Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday Notes, Hospitality Edition


Gagne's lucky glasses said...

I always get heckled from the Angels staff when I go to their games wearing Dodgers gear, never anything from the fans, always the staff only. Nothing serious like this but I've never had any Dodger staff heckle someone I took to the game wearing the other teams jersey's and also other stadiums I have gone to.

Steve Sax said...

To be fair, those Angels ushers don't encounter much diversity at Applebee's and Bennigan's.

NicJ said...

I too have gotten crap from angels ushers for wearing dodger gear to a game. Just the other day while I was leaving I walked by an usher and he booed me jokingingly. Which is fine but then I walk a couple of yards past him and there was a couple of guys smoking a joint on the terrace area. I just thought it was weird that the usher had enough time to heckle me but not enough time to stop the guy who was openly smoking weed.

I mean I've seen that at dodger stadium in the parking lot. But never just out in the open in the stadium. Crazy stuff.

Fred's Brim said...

Might have to give Padilla some nerve tonic, but you gotta be careful. We all know what happened to Junior...

Fred's Brim said...

MSTI has a new DFA meter up

Josh S. said...

I'd have called it the DFA(ngel) Meter, but that's just me.

Greg Zakwin said...

At least you can move about as you please at an Angels game.

I'll give them that.

Felix Pardalis said...

Horse brutality?!?!