dollar beer night.

Wind gusts of 29 mpp and freakin cold. Giants fans heartthrob teen beat crush prospect Buster (Steve) Posey in the lineup hitting a cool .346.

I am telling him no need to strech on a cold night tonight.

Tecate light kegs are rolling in. Oh joy. Maybe I will pay $8 for a "premium beer" instead.

I will be the one fan booing every player who comes up to the plate, anyone who pitches and both mascots.

Josh S. said...

I work mere blocks from Langer's and I've always wanted to try them, but MAN do their prices scare me off.

Josh S. said...

I like Oinkster's pastrami sammitches.

Paul said...

anytime I see Carroll and Anderson both in the lineup a little part of me dies.

(I am hoping for a reverse jinx here.)

Kyle Baker said...

Great report, Paul! Particularly liked this:

"I will be the one fan booing every player who comes up to the plate, anyone who pitches and both mascots."

Carry on!

Tecate Light? I didn't even know they made such a thing. Didn't want to know.

Kyle Baker said...

Another thing about Langer's: I think they have the best fountain Diet Coke of anywhere in the city. Bottomles, too.

Steve Sax said...

I also vote for Langer's. The fact that they almost went bankrupt and recovered (largely from a new Metro stop, I believe) to be on solid footing today.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...



NicJ said...

the mavs are going down in flames.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

For me, one of the best pastrami sandwiches I had was at Jeff Suppan's restaurant. Living in the Valley, I frequent it often. He might not be able to pitch, but he sure knows how to make a pastrami sandwich.

Steve Sax said...

@Mr LA SF: please tell me his restaurant had a Suppan Sandwich special. He couldn't have missed that one, right down the middle.

NicJ said...

Haha, Coop on dodgers live is pissing lyons off.

Josh S. said...

Steve Lyons' hair vs. the wind. Wind wins!

Josh S. said...

@Sax: Meatball sandwich, natch.

Kyle Baker said...

"He might not be able to pitch, but he sure knows how to make a pastrami sandwich."

Heh..nice line, MLASF.

NicJ said...

kemp seems to have taken Ned's douchebaggery well.

please dont leave us Kemp!

Josh S. said...

"It's about's about people..." Torre, sounding like the diner owner from Muppets Take Manhattan while giving his take on Ned-gate.

Greg said...


I was just thinking of the Kemp issue. You know Bison and his agent are not going to forget those comments come contract time. Coletti needs to watch his public statements. Idiot. If he'd kept it private, things might have been much different.

NicJ said...

yeah thats what im fearing. Hopefully we have new owners/GM by the time kemp hits FA and they will throw a ton of money his way, which he may or may not be able to catch.

Kyle Baker said...

Let's exterminate these Pie Rats.

spank said...

I'm actually interested in Scullys opinion on the Kemp/Colletti debacle.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Mmmmmmm. Pie rats.

Fred's Brim said...

let's play a good game tonight

Fred's Brim said...

just what we needed - more wind

karen said...

It's so good to have Vinny calling the game

NicJ said...

the wind seems to be pushing clayton out of the strikezone.

Josh S. said...

Hey, Manny's not at Best Buy!

NicJ said...

15 pitches, no outs.

Kyle Baker said...

Good start. We have them right where we want them - no outs, two men on.

NicJ said...

as if on cue, the garbage rolls in.

Kyle Baker said...

There are more bags blowing around the infield than any scene in American Beauty.

Fred's Brim said...

uhoh it's Jones

Fred's Brim said...

maybe our luck is changing

Fred's Brim said...

wow Clayton dials it up to 95 to get Jones

Fred's Brim said...

my lord

spank said...

I see the strategy.Walk 2 Strikeout 2.

NicJ said...

Maybe Ned was right.

Kyle Baker said...

Gold Glove, bitches!

Josh S. said...


Not sure how to react to that.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said... we still suck?

spank said...

Poor timing for that error.

NicJ said...

the phonelines at dodgertalk are already lighting up.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Maybe it has to do with Rihanna. Maybe she thinks guys who field like Adam Dunn are sexy.

Fred's Brim said...

triple? what?

NicJ said...

Clayton on pace to pitch 3+ innings.

karen said...

Jeez that was a long half inning

Josh S. said...

Damn it Matt, we can't have people thinking Ned is smart!

spank said...

A homerun will make up for that error,Kemp. NO pressure

Fred's Brim said...

why can't we finish off an inning anymore? It seems like we give up so many 2-out runs, and so many are the first runs of the inning. we have a chance to get out of an inning by just getting an out but we can't do it right now

NicJ said...

the scorekeeper has been very kind to matty. Only one official error this year.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Knowing the common trend, I'm going to predict that Burres has the game of his life tonight.

karen said...

Good eye Anderson

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

That was the crappiest swing at the crappiest pitch.

