When we get a pitcher that can actualy go deep into the game, as Clayton Kershaw did today (7.0 IP, 1 ER, ND), then great things can happen. Joe Torre can use the bullpen effectively (Jeff Weaver, George Sherrill, Ramon Troncoso, and then Jonathan Broxton to get the save in the ninth); Manny Ramirez can come off the bench for a dramatic lead-changing two-run pinch-hit home run off of Sergio "Valente" Romo (who picked a fine time to try out that sidearm pitch); and the Dodgers can not only survive a pitchers' duel, but can dispatch the Giants out of town having stolen the series from them. I'll write more on this later, but for now, thanks Clayton and Manny, for a wonderful afternoon and evening full of smiles and laughter.
The Dodgers claw their way back to .500, knock the division-leading Giants off their perch a bit, and get back to second place in the NL West. And all Giants fans can do is throw insults at Manny's hair. Yawn.
UPDATE 9:14p: For those of you who missed the game, Tony Jackson wrote a very thorough piece about all the chess moves late in the game to keep us in it, and give Manny a chance for his late-game heroics.
I now return to my annual tradition of using Laker playoff photos as avatars.
Well shit I was just sitting around refreshing the GT.
Must. Get. Life.
re: avatars
I guess I'm going to have to roll w the Molton Bradley for awhile now, eh?
Remember, Milton Bradley begat Andre Ethier. I'm cool with the MB avatar.
I love this McCovey Chronicles post:
"Duck the fucking Fodgers
Little pukefucks with their fucking Justin Bieber and Rihana
Fuck Matt Kemp
Fucking classles mother fuckers
Bonds... hit is high.... He hits it DEEEEEEEP..... OUTTA HERE BONDS STANDS ALONE- Duane Kuiper on 756
by Newcomb29(EDGE)"
What did Matt Kemp ever do to anyone? Besides being a great player, he's a class act who is great for the game of baseball; a true rising star and ambassador of the game. Why the hate?
I also like all the negative comments re Manny being 'roided up. If any club ever has any less reason to talk, it's the Giants.
Dusty, I loved your comment "I think Karen makes an excellent point" in the GT
I accidentally typed "Molton" but if I spelled it differently - Molten - like lava, it would be a good nickname for him, no?
Heh..thanks. The story is that I went to the bathroom, and while washing my hands the thought came to me to post that comment.
GT/PGT addiction...make it stop!
Evening of smiles and laughter, that about sums it up.
MCC has come kind of irrational hatred towards Martin. I'm not sure where it comes from though.
I've always belonged to the school of thought that Giants fans have much more bitterness and hatred towards the Dodgers than vice versa. Must have something to do with the five trophies.
I can even see them choosing to hate on Martin (not that it's deserved, but that he's the kind of guy rabid fans of rivals would latch onto), but Kemp? Makes no sense.
A guy is on DodgerTalk is saying our greatest strength is the bullpen.
I think that was one random guy who hates Kemp, at least hates him more than usual.
Has there ever been talk of putting True Blue Stories on DVD (or, more appropriately, Blu-Ray)?
It's weird how much more I like Steiner here than calling a game.
The actual bullpen is pretty strong.
The pitchers in it? Not so much.
Woman on DT is complaining that we have no speed (see: fan who watched two months of baseball).
She even referenced Pablo Ozuna.
@Josh re TB Stories
In our household, we've probably seen all of them 42 times. Each time they're re-shown, someone will say "We've seen this one." Then we'll leave it on the channel and watch the whole thing...again.
MLBNetwork just did their Dodger wrap of today's game. They gave big shoutout to Vin for his 60th anniversary and then cut to his call of the game at several key points. Triggering yet another round of hoots and hollers in the Baker-Ikemiyashiro household.
rofls aplenty over at MCC...
"What have we ever done to deserve a home run hit by an an aging, slow, roided-up freak of hitting legend? The Giants wouldn’t inflict that sort of pain on another team."
The opening paragraph of MCC's post-game wrap-up proves they do have a sense of humor:
"I’m sorry. We didn’t deserve that. What have we ever done to deserve a home run hit by an an aging, slow, roided-up freak of hitting legend? The Giants wouldn’t inflict that sort of pain on another team."
Whoops. Forgot to refresh before posting.
Point to David.
