- Joe Torre has a horse. Torre makes trek to Churchill Downs (Dodgers.com)
- When it comes to Frank McCourt and money, my instinct is to be suspicious. But overall, he needs to do more things like this. Frank McCourt helps LAUSD close sports funding gap (LA Times)
- Stay on target.... Waiting game for Kuo's return from DL (Dodgers.com)
photo by Jon SooHoo/Dodgers
I didn't see the end.
How many runs did the Dodgers score yesterday?
neeebs: The good news is, when we score 14 runs, it looks like we've got a decent chance at winning the game.
All of them!
You blew my joke. (pimped, of course)
My response was suppose to be: Did we win?
You guys are too contemplative for my set ups.
If Joe wanted a pitcher with the trots, he could just get Chan-Ho back.
you guys peep this out?http://mlb.mlb.com/mlb/gameday/index.jsp?gid=2010_04_22_lanmlb_cinmlb_1&mode=preview. When did Dewitt become our 3rd baseman?
Orel: I'm a little confused by the LAT article on McCourt. If I'm reading correctly, he's pledging support, but he's not pledging any actual MONEY...
Yeah, it sounds like he's spearheading a drive to collect other people's money.
To be fair, he's VERY GOOD at taking other people's money.
Nice catch, Betsy!
The article also loses sight of the fact that despite a bit lower BA than most feel DeHitt is capable of, he has a .404 OBP and is really contributing by getting on, over, and in.
Per Tweet from AmazonMP3:
"@amazonmp3 BTW, today's Daily Deal features the song from that Kia commercial with the huge sock monkey. http://www.amazon.com/The-House-That-Dirt-Built/dp/B002MFU9BG/ref=dm_tw_dd_theheavy"
Kemp's time alone atop the RBI leaders list was short lived. Ryan Braun just tied him with 5 RBIs against the Pirates (so far).
is there going to be a Kelly Leak(e)-themed game thread today?
Anyone else planning on heading down to SD/Petco the weekend of May 14-16 for the games?
Baker househild is strongly considering doing so.
Details are sketchy...but there have been some early Leakes.
Jesus christ, I can't type today.
I like the caption on the horse photo. ;-)
Head is actual size:
Randy Wolf is batting .400.
Then again, we don't really need him for THAT, do we?
Dusty, will you be going May 15th for the "Beat L.A." t-shirt?
Speaking of actual size bobbleheads...
Last time I was there, I was handed a Beat LA (or some such unoriginal text) towel, which I promptly threw right back at the guy guy handing them out. Mrs. Dusty kept one, and I keep it in the back of the Dodgermobile in case there is a spill, or in case someone needs to wipe they ass.
Fox Sports article on Bills:
From the article, Bills re: his last outing:
"Everything felt good today,” he insisted. “They hit some good pitches. I wasn’t walking guys. ... As far as everything I wanted to work on, I felt like I accomplished it.”
He also said this:
“I was throwing quality pitches.”
Also from the ^article:
“Chad is a great pitcher – an All-Star pitcher,” said center fielder Matt Kemp, who is off to a sensational start. “He pitched good last year. I have faith in him. We all believe in him. We know he’s going to get the job done. He’s going to bounce back. He’s going to be all right.”
Right on, Kemp. That's exactly what a team leader like you are needs to be saying to pick the lad up. Damn right, Bison, damn right.
16-0 Milwaukee over Pie Rats. Are those the same fellas we played at the beginning of the season?
I don't understand other cities' fascination with the "Beat L.A." slogan/chant. It's not creative. Every city does it. They sell those shirts in SF also. It's really the most pathetic thing I've ever heard. Why do they think it's cool?
Well, I suppose the answer is because they're all losers.
For a city like San Francisco, with as much intellectual prowess and creativity as its possesses, you would think they could come up with something more imaginative. San Diego, well, I expect this from them.
Here's hoping we throw everything and the kitchen sink at Leake.
"Beat L.A." is actually a step up from the usual "team name sucks" chant. Baseball fans really need to step it up in the organized heckling department.