Fred's Brim said...

and he didn't run it out

NicJ said...

that was the weakest half inning of baseball i have ever witnessed.

karen said...

I still think he's fighting with Rhianna

karina said...

Epale, everyone!

Show'em the next at bat

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Colletti has won the crowd tonight.

spank said...

We cannot catch any kind of break right now.

Fred's Brim said...

Hi karina!

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Why can't someone make our starting pitcher look like Cy Young reincarnate one of these days.

karina said...

Hello Fred's Brim!

Fred's Brim said...

I was down near you about a month ago. The missus and I went down to Ecuador for a week

karen said...

4 K's for CK

NicJ said...

better inning, but 47 pitches already.

Kyle Baker said...

Karina, you're sure social tonight between this GT and Twitter. You are just social media queen.

That makes Josh a social media princess.

karina said...

Take that, Cedeño (still mad at him)

Greg said...

This Kingsford charcoal ad sounds like it was written by a 5-year-old.

Fred's Brim said...

how far down is rock bottom?

Fred's Brim said...

would getting no-hit by Brian Burres be rock bottom?

Josh S. said...

"That makes Josh a social media princess"

Hey! I still don't have a Tumbr!

karen said...

1-2-3 for Clayton

karina said...

@Fred's Brim rock bottom is IF they end last in the division and it's an irreversible trend

karina said...

@Fred's Brim hope you had a great time with the Mrs. FB

karina said...

@Dusty Baker hahahaha but i'm more than a princess than a queen, anytime!

@Josh S i do have a tumblr

Josh S. said...

See? I don't even know how to spell Tumblr!

karina said...

@Josh S hahahahahaha, by any chance, do you have myspace?

Josh S. said...


karina said...

Carroll took 7 pitches, they'll explode Burres soon

karen said...

Someone else has sucky defense besides us

karina said...

I apologize for all the Chavez ranting in Spanish at Twitter. I'm very sorry but it's a way to ventilate frustration

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Russell you can do it.

spank said...

Geez what next

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

If we don't get a run my fist is going through a wall.

NicJ said...

I'm starting to think were snakebite.

Josh S. said...

Russell's teammate-murdering skills are below average.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Dang, Clayton was safe at second. Would have been a double play anyways.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

A karina sighting. Hola

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

@MLASF et al

Re: pastrami. I will forever be an east coast snob when it comes to food that can bring you one step closer to the grave. But Langer's has my vote too. They're right near Good Samaritan hospital (where Mini Delino was born). So as my wife went through a few days of rapid post-childbirth weight loss, I did the opposite at Langer's. To quote Homer, I even "invented a meal between breakfast and brunch"

RE: Jeff Suppan restaurant. He's the reason the Mets lost against the Cards in the NLCS (and the Mets general suckiness didn't help.) So if I go to his restaurant, it would have to involve at least one upper decker.

karina said...

@Mr LASF at the current rate, you won't have any walls in a couple of weeks.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

It's a good thing I keep plenty of walls.

karina said...

Hola Neeebs!

@Nic J i don't get your new avatar

NicJ said...

I need to have you over to my house to watch a couple of dodger games MLASF. Im remodeling and i need to knock a couple of walls out.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I will require a sandwich for my efforts, Nic. And maybe a cola.

NicJ said...

@karina, its a dodgers hat with a B and H sewn onto the sides of the LA logo.

BLAH, the brand of baseball the dodgers have been playing.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I'm so thoroughly disgusted I've changed my name mid-game.

spank said...

We fans need to create some mojo for the dodgers somehow. Nothing too physical cause I'm a lazy ass.

NicJ said...

after watching GA's first two at bats i think we know why its so windy at dodger stadium.

NicJ said...

HEY! some GOOD baserunning.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

If we don't score a run my name will happen.

karina said...

@Mr Fist Going Through a Wall i hope your change of nick results in good mojo for the Dodgers

@Nic J love it!

karina said...

We should demand the return of The Beard. It's just not the same and it doesn't feel right.

karina said...


NicJ said...

I don't think Carroll is scaring anyone.

Josh S. said...

Actual photo of MLASF/MFGTaW's house

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

That's the last time I let Harvey Levin into my house.

Josh S. said...


NicJ said...

I used to put my glove in the dryer.

Josh S. said...

Holy crap! Is that really why he's named Lastings?!

NicJ said...

nice snag by Jmart

NicJ said...

thank you wind.

rbnlaw said...

I'm new to this accuscore stuff. It's midway through the game, and we're still 73% favorites?


karina said...

@rbnlaw Have faith

rbnlaw said...

Ah, karina. My little ray of Venezuelan sunshine.

We've needed your mojo.

rbnlaw said...

Runners in scoring position last 3 innings. We must cash in. . .NOW!

spank said...

Why is there an add to buy padre tickets from underneath the accuscore ?

