The Dodgers' scoring 10 runs on Friday gave everyone with a ticket stub to that game a free order of wings at Claim Jumper restaurants (no props to the Dodgers' marketing department for basically anniversarying an Angels promotion from last season). But wait, even with a ticket stub in hand, it's apparently not that easy...
I got word yesterday evening that the fine print on the promotion mandates that the wings be ordered as part of a dine-in visit. So, this fearless SoSG reader (who prefers to remain anonymous) simply sat down, ordered the wings, asked for a carton in which to place them, tipped $3 and walked out the door. Factor in time to bus and set the table, and this "restriction" seems like a bad idea to enforce, from Claim Jumper's perspective.
Anyway, Friday ticket holders, be forwarned. And at least ready to sit for ten minutes or so as you wait for your takeout wings to be delivered.
I haven't been to or even seen a Claim Jumper. Are they a Chilis but different?
Chilis but shittier!
i would have to say a full step above chilis!
kinda like a chilis but way more class and much better service and quality of food!
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