I'd be afraid some of those commenters would come here to start something if our wit wasn't so immensely powerful.
I always want to step in and comment there, but I know what a shitstorm it would generate.
I also want to think there are doppelgangers of us who post there; McCovey's own Mr.C, RB, Josh, Neeebs, MLASF, etc.
It's funny that you mention that, Mr LA SF. Orel and I have wondered why SoSG doesn't attract as many Dodger-haters as other Dodger blogs.
Something we do is a repellent. I'd like to think it's the sarcastic, dry wit. But it may just be the fact that on some gamedays, I forget to shower.
Yeah, as a general rule I don't post on McC Chrons. But I do like their writing sometime, I have to say.
Would my doppelganger have a beard, or would he talk in opposites?
I'd be curious to see how we'd deal with a Giants troll.
For one, it would give me a chance to use that line from the Simpsons: I'll deal with those murderous trolls.
Yeah I don't have a problem with their writing; it's their denizens who for the most part are mouth breathers.
I did enjoy the other night when, after A Rowand was hit by that pitch, a few people started giving Dodger fans grief for not showing respect for him, but then a number of other posters chimed in and said no, the fans could clearly be seen to applaud when Rowand was able to leave the field and thus showed their class. Was an interesting back and forth in the comment thread.
God I hate the Cardinals, especially their fans.
My alter ego would be Baalok. The reason why we don't attract haters is because they can't pass the SOSG IQ test. And they can't name at least 3 Russian Czars.
I think it's the puzzles that scares them off.
Wow, just got back from the yard and boy was that fun. First i was able to be there for the Bobbleslam and now the second pinch hit HR that sent all the people wearing orange to the parking lot.
Anyone else watching the Mutts/Cards?
Orel joining the booth makes the broadcast about 42 million times more tolerable.
Also, two throwing errors on one play by Cards makes it tolerable.
Awesome, Nic. Thanks for representin'!
there was a very nice tribute to vin that got me a little teary too.
Hell, the puzzles scare me.
Was the atmosphere as electric today as it seemed on TV? Yesterday was the opposite, even before we started getting whupped. Yesterday I was just reduced to half-heartedly yelling "Wash your hair, Timmeh!" every ten minutes.
The Delinos posts scare me.
Oh, man, I need to see that Vin tribute. Maybe it will be on the YouTubes.
you know it was pretty quite for most of the game because of the lack of offense. The crowd started to stir when we saw manny crouching on the dugout stairs and roared when he actually walked on deck. When GA got the walk the crowd went nuts and started the "MANNY, MANNY" chant.
Honestly when he hit it i didnt think it was going to make it out, glad it did. It was funny whoever was playing LF for the giants was throwing a tantrum after the thing went out.
Neeebs, I thought this was you on Twitter at first:
Joe Morgan, you are a smug, cantankerous, argumentative, close-minded old fool. Please retire. You make the baseball world worse every time you open your mouth.
Looking ahead to next week. We get one of those weird Saturday afternoon (morning for us) games against the Nats.
I'll be in DC mere hours after Dodgers leave. I'm tempted to fly earlier so I can catch the game Saturday. Love Nats' Yard.
Another gem from MCC
A SF win today would have buried the Dodgers I tell you it would have buried the Dodgers. The bums would have went home with their tails between their legs never to be heard from again.
Because mid-April wins are just that devastating.
i thought the same thing about the rox last april
"...would have gone" not "went" you fucking Jint assholes!
Plus, we're already home!
MCC, where no comma is ever used correctly.
Also, "douchebaggy" does not have an "e" before the "y" you fucking douchebag Jint idiots douchebags.
MLASF, you're just getting me all pissed off at these fools.
I was at the game too, it was really calm most of the game. i expected more flack for the giants fans in the stadium, but nothing much aside from some activity in the LF pavilion. The HR was amazing.
I have my free hat. It's pretty decent quality for a giveaway. It's a little bit lighter blue than the standard Dodger blue. It says Farmer John on the back, but there are worse things to be a walking billboard for.
Sadly, I think it might be a bit small for my big dome. I am in need of a haircut, so that could be the problem. If it is too small, it'll go to Mrs. S.
And that's...more than you wanted to know.
Stuff white people like: St. Louis Cardinals
Good cap report, Josh.
I couldn't get a hat, i guess i came a little too late.