Oh I dunno about that Mr. C. At least [Team Name] sucks specifies the sport. I hear "Beat L.A." in baseball AND basketball. "Beat L.A." is like... SoCal bashing. "You have awesome weather and we're not saying you suck. We just wish to beat you. At whatever sporting event we're attending because we're not paying attention."
@Mr. F - "Beat LA" may not be creative but at least it is civil and family friendly. I had the opportunity to attend a game at Fenway. We all know the legendary hate between the Sox/Yankees. Featured Tshirts for sale had the slogan "Jeter Swallows" as well as "Fuck the Yankees". My teenage nephews found them quite amusing.
Nevermind that the Sox weren't even playing the Yankees. Those chants broke out at various times throughout the game. I've been to several ballparks in my time but had never seen or heard anything quite like that!
Well, personally I think verbally berating your opponent in any way is neither civil nor family friendly.
But you can't hate on Boston and Yankee fans hating each other. It's the stuff that makes the Red Sox and Yankees the only true baseball left in the world. Or so ESPN keeps telling me...
@MR. F
Matter of taste, I suppose. At least I feel like "Beat L.A." is ours, so to speak. I enjoy it immensely when I hear that chant die a pitiful, silent death when they fail to actually beat L.A.
Personally, I feel we need more creative chants about A-Rod's love of manly strippers or Timmeh's bong collection and less off-the-shelf crap.
"Personally, I feel we need more creative chants about A-Rod's love of manly strippers or Timmeh's bong collection and less off-the-shelf crap."
We can all agree on that one.
The saddest thing I've ever heard was "Yankees suck" after the Patriots won their last superbowl. Jesus H, what is wrong with you?
rogue apostrophe tracked down and brought to justice, for Dusty's sake.
I know, and I find it appalling that those tees are sold and tolerated. When did our community tolerance for such go from Puritanical to anything goes? I missed the memo. It makes all the furor over early Simpsons episodes seem so quaint.
I'm all for free speech, but I'm also all for a private entity (e.g., Boston's club/park) being able to regulate decorum and forbid these lewd tees.
I'm also all for being as lew as humanly possible in this particular space. Just not in front of the K-I-D-S.
Thx, Mr. C. You saved my life.
Fangraphs has the Brewers' win probability at 100% in the top of the 9th. I think they forgot to take into account that Wolf was the starter.
Now 18-0.
I couldn't agree with you more. There is still quite a bit of bad girl left in me. I've never been accused of being a saint and I'm certainly not puritanical;) I support everyone's right to freedom of speech and expression, but where do you draw the line? There is a time and a place for everything.
This typing thing just isn't working for me today. I've got the "Bills," apparently.
Re: The MIL-PIT game, the Pirates beat reporter live blogs the games. This one is fairly funny...
Favorite blog outtakes...
2:10: My colleague, Tom Haudricourt of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, strolls over to share that the Pirates' three starters in this series -- including Charlie Morton and Zach Duke -- produced a 15.82 ERA. Or, as he just put it, "It's just about as bad as you can possibly pitch in a series." Seems beyond debate.
2:25: The crowd is not big, but it's booing very loudly now.
3:07: It's 16-0. What we are seeing here is nothing less than the worst game the Pirates have played at PNC Park. And it probably goes back well before that. An utter, complete humiliation.
And that wasn't even the final score. Yikes.
Very slick, Frankie. Maybe we can get future Dodger signees' contracts to mandate charitable payouts to LAUSD?
Exactly. It's simply about decency and being responsible. Kids like baseball. Baseball games shouldn't be like going to an R-rated movie.
If Yankees and Red Sox fans are obnoxious now, what's the next generation going to be like if they grow up exposed to that crap?
Sorry, I wasn't following where the thread had gone
Oh no it says they booed the pierogies! I hope Sauerkraut Saul is ok. It's not your fault, Saul!
I heard the "Giants suck" chant a few times at the Ravine last week. They were selling the T-Shirts as well.
In other words our own fans can be pretty bad.
I was at PETCO last year for the "Manny returns" series and man some of the Dodger fans in the stadium were complete idiots.
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