NicJ said...

Vin not afraid to bust himself.

Josh S. said...

Not getting anything this inning either. Was Saturday the last time we had a lead?

NicJ said...

quit being such an ass.

Fred's Brim said...

something has to change

karina said...


@rbnlaw i know it;s my fault :(

Orel said...

Well, I guess Accuscore doesn't update in real time.

Orel said...

Oh, and HI KARINA!

karina said...

Epale, Orel!!!!!!

Fred's Brim said...

Clayton through six, lots of pitches though

If Matty fields that "triple" cleanly in the first, he only gives up 1 run

karina said...

Why don't they hit when Kershaw pitches well?. His only flaw tonight was giving up a couple of walks.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Another hard luck loss for a pitcher. I'm surprised nobody's mentioned the Manny factor for the offense. You'd think everyone would be pointing that out.

NicJ said...

the writers dont like manny anymore. they wont give him any credit.

I think they showed something earlier that we are 1-8 without him in the lineup though. With like a .240 BA.

NicJ said...

Raffy got a PRP injection? Doesn't sound like he will be back anytime soon.

NicJ said...

same exact thing carroll did last thing with runners on.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Our offense has no hope if we're counting on Jamey Carroll to deliver in clutch situations.

Nostradamus said...

Why must this madness continue?

Orel said...


Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Carroll has an LOB of 5. 5! In three freaking at-bats!

NicJ said...

Im guessing clayton in staying in till he walks someone or gives up a hit.

karina said...

Kershaw pitching in the 7th? it's still April

NicJ said...

nice catch dewitt. Odog would be proud, maybe.

spank said...

It's still a close game but CK will leave soon and "The Nightmare" are going to give up many runs.

NicJ said...

Walked the MF'n pitcher.

Unknown said...

Why is Torre leaving Kershaw in for so long?

NicJ said...

Tron in to let the runner at first score.

Unknown said...

@NicJ He was at 117 pitches, I don't really blame him.

spank said...

Vin said a funny about Tron

Unknown said...

That inherited runner better not score, I'm rooting for Kershaw's ERA almost as much as this team.

NicJ said...

It was the bottom half of the lineup, maybe he was hoping he could get three quick outs and still try and get him the win. He forgot Clayton likes to walk pitchers though.

Unknown said...


NicJ said...


Josh S. said...

"Tron Arm-achy", coming this Summer to a theater near you.

Steve Sax said...

Hey guys, what dis I miss?


NicJ said...

Jmart has gone back to pulling the ball.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

This really isn't going well.

karina said...

Mr. Joe Torre

No matter what, don't start Carroll tomorrow.

Very respectfully

The Dodgers fanbase

NicJ said...

@karina, with raffy hurt we dont have anyone else.

Unless Hu or Green is called up, but they hit worse.

Josh S. said...

I think that's the closest karina's ever gotten to negativity.

@Sax: The game sucks, but there have been some gem comments in the GT.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Maybe Torre decides to start DeWitt at short and let Belliard play second.

Josh S. said...

Maybe we can sign Eckstein. He always plays short.

NicJ said...

Kuo just shaved 16.20 off his ERA

karina said...

@Josh S well, he's had the key at-bats tonight and the only at-bat when he showed patience wasn't relevant.

Nostradamus said...

This team has more funk than Sly and all of the family Stone combined.

NicJ said...

Ned might have Kemp start at SS, he thinks his game is short.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Well, Kemp does have a gun...

NicJ said...

GA must never hit 2nd again.

karina said...

Coming up: Anderso, Kemp, Ethier. They can do it

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I think I prefer Reed Johnson to GA.

NicJ said...

@MLASF, have him stay away from padilla then.

karina said...

Dodgers bats haven't showed up so far, but the wits of the SoSG bar population are on fire!

Josh S. said...

Some new fella warming. Jonathan...Broxton?

Nostradamus said...


I think you meant not bat second, as GA ain't hitting anywhere, second or otherwise.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Broxton? Never heard of him.

Josh S. said...

If the Dodgers lose this game, I'm going to put my fist through Mr. LASF's wall.

NicJ said...

@Josh, lol.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

In completely unrelated news, Dirk Nowitzki might opt out of his contract and join the greatest free agent class in the history of the universe.

This game is really depressing.

Fred's Brim said...

what's the chant in the background? Yankees Suck?

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...


Fred's Brim said...

Paging Mr Herman, Mr Herman you have a telephone call at the front desk...

Josh S. said...

Your ear, not your rear, Pee Wee!

NicJ said...

FA's mean nothing to me when the lakers have no payroll flexibility.

Maybe he can join his German friend and sign with the Clippers. Then get deported before his first game when he makes the drive through AZ.

karina said...

I hope Young Panda GIDP

Steve Sax said...

Three more outs to see if we really suck beyond belief.

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