A note about Velez, the Giants LF, when the HR was hit to him, he would go back, but then kind of stop as if he didn't know how to tell where the ball would land. He did this for a couple of the long outs his way. Definitely not a real outfielder
It's pretty funny when Manny is the best LF out there during the homestand.
Well I'm plenty pissed already.
Maybe we should all take a deep breath and re-watch that video of KFP stumbling as he chases cake.
why are we pissed? what did i miss?
You mean this, Dusty?
Our dander is up after reading some comments from McCovey Chronicles, which are full of ill-reasoned tripe and juvenile grammatical errors.
Why, yes, MLASF, that's exactly what I mean.
its better if you go to the MMC thread and read from where Uribe hit the HR and then where manny hit the HR. thats fun.
How do Giants fans throw batteries on a blog? Barry Bonds was so classy that he was the only one that knew it.
Well NicJ, despite the non-believers, we somehow made it to .500 after such a long and unlikely 4-game march.
there is no place for rationality in sports fandom.
I have my DSM IV next to me and so now I cam check out this Giant blog.
Anyone who has read MCC before, what is the deal with their hatred for Russell Martin. 3yrs ago I could understand it, but there are a couple other guys I would pick if I were picking. They detest him.
Nobody understands the hatred for Martin. It defies comprehension.
Y'know, like rooting for the Giants.
Valid point. I could've probably answered my own question, if I had just thought about it a little harder.
@DB 5.51
Definitely not me. I don't Tweet. Facebook is bad enough.
But I want to picture you as a "Dodger Lovin Mama" or however that woman, bless her, described herself.
@DB 6:04p: You gotta go early to go see the Dodgers at RFK2 Stadium. And send pictures.
Who are you flying? Depending on the carrier, I may be able to give you a drink coupon.
Small Sample Size-
I feel ya! Imagine growing up having to collect baseball card and trade them with my friends where everyone was all "Ozzie Smith this" and "Keith Hernandez" that. *shivers*
Hatred runs deep and wide, like Whitey Herzog's old mammy.
Flying American non-stop to Dulles.
RB, you da man!
ps-That's not a disclaimer, that's a badge of honor!
ps to Small Sample-
Glad to see you back on here after awhile. Go Travs!
Joaquin Andujar can suck it! Also Vince Coleman!
Now my dander is really up.
Oh Dusty, if you only knew. Beers, hurricanes, amazing pool, kids jumping off of high dives (my son, especially), henna tattoos.
Now, let's go piss off some Gnats' fans.
Man that sounds like a hoot (the beers and henna tattoos part).
I gotta go get my cheeseburger on at The Counter now though, per Mrs. Dusty.
See yall after dinner. I probably have some masterful perspective yet to impart, building on my previous "Eat shit, Zito, you shit-eating shiteater" insight.
DSBG just Tweeted:
"Waiting in line for Buzz Lightyear!"
Was he in the Yard today? Or at Disneyland? Or at a Toys 'R Us?
I sat next to a Giant fan on Friday who complained how violent Dodger fans can be and that is why he keeps a low profile when he visits and how phone park was so much more laid back.
Then after the beat down began and fat panda hit his homerun to get the giants within 7 he stood up and taunted the entire section behind us and started yelling first place.
Yeah Giant fans are classy just ask them.
Thank god he left before that 9th inning mess although I thought only dodger fans leave early....
Hmm. Your Gnat fan should've been with me last August when I was getting spat upon and challenged to fight for wearing my Dodger hat at the Big Phone. Laid back? Yeah, and they wanted me to be "laid up" for a while. BTW, I'm already planning the return trip this August.
SF does have the best bars in CA.
You have to have a good place to drink if your baseball team is going to suck that bad.
effing Cards
listen to those fans clapping politely
@DB: I assume you're Executive Platinum so you'll be taken care of...I don't know if I've got AA drink coupons at hand...
Actually not Exec Plat these days, alas.
I'm sorry to hear it; I'm exec plat but I don't think they send drink coupons (Delta and United do), else I've just missed them in the packs. I sure have a shitload of AA Exec Plat luggage tags, however.
But lest this turn into flyertalk.com, let me get back to the point: You've gotta go to represent the Dodgers at a road game. Come on, Dusty!
Didn't San Francisco invent the unkempt dreadlocked hobo?
So we shouldn't just go start a frequent flyer blog and then report that news on that blog? No fun.
I'll see if I can get the flight changed without too much hassle. I actually caught the Dodgers v Nats 2 seasons ago when they beat the shit out of us. My wife's co-worker's brother was 3rd base coach for Nats at the time so he hooked me up with seats right behind home, amidst the players' wives. Shit was plush there; I think I got a foot massage and an order of foie gras.
Watching Quick Pitch on MLB Network. Apparently it was the Phiwwies Fanatick thingy's birthday or anniversary, so a bunch of other MLB mascots showed up to help celebrate. Can I just say how glad I am that Dodgers don't have a mascot? So, so lame.
Or are the Giants our mascot? Hah!
Also, hideous camo jingoistic military-industrial complex Padres uniform alert!! They should have put a disclaimer on the screen before that segment.
@DB: Foot massage and foie gras? Are you sure you weren't in PacBell Phone Park?
Hah! No, there was no sauvignon blanc available so it wasn't PacHell.
Vinny's anniversary and the Philly phantasmic?!?!
hmmmmmm too much of a coincidence?
What is the life span of that thing anyway? (the fanatic not Vinny)
Anyone ever check Morgan Ensberg's blog?
I'm glad Tommy fucked with the Phanatic when he did. Still one of best moments in modern sports.
Well Dusty I hope you can make it, though I imagine any flights into IAD are difficult to switch what with the whole volcano thing.
Sonofabitch I forgot about the whole Eyjafjallajokull thing. Could work out either way depending on where the equipment is.
BTW: American terminal now has Chipotle right at the top of the stairs before the regular gate for the IAD>LAX flight.
It bears repeating: Your culture is primitive yet so funky.
Don't know why but I dig that commercial. Speaking of, can we get a bring back the MSB commerical campaign going? I didn't realize how much I loved it until it was gone.
This is pretty epic for a PGT.
Befitting the game, methinks.
Just noted the sched. Sure are a lot of Least Coast and/or earlier game times coming up. I don't remember the sched being this tilted eastward at the beginning of the season. But then again, I can't remember what I had for breakfast, either.
@DB: in T4? Don't you just head for the Admirals Club?
@Josh S: absolutely. I mean, it's a rivalry game and all, but 100+ comments for a April PGT is pretty amazing. Nice work, gents!
Now why doesn't the iPhone have a quick "jump to the bottom of the page" function?
The blackberry does.
Sax, I'm a man of the people!
Actually I usually hang out in that Harry's Tap Room joint because they have fairly decent pinot noir and petite filet mignon that I'm fond of scarfing down before my return flight.
Is there going to be an SOSG Knights of the Round Table meeting at the Ravine this year?
But I like pretending I am spining my iphone screen like it is a roulette wheel to get to the bottom of the page....not really, it is pretty annoying
@Sax re major iPhone annoyance:
This could be helpful, but I haven't tried it yet:
Test. Ignore this comment.
Nothingto see here.
Just saw your update to the YGDRPGT (You're God Dam Right PGT) referencing Tony Jackson's article. Thx for that heads up.
I'd like to leave you tonight with what I just sent out through the Twitterverse:
B4 I head 2 bed, just want 2 send shoutout 2 TJ Simers & B Plaschke: Suck it hater hacks! #MannySlam #Dodgers #99
Besides the win against Gnats, it makes my heart happy for Manny to once again come through for the win, continue his production, and succeed despite the Simers and Argyled One hate.
Damn, I've been drunk and then sober again today, and y'all are still in here going strong!
Only this late at night would I type bullshit like "the political oversimplification of the marginalization..."
I think Dusty's detailed analysis on Zito inspired me.
My top shelf bar needs a makeover as well.
If you're redecorating, I'm not to proud for hand-me-downs.
The Gin had to go to make room for the black walnut liqueur and the double and twisted charbay whiskey.
Holy crap! That "End of Page" app works great!
DB, the Dodgers go to NYC after the Nats series. Think you could take a sick day and run up for a game? The Wednesday game is a 1pm EST start...
Shoot, that End of Page thing is a little wonky but does indeed work. Wow. That saves a ton of time!
Thanks DB!
I just heard the Steiner call of Manny's HR Sunday (ESPN radio). I am pleasantly surprised to say he nailed the call. Well done, Charley